
Chapter 626 The Castle Of Beofrost II

~~~(Location: The Gleem Library, The Underground City Of Maero, Desert, The Continent Of Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 6:28 AM)~~~

I\'ve been in this Trial for months now, and I\'ve finally succeeded in finding out where the Trial Boss room is. I\'m outside the door to the boss room now, and I\'m excited to get out of this place. I\'m tired, and I\'m missing Cera. More than I thought I ever would.

To him, it\'s probably only been a few hours since I\'ve been in this place. But for me, it\'s been two and a half months. My hand presses against the door, and I slowly open the doorway. As I do, a single individual is sitting on a throne made of ice.

Stepping into the room causes a chill to go up my spine. I\'ve gained several levels while in this place, and I\'ve gotten stronger. But taking on a Trial Boss alone might be too difficult for me.

The head lifts on the figure clad in armor. It\'s impossible to tell if it\'s male or female. But in the end, I guess that doesn\'t matter.

The figure stands up, and it\'s probably seven and a half feet tall. It unsheaths two swords, and that\'s when I realize this is going to be a problem. Dual-wielding enemies deal massive amounts of damage, and it\'s probably able to one-shot me.

In this moment before battle, I use Inspect on the Trial Boss. Hoping to gain information and possibly an advantage. That\'s all that\'s left before the fight starts. The text for the Trial Boss fills my screen, and it has a ton of Lore.

Cera would love this.

[The Wraith Of Gelu][Trial Boss][Tier-4]

[Health: 540,000,000/540,000,000]

[Description: The Wraith Of Gelu is a manifestation of the tragedy that occurred in these lands. Long ago, the lands that you dwell in were named Iccik. They were ruled by wise and benevolent leaders. But a Crown Prince took to dark rituals and deals with The Dark Ones.]

[Additional Information: The Crown Prince of the Iccik people sacrificed his family and Kingdom for absolute control and power over the Ice, Frost, and Cold. Becoming an incarnation of the forces themselves. However, when word spread across Gaia. Resistance followed.]

[Additional Information: After the defeat of The Crown Prince. The heroes that neighboring Kingdoms sent returned home. But the pain and suffering caused by The Crown Prince were so great, it left a Wraith in its absence. This is how The Wraith Of Gelu came to be.]

"You\'ve got quite a storied history, don\'t you? Makes me wonder what other secrets you might hold. I can\'t help wondering if you\'re some remnant of The Crown Prince himself, and this Wraith stuff is all lies."

The Wraith Of Gelu slowly starts to descend the stairs leading up to the throne it was sitting on. I slowly draw my sword and prepare for a fight.

As it reaches the final step, it enters a stance for battle, and I can\'t even react as it\'s in front of me. I take a full attack and lose almost 80 percent of my health. I\'m sent into the back wall. To my surprise, The Wraith doesn\'t continue attacking.

Instead, it places its swords into the ground and waits for me. I struggle to get out of the wall, and I take several deep breaths. Trying to regain composure.

"How am I supposed to beat this guy..."

I\'ve explored the castle, and I\'ve found some useful items. But I don\'t think any of them are going to really help me kill this thing. It continues to wait as I take a knee and think. It\'s acting arrogant, and my pride is a smidge hurt.

I open my Inventory and start to search through the items I found. Nothing really stands out. Except for one thing. It\'s my open hope. I pull it out of my Inventory, and as I do. The Wraith has an attitude change.

It\'s ready to fight and is about to attack. But I use the item, and it freezes in place.

I look at the item for a split second and read the information really fast.

[Bane Of The Cold]

[Description: This ancient and powerful artifact allows you to freeze any creature, monster, person, or Boss that has at least one Ice, Frost, Or Cold ability. The effect will last for one minute, and has a cooldown of two minutes.]

[Grade: Legacy]

"Looks like you can\'t move so fast now, huh."

