
Chapter 149: The Frosts Wrath V

Chapter 149: The Frosts Wrath V

I close my eyes as I lay on the ground and take a breath. Getting some sleep would be a nice thing right now, but I don\'t know if I\'ll actually get sleep. Sally has been acting weird for a while now, and I\'m getting worried for her. She is usually more reserved, at least from what I experienced with my time with her. She has become a friend in my eyes, someone who\'s suffered a great deal. I can relate to the suffering, just not the type she had.

I hear the bed move, and she has probably settled in. Now that we have everything we need for the dungeon, her class is the only thing to get. I heard there are some good rewards for beating the boss, but I\'m not interested in them. Sally should have them since she\'ll need the support as she gains power. Having great gear to help you grow is something many don\'t get to experience. Having The Witness has made my journey to power so much easier.

Put that together with my angel wings, and it\'s going to be incredibly difficult to beat me. Having that much power at one\'s fingertips can corrupt you. I have to make sure I don\'t fall into that same trap. Out of all the things that can happen during this dungeon, the most I\'m worried about is Sally dying. Since she is an NPC, she\'ll permanently die, unlike me. So taking care of the deadly creatures and encounters is my job.

Since her class is so weak, she won\'t be able to do any meaningful damage. The potions should keep her from freezing to death which is a plus. I won\'t need them since my stats are so high. In reality, my stats make me around level 200, but since I don\'t have a mana aura yet, my health is pitiful. I don\'t know how much health I\'ll be getting with even 1% control, but it will be millions. It\'s quality that determines things in Ancients World.

I should get into the habit of calling this place Gaia instead. Ancients World is a foregone conclusion of the scam that was the game. Talk about taking a risk. J&X incorporated are the original creators of this problem. I may have sealed the fate of everyone with my choices, but it wouldn\'t have led to that if J&X never created such a monster. All those billions of people dead, and there is no way to bring them back.

People are going to want blood from J&X, and I don\'t blame them. If the truth about me ever got out, people would want my blood too. "Are you still awake, Zern..." I suddenly hear Sally ask me a question. I don\'t answer her and try to make it seem I\'m asleep. I hear her shuffle across the bed and to the side I\'m sleeping by. I hear her stop and stay quiet. She is probably staring at me. "I know you\'re awake..." I sigh and open my eyes.

Her blue-green eyes meet my hazel. She stares quietly as I wait for her to continue. How so many people can treat her like that is beyond me. "What do you want, Sally... I\'d like to get some sleep before we head into the dungeon." She stays quiet and stares at me. "You don\'t have to worry about what happened in the bathroom. Things like that happen, and sometimes they cant be controlled." I firmly believe that too. Hormones can do a lot to a person\'s mind.

She might have been thinking along some lines that there is something between us. We both have too many problems to consider anything like that. "I\'m not sorry that I did it..." I give her a shocked and surprised look. I would never have expected those words to come out of her mouth. "How I feel about you and what I went through in the past are confusing to me... I won\'t let the things that happened to me affect what I can have with you..." I\'m speechless, to say the least.

She has a giant blush as she realizes what she said. She squeals lightly and rolls out of view. I guess that\'s a step in the right direction. I\'m not a psychologist or psychiatrist, so I can\'t say it with confidence if it is. "I\'m surprised, Sally... I\'m learning more and more about you every time we are together. I didn\'t expect you to be so brave and ready for something like that after everything you\'ve been through. You\'re one of the bravest girls I\'ve ever met." It\'s true too. Confidence is in short supply anywhere, and it\'s very impressive that she is trying so hard to seem better.

Time is what is needed for her to heal fully. I\'m not gullible to believe that she is right now. I know better than that, and so should other people. Lots say one thing and do another. The same can be said for actions. She can kiss me and try to touch me but at the same struggle internally a great deal at the action. All the while trying to seem comfortable. It\'s a dangerous game, and that is something everyone should be aware of. Damage can run deeper than anyone thought possible.

I relax and close my eyes again, thinking that it\'s finally over. I fall into a deep sleep and dream of nothings. After a full night of rest, I can see the brightness of the sun beaming through my eyelids. I feel something weight on my body too. I crack open my eyes and look down. Sally is clinging to my torso, all the while covered by a blanket. It seems she snuck out of bed and joined me on the ground. I should\'ve expected it too.

I lean up, and as I do, the blanket falls off her, and that\'s when I realize she is fully nude. I forgot that I also when to bed in nothing other than my towel and blanket. I slide her off me and cover her with the blanket, so I don\'t see any more than I already have. I quickly equip my gear, so I\'m no longer nude either. I turn towards the window and walk to it. The sun is just rising over the horizon, and the start of today is afoot.

I walk over to the bedroom door and leave the room. I head downstairs and see all the passed-out patrons and workers. I walk up to the bar and notice it\'s a different person today. "I\'d like your highest protein meal, please. A side of juice would be nice, doesn\'t matter what kind." I lay down a gold piece overpaying the inn keep eagerly accepts. He walks into the back, and I can hear what sounds like meat being thrown on a grill of some sort.

One of the best sounds to me, my mouth starts to water at the idea of having something so delicious. I hear footsteps walk from the hall I just came from, and Sally soon joins me. She takes a seat next to me a scoots closer till our shoulders touch. I ignore her attempt and focus on the smell coming from the kitchen. "You could have woken me up to, you know. The bed was too big for me, so I joined you on the floor. I hope that okay..." She says that last part with a coy sound laced in her words.

I turn to her and see her innocent smiling face. "Don\'t make a habit of doing that. As confident as you sound right now, I know better." She slowly looks away and looks down at her fingers. She starts to twirl them with each other. Her smile never disappears, though. It\'s funny cause after she said she was sorry she did it, she ended up saying she wasn\'t sorry. "Look, Sally, it\'s okay not to want to be alone like that. Make sure that you ask before you join, though. Have the common courtesy of that at least." She gives a jubilant smile and gives me a big hug.

In truth, I just gave her permission to keep doing it. I\'m an idiot and should have worded it better. If I take it back now, it\'d probably hurt her, so I guess it\'s too late. "Thanks, Zern. Even if you don\'t want to be anything more than friends right now, I\'m determined to prove it to you otherwise." I never had someone say that to me before. It\'s both scary and nice to hear, but I\'m going to be responsible for this dilemma.

She\'ll eventually give up on the idea if I shut her down enough times, so no more of what happened last night and this morning allowed. Anytime the opportunity arises, I\'ll stop it before she can take advantage of it. My thoughts are interrupted as a big steak, and a glass of apple juice is put in front of me. I start to dig in, and I hear Sally laugh. I turn and see a cunning look on her face. "The way to your heart is with food. That\'s good to know..." Uh-oh. That isn\'t a good sign...

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