
Chapter 233 2: The Women Have Decided

Chapter 233 2: The Women Have Decided

I can trust this girl with these jobs because of how obsessive she is, but I must reward her soon as she has earned that much.

"Master... I will do anything you ask..."

"Tonight, come to my room, and we will have a nice talk about your rewards."

She looks so cute when I mention rewards.

Juniper might not realise it, but when she was happy, her spider legs would tap the floor or move in certain patterns, especially her front legs, as they were like arms celebrating. Her face was filled with bliss, though, and she likely wasn\'t even here mentally right now.

Too busy imagining what reward she wanted to enjoy...

"Nnn, I will go inform them and prepare for tonight. Hehe."

He originally planned to take her on a date like his other women. However, Juniper and the other Dread Knight women are quite different, and their sense of joy or delight isn\'t the same as his cute elven or dryad wives who loved shopping and tasty food.

"Don\'t rush too much, and tell Nu\'bella she is to work with you during this time."

I don\'t want them acting separately as they are too naughty.

"I will! I\'m going now, hehe... don\'t run away, or I\'ll have to catch you."

The way she said the last part as she rushed across the ceiling was terrifying, her eight eyes peering back at me with a dull red light while her mouth lost its usual smile and became a frown... 

Let\'s make sure not to run!



While Raven was messing around with a little spider, the arguments and agreements were finally finished as the wooden doors to the meeting room opened, with the first to leave being Deva and Eva, who skipped over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hello there, sexy," Eva whispered as she hung from his neck, kissing his lips before her mature mother seemed to be just the same, her hand tracing along Raven\'s thigh as she whispered in his ear.

"Ah... your filthy orc log is getting big in my hand; you truly never stop, do you?"

If I didn\'t know these women, I would think they are just perverted sluts, but the fact that this is how their race interacts with their spouse can\'t be helped.

"Did you choose who is coming?" 

"Nnnnn, your elf wife is too strong and made us increase the number... what if there\'s not even of your thick essence to go around?" Eva complained while smiling like a little fox.

"The dryad Emily is a powerful enemy... she is too crafty and knew all my tricks...."

It seems they struggled to get a win against Emily and Philis... well those girls are my pride and joy, haha! 

"I will listen to them explain to them what you talked about—meanwhile, let\'s enjoy some drinks and food before we head down to Hell." Raven kissed Eva\'s cheek as he patted Deva\'s large rear and enjoyed their warm bodies against him. 

There was something about these two devils that always made me feel the irresistible urge to pamper them with gentle love and then crush it all with violent sex afterwards... Is it instinct or the fact they see my race as inferior?

I wasn\'t sure, but it seemed to be the same for them as they were constantly appealing to me with their bodies and touch. 

As he was enjoying the seductive embrace of the two devils, Philis and Emily left the room and began to clear their throats, causing the two devils to scurry away like mice sprayed with cold water.

"Since he is leaving soon, we will monopolise him for now, Miss Deva and Miss Eva," Philis said with a smile, but Raven\'s back was filled with goosebumps because this was her. I am angry and going to beat you if you don\'t do as I say voice! 



The two devils rushed towards the exit, where two vampire maids began to guide them, although it seemed like they didn\'t get along.

Raven saw a huge smile on their face of Deva, and it seemed this might be a prearranged scene between the women just to make me worry or feel panic.

I don\'t know if they really hate each other or are just pretending to trick me into bed...

Ignoring his idle thoughts, Raven turned his gaze to the women who now came to join him in the waiting room and looked at him with strange, knowing smiles as Philis and Emily dropped themselves beside him with a thud. 

One holding his left arm and the other wrapping his right arm in vines and plants while resting her legs over his lap.

"Raven~ did you love those two devil women that much?" Emily teased as her flowers alternated between bright red and deadly colours like dark green and blue, her plants growing thorns that pricked his skin as her feet began to move around his crotch.

"Darling, why are you leaving me all alone and running off with some bad women~ what if I never see you again." The soft, elven princess and her sweet, enchanting tone sounded in his ears as she leaned against him as if trying to use her soft and seductive body to make him feel bad.

Hmmm... why do they both seem so excited and happy? 

They might seem to be jealous and mad, but their faces only say, "Ah~ darling scent, I love you!" and "Mmmm, he\'s throbbing in my vines... I want to try something new..."

Raven didn\'t want to wait too long and wrapped both of his arms around them, enjoying the difference in all of his women—he didn\'t want them to all be lovely and kind, even if there were ones cold and harsh to him, he wouldn\'t mind as long as they melted from time to time.

"Philis, Emily, I love you both and won\'t leave either of you behind. I have a few questions, but I will save them for later... For now, let\'s enjoy our time together, alright?"

"Hehe~ stupid darling, we managed to get her to make a passage to the mansion so we can visit from time to time," Philis said with a victorious face, her fingers forming the letter v-for victory.

"I got her to agree to many rules and things we could do to Raven whenever we want... Hehe... maybe you shouldn\'t go to Hell with such an excited body, Darling...." Emily whispered in his ear as her vines began to sneak inside his clothing and wrap around his member, using the sticky sap to stimulate him.

Ahhhh... These girls are too dangerous!

"Haha... I look forward to it... Now, let\'s relax for a bit before we go down to Hell. Relax okay? So many maids are watching us, and the other women are..." Raven tried to diffuse the situation, trying to stop himself from losing to his lust.

However, Emily didn\'t seem to feel the same as her soft, silky flowers began to wrap around and tease his member; it was a strange sensation.

The soft, warm insides of the main plant she placed at the tip were just like her... the folds... slit... even the tight entrance to the stem was filled with the replica of her private garden.

"Does it feel good? It\'s shaped just like my insides... and when you spurt that hot, white goo, it will enter me the same, fufu... oh~ my dear husband throbbed from my words... pervert." Emily giggled as she buried her face in Raven\'s chest and began to suckle his neck with sticky sap that was both sweet and delicious while using her vines to pleasure him.

Philis seemed to be more reserved as she smiled at the sight. Instead, she began to list the girls that would be coming with him, her warm breath tickling his ear as her small hands began to rub his chest and nipples beneath his clothing.

"Emily and I will stay here because we have duties to manage the territory and keep the other girls safe.... but Miriam, Juniper, Delia, Dianne, Eve... and last, Armina, your little vampire princess... Darling, you are going to have such a good time in hell~ what about poor old Philis?" Philis pretended to cry as she rubbed her large breasts against him, teasing Raven.

These girls are too dangerous! Someone give me the right answer!

I\'m at my limit!

"I promise you both... I will bring back gifts for each of you, and we will spend a day together every week, okay?" Raven groaned as his member pulsed, the sap and fluids of Emily making him reach his limit quickly—he reached out and grabbed Philis\'s chin, kissing her lips passionately, her tongue at his mercy while they coiled together, his hand groping her soft elven ass while shooting his load deep inside Emily\'s flower vine.

"Ohhh~ Darling spurted his hot juice inside me... it\'s filling up my flower~ and entering my body... hehe~ you are so naughty!"

Most of the maids were used to this kind of display, while a few of the women watched with slightly flushed faces as they envied the position of Emily and Philis being his main wives, Lilith especially.

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