I make my way toward the Trial Boss, and I start dealing as much damage as I can. Attacking anything that looks like a weak point. Getting as much damage in as I can. There are about 5 seconds left, and I\'ve only done 100 million damage.

[The Wraith Of Gelu][Trial Boss][Tier-4]

[Health: 440,000,000/540,000,000]

This isn\'t good. I get out of the immediate area and create some distance as the effects of the item wear off. The Wraith immediately turns in my direction and disappears from view. Out of instinct, I duck, and I barely dodge another strike.

All I can think to do is kick The Wraith away, and it actually works. The Trial Boss goes flying into the wall. Giving me a few seconds to collect my thoughts.

"C\'mon... What would Cera do..."

It\'s not the best question, but I\'ve never seen him lose a fight in all the time I\'ve known him. A lightbulb goes off in my head. I create Ice dummies that look exactly like me. Several of them. And I mix us up.

The Wraith starts attacking them, and I start making more. The Trial Boss can\'t hurt me as long as it doesn\'t know which one is real. So far, it\'s working. I can see it growing a little frustrated. This continues until the two-minute cooldown for the item is up.

I use it, and this time I have the help of the remaining Ice dummies attack with me. They don\'t deal nearly as much damage as I do. But every little bit helps. As there are only 7 seconds until the effects end again. I see the amount of damage I\'ve dealt this time.

[The Wraith Of Gelu][Trial Boss][Tier-4]

[Health: 140,000,000/540,000,000]

With the help of the Ice dummies, I was able to knock off another 300 million health. I just need to survive until I can use the item again. But as the effects end, The Wraith starts using new moves.

In a brilliant display of lights, it starts to use magic. I can feel the hair on my skin sticking up. The power being generated there means death. I have all the Ice Dummies form a wall between me and the attack. The moment The Wraith uses the attack, all my Ice Dummies die.

And I\'m near death.

I fall to the ground in a critical state and feel like I\'ve already lost. But in a glimmer of hope. The Wraith falls to its knees, and that\'s when I get a notification.

[The Wraith Of Gelu has overused its Mana!]

[It has entered a state of Mana Poisoning!]

[It\'s been stunned for 45 Seconds!]

This is coming down to the wire. I slowly stand up and use my sword to help me walk. The time is crawling down, and I make it to The Wraith with 15 seconds left. There are 13 left until I can use the item again.

I start to weakly attack The Wraith, and I\'m doing pathetic damage.

With the two seconds given between the stun and the cooldown for the item. I prepare to use it, and I do it just in the nick of time.


I fuel my body with the will to win and see the end of this fucking Trial. I\'ve been in this place for months, and I want to leave!!

[The Wraith Of Gelu][Trial Boss][Tier-4]

[Health: 0/540,000,000]


[You\'ve cleared The Trial Of The Legendary Ice Magic User Xeelia!]


This is when I lose consciousness.


A/N: Below this line, I\'ll be keeping Cera\'s player information. That way, I won\'t have to place it into the story above anymore. It takes about 180 words up.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.237][Tier-4]

[Exp: 72/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden)]

[Stats] [Strength - 7095][Endurance - 7045][Dexterity - 7215][Speed - 8240][Focus - 19,660]

[Mana aura control: 6/100%]

[Health: 76,560,000,000/76,560,000,000] [Mana: 216,600,000,000/216,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 440] [Armor rating: 500]

[Inventory] [Dice of Wayland (Divine)] [The Witness (Legendary Sword)] [Fenrir\'s Whistle (Divine)] [Camping gear] [Fishing poles 2x] [Festival Garbs 2x] [4x EXP Boosts] [Princess Saliandra\'s Panties (Black Lace)] [Desert Warrior Nomad Set (Rare)]

[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heaven\'s light Lvl.74 325/7400] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.74 225/7400] [Slash Lvl.92 4600/21000] [Parry Lvl.68 85/6800] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse] [Controlled Fun] [Aspect of Transportation (Legendary)]

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