日韩 另类 综合 自拍 亚洲

Chapter 104 Going Back Home (Part 1)

The Next Day,

"Yaawwwn", Ray yawned as he woke up and sat on the bed. Rubbing bi\'s eyes, he looked at the time. Only to find that half the day had almost passed.

"What! I am late for class", Ray shouted in shock as he rushed out of his bed and to the washroom, only to find it locked from the inside.

"Who is in? Come out!", Ray shouted as he pounded on the door.

\'Click.. Creak\', The door opened as a bandaged Sirius walked out, brushing his teeth.

"You can go now", Sirius said as he made way for Ray.

"Thank you", Ray thanked as he rushed in and closed the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Sirius just stood standing at the door, brushing his teeth.

5 minutes later, Ray came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Only to find Sirius still there, with the toothbrush in his hand,

"What happened Sirius?", Ray asked

"Why are you in a hurry, do you have to be somewhere?", Sirius asked flatly.

"Uhm, it\'s 11 am. Don\'t we have our theoretical class right now? I am already hours late", Ray said as he took out the uniform from his system inventory.

"Class? Ray, didn\'t you hear it? We have no classes for the next three days. The dean announced it this morning. You were probably sleeping when the announcement was made. Just look at your badge, you would have gotten a notification as well", Sirius said as he walked into the washroom and closed the door behind him.

"Okay", Ray mumbled as he took out his badge and looked at it.

A holographic screen came up. Looking at the notifications, Ray saw the latest notification stating,

"Dear students, due to some changes at the Academy. The Academy would have no classes for the next three days. All the students are free to stay at the Academy or visit their homes",

Reading the notification, Ray understood the reason as he thought,

"Since, the dean has started making preparations from his end. It\'s high time I also start making some preparations. Time to give mom and Katie a visit home",

With that, Ray kept his uniform on and went out of his room to have a look at his teammates.

Walking into the living room, he saw Tim and Elina sitting together arguing over something. Ray decided to listen to a bit as he silently stood besides the wall,

"Why can\'t we go back? I can assure you that no one would stay here and we would be left alone for three whole days", Tim said as he waved his hands around in a bid to persuade Elina.

However, Elina shook her head in denial as she argued,

"You know why. If we go back there, we won\'t be able to come back in one piece. They won\'t leave us be, they will skin us alive. Simply, it\'s not safe until we are strong enough",

"But.. Mom is at home and I miss her", Tim said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"I know how you feel. But it\'s for mom\'s safety as well. I also miss her Tim, but it is what it is", Elina said as she used her sleeves to wipe the tears that started to drop from her eyes.

On the other hand. Ray, who had been listening to everything. Got an idea as he stepped forward and said,

"Sorry for intruding. I hear what you both said and if there is anything I could do to help. Please tell", Ray asked as he took a seat as well.

"It\'s nothing. Just some family issues, but thanks for asking", Elina said as she smiled slightly and thanked Ray.

"You both could tell me. I am more of a friend than a leader to you guys. We have been through life and death. If it\'s something within my power, then I will do my best to help you guys", Ray spoke up.

"Well, the thing is that we don\'t come from a well-off family. So all the things we have right now are what we got from System Online before coming here", Tim spoke as he took a pause and looked at Elina for her approval.

On the other hand, Elina had a pensive look on her face as she contemplated what to do. After a moment\'s thinking, she sighed as she nodded, giving Tim permission to continue.

With that, Tim continued with his explanation as he spoke,

,m "So when we used our strength to make some money through System Online, the people around us got jealous while our ever-changing lifestyle got picked up by the area\'s gang",

"Then, when we were here for the admission test, the gang members raided our house and took our mom hostage. When we reached our home, we found everything wreaked while our mom was missing. There was a note on the table stating that if we want our mom back, we need to meet them at their place without police",

"We went there and got the issue resolved and brought our mom back. However, to do so, we had to pay them thousands of dollars in ransom while also paying them their cut every month",

As Ray listened more and more, his anger started to shoot through the roof as his mana circulated on its own and his eyes started to turn red.

