
Chapter 174

Cain couldn’t wait another moment. The smell of grilled meat gently teased his nose as walked by the door. The maids were outside grilling the meat on charcoal, they said doing it in the kitchen would create a lot of smoke which reminded Cain to check on how the bath worked. ‘It will be bad if we all suffocated at night because of poor ventilation.

Cain took one of the maids with him and asked her to guide him his way, even though he was the master of the house he still hasn’t explored it all.

The maid Ellie Brown guiding him was Ellie Brown, he had seen her before but she seemed to avoid talking with him too much. However, she seemed to be very fond of Sofia, Alice, and Selena. She also didn’t seem to have a problem chatting with the other maids, She only avoided Cain, Sebas, and the worker which was suspicious.

Cain dragged her here with him intention to see how she would act. When he first showed his face she greeted him all other maids do. However, he noticed a faint frown on her face when he asked her to show him around the heating room.

She even faked a smile when she agreed, albeit she replied immediately. Which made seem like she was never bothered by the question. Cain won’t fall for that, if she was unsatisfied somehow then it can create a problem for him in the future. He wanted all his workers to be happy and that is why he decided to investigate himself.

Her stats didn’t show anything weird, besides her being a bit chunky with her 14 Constitution. Having 10 HP for a level one was pretty good. Cain quite liked the way she walk, shaking her hips from left to right.



Right now they were walking downstairs and she is keeping a healthy six feet ahead of him, if he tried to close the distance she would quicken her steps. She also actively avoided being led to a corner by him. He also noticed her getting more and more nervous the more they stayed together.

The Ellie didn’t seem to understand how the mechanism worked, all she knew was how to operate it. “We throw coal or wood there, turn that thing there and turn that other thing there to make water flow. We don’t need to refill it which mean it’s drawing water from underground.” She explained.

Cain inspected the mechanism and discovered that it was as simple as Ellie just explained. Water is pushed up by it’s natural pressure, the tubes passes inside the big oven in the middle so it get heated up.

Which mean that this mechanism relayed heavily of the underground spring being active, and also on the maids restocking the fire. It will be better if he changed the heating mechanism into a fire crystal that is fed my Mana and also changed the source of water into a water crystal. Those crystals are regular gems but with a magic rune inscribed on the to cast a spell, for the fire crystal can will have the gem recast [bonfire] over and over for example.

“I think I can upgrade this when I have the right equipment, it isn’t as complexes as I expected.” Cain finished inspecting the room. “Let’s head back up, the other are waiting for us.”

“As you wish Master.” She replied with a genuine smile, was she happy to get away from him to this extent?

“By the way, I have a question for you.” Cain called her back, she stopped in her track at the sudden shit in his voice. It gone from a cheerful to a serious one.

“W-what is it Master,” She slowly turned back, It was obvious on her face that she was scared.

“You seemed a bit uncomfortable with me and Sebas, is there something dissatisfying you?” Cain’s question shocked her, was it that obvious in her face? In reality, Cain and Alice where the only ones who noticed her attitude, it was partly thanks to their ridiculous Intelligence and Wisdom.

“N-nothing really, I was just exhausted a bit lately.” She tried to find a way out for herself.

“Are you saying that the work load in too much for you?” Cain kept his intimidating serious face, her legs started to shake a bit.

“I didn’t mean that, I could do it just fine. I will go as much to say it was easy.” She said without much thinking.

“So you saying that the work is too easy for you? Do you need another assignment?” It wasn’t strange for people to take on more than one work. She might just be in need of money and is finding it hard to ask for it without working harder.

Ellie just realized what kind of hole he has dug, the maid work was enough for her, getting another assignment would be a nightmare. How could she get out of this dilemma? If she said the work was easy he will give her more, if she said it was hard he might fire her and higher another maid. If she stayed silent he will think she was mocking his all this time and she might end up punished.

“It’s not like that, I just…” She struggled to talk with Cain’s blue eye gazing at her with such intensity.

“Speak, I promise you that I won’t be angry no matter what it was.” Cain said with a smile. As long as she wasn’t trying to harm him or anyone in the mansion he won’t be angry at her.

“Master, please let her go.” Gracie appeared from behind him “What is it? It’s strange for you to start a conversation.” Cain replied at the strange attitude of Gracie.

“Lady Alice asked me to come check on you two, she said that you looked a bit angry at Ellie.” Gracie replied. Cain shook his head.

“I’m not angry at her, I was just curios and wanted to help.” Cain sighed after saying that, “Fine, Ellie you can go. But if you had any problem please tell me or Gracie.”

“Thank you master.” Ellie said with a relived face, “Thank you Headmaid.” She then left after giving them a deep bow.

“Do you know anything about why she was acting like that?” Cain asked Gracie as she was about to leave.

“I don’t know, I’m just here on Alice’s orders. She might know something.” Gracie response was as usual, straight to the point.

Cain then headed outside, the maids have prepared a feast and on Cain’s words. They were all going to eat together in the dining hall. Cain found Alice to ask her but she said to leave the discussion for later. It was time to feast.

Cain sat on his chair, to his right Sat Alice, Sofia, and Zaleria and to his left sat Selena, Gracie and then Mary who seemed to be staying at their house for the time being. After that the maids sat around the table with Sebas and the worker at the opposite side.

“Without further a due, Cheer!” Cain lifted his goblet and everyone followed him in unison.

Half of the maids were dead drunk after the feast, it was a feast they will never forget. Eat as much as you can of the finest meat and the high quality wine. The other half were trying to clean the mess. It seems that Cain was the only one not surprised by how the meat tasted.

Of course the maids, Sofia, and Mary couldn’t afford such a delicacy, Alice never ate it because how her health was. Selena’s tribe never hunted such a monster and Zaleria always swallowed them whole.

Cain and Alice retreated to his room after the feast, Cain as well wanted to ask her about Ellie.

“Ahh! That was a feast!” Alice stretched her wings, “I will hunt another one if you like it.” Cain whispered from behind. Alice giggled a bit, “I know you would do, just don’t hunt them all.” She smiled as she wrapped her tail around his waist.

“Would you care to tell me about Ellie before we start?” Cain asked, Alice seemed be getting a bit steamy so they better get everything done first.

“Do you want the short or long version?” She smiled, Cain pushed himself to her back, “The short, I have other important matter to deal with now.”

“She like women and hate men, she is just like that from the days she was working at my fathers home.”

“I see, so what do you think?” Cain sat Alice on the bed. She stretched her arms, “I don’t think that a problem, let her do what she want.”

“Then will go with that. Now then, thanks for the meat.” Cain started digging into his second meal.

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