Yet, Ray calmed down and asked,

"Then why didn\'t you guys report it to the officials or change your house",

To this, Elina replied as she spoke,

"We did try that but it didn\'t work as apparently, those bastards had bribed most of the officials in our town. Whereas, when we went to another town to file a complaint, they simply said that it\'s not in their jurisdiction",

Elina stopped as she was on the verge of crying. Thus, Tim spoke in her place as he continued,

"Not only that, the gang got wind of what we did and increased the monthly money that we have to give them. After that, they started harassing our mom and Elina while demanding even more money. It became hard for us to live there, so we just came back to the academy and send the money to the gang every month",

"Also, we know that if we visit back home, they would pick on us and extort more money out of us while also harassing both mom and Elina. Therefore, we decided to only go back when we are strong enough and then beat the sh*t out of them", Tim said as he clenched his fist in anger while tears seeped from his eyes as well.

On the other hand, Ray listened to both siblings. He realized how easy it had been for him. While he also sympathized with what they and their mother had to go through.

"All that time, why haven\'t you tried changing your house? Try and live somewhere safe", Ray asked curiously as he thought of how he changed from that apartment to the new house he just bought before coming to the academy.

"We tried to and searched for a lot of houses, but someone coming from our background. People rarely sell houses or apartments even if we have the cash. They always say that we don\'t meet their requirements", Tim answered.

Listening to this, Ray realized another thing. That he was so lucky to chance upon the dean\'s mansion and get for the amount he did.

Or else, who knows if the seller was someone else, they wouldn\'t even show him the house. Given their previous financial circumstances.

"Don\'t worry you both. I have got a solution for your problem, though it would take some hard work", Ray said with a smile as he hoped to cheer up both teens.

However, little did Ray know that the teens misunderstood his words as Elina spoke right after,

"Although I appreciate your help. You wouldn\'t be able to defeat them in battle. They are too strong. So please don\'t do that, you will only cause damage to yourself", She said as she waved her hands around trying to stop Ray from picking up a battle with the gang just for their sake.

"I didn\'t mean that!", Ray said. All flustered over how people misunderstood his words,

"Also, why did you assume that I would go on and pick up a fight against them?", Ray asked with worry over how his teammates took his character.

"It\'s just that you are the strongest amongst us and mostly fight to resolve issues and are also a battle maniac. So I thought you would go and pick up a battle against them", Elina said lightly as she pointed her finger at him.

"I am not like that. I don\'t fight always, and I battle only to get stronger. I am not a battle maniac", Ray said as he held his head with both of his hands while he almost fainted from embarrassment.

"Uhm, so you didn\'t want to fight them? Then what?", Elina asked as she tried to hold back her laughter at seeing Ray acting all flustered up.

"No! I didn\'t mean that. My idea was that you guys shift your mom to my place so this way you both could visit your mom while also being out of the gang\'s reach", Ray said as he calmed down a bit.

"But wouldn\'t that be too much? Also, it would be a burden on you", Elina said as she declined.

"Believe me, your mom being at my place would help my mom by leaps and bounds as she is mostly alone at home while my younger sister is at school", Ray said as he convinced both siblings.

However, Elina didn\'t agree as she said,

"But it wouldn\'t be good of us to leave our mom at your place. Also, wouldn\'t there be an issue for space if our mom moves in while we would also be there on holidays?", Elina asked she stayed firm on her decision.

On the other hand, seeing Elina being so firm, Ray looked over at Tim and convinced him,

"Come on bro. Take it as a friend speaking to a friend. There won\'t be any issues and in the long term, it will be beneficial for us. Also, you know why the Academy is giving these days off. It\'s to prepare for the coming apocalypse. So wouldn\'t it be safe if your mom says at my place, where it is safer than where she is now?", Ray said as he used his apocalypse card to convince Tim.

"I think you are right. We agree to shift to your place, but the moment I see that us being there is causing some sort of burden on you, we are out", Tim said as he finally gave in and went on with what Ray had to say.

"But Tim..", Elina spoke but got interrupted by Tim as he spoke,

"No buts Elina, Ray is right. We have to prepare for the future. If we stay prideful and don\'t take the help offered to us, we wouldn\'t be able to survive".


A/N:- Good news everyone. From this chapter, privilege has opened up while the novel also got featured on WSA weekly. All thanks to you.

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