
Chapter 647 Star of the Morning

Chapter 647 Star of the Morning

And in the laws that forbade Emeros was the fact that the offender had not desired to kill Emeros. And so, the rules stated that Emeros should have commands and orders that would endanger him or put him to death.

And so, Emeros plotted a way for him to fight, relay all the information, and die without ordering him to die but ordering him to prepare to wound Alistair.

The assassin used its powers linked to a Dark Dependent Ritual of releasing stored energy within the body to self-heal. Valler was quickly recovering from his wounds.

"Men! Prepare to fight him! We cannot defeat a Cardinal on our own! The power and technique are unlike anything we\'ve ever seen!" Alistair ordered.

The entire ship was now bringing out the best of their men.

Alistair knew they would have a battle that would continue for a long time, and many began to appear.

Alistair was trembling. It was his first time seeing a Cardinal of such power charge at him. If not for the new knowledge that Emeros bestowed to create a powerful force field that could resist a Cardinal, he would have died!

The shocking scene alerted everyone; many gathered nearby to watch while others were escaping. A Cardinal fighting at full force could easily desolate the grounds.

"By your own words, you confess that you are an assassin! That means... the truth serum worked!"

Valler wanted to answer back, but Emeros ordered him to keep silent.

"Do not answer unless you tell the truth about your plans for me, the punishment you will receive. An eye for an eye. You wanted my knowledge to be given to your family for their benefit, and now you shall share yours to benefit my friends." Emeros laughed.

"From which country in this sky do you hail, Valler Crowcrown?!"

"I am... not of any continents of this sky!" Valler could not answer in any way. He tried to buy more time so he could attack.

"Only attack if they attack first or if you\'ve finished recovering yourself." Emeros spoke again.

Valler was trembling as he tried to destroy the chains and power that bound him.

"Not of any continents of this sky?! Could it be? He is higher?!" Many of the onlookers began to appear.

Commanders and Champions watched from afar.

"My Prince. They are on the move..." One of the Commanders reported. 

Alistair nodded. He knew he had little time left until they arrived.

"Tell us your goal! Why are you here in our country?!" Alistair shouted once more.

"To take control of this Floating Continent and to spur a grand war that will cause the Floating Continents to wage a Crashing Continent Battle!" Valler answered as his own soul felt a great pain. This was the deepest secret that his family tried to keep.

Everyone was surprised as they heard it. Many were using various devices and magical means and could confirm that it was, indeed, Valler who stood there.

But to desire a Crashing Continent Battle was absurd. The Floating Continents once waged war, and these continents would crash and tackle each other so that ground forces could happen. The effects of such war were devastating.

"What for?! Why would you want this!?" Alistair knew what to ask. He knew Valler was doing his best to answer things and give away the minimal information.

Valler cursed as he could no longer hide it.

"Star Unsealing Path! The Crashing Continent Battle will allow the great Floating Continents to be formed!"

"What is Star Unsealing Path?! What is sealed that must be unsealed?" Alistair quickly threw out two more questions.

"This entire galaxy has been sealed by the great king that ruled this place! He sealed this place to protect it! But beyond this galaxy lies immeasurable treasure and resources! A power that we all could not imagine or ever experience lies there! The Floating Continents are the key to opening it! When combined, the Star Unsealing Path!"

"That\'s it?! For resources, you would cause this to happen?! But that doesn\'t make sense!"

Valler feared what answers would come and hurriedly exerted effort to heal himself.

"Do not increase the energy. A battle against them will be a drawn-out one. You have to pace yourself." Emeros ordered.

Valler was enraged and had no choice but to lower the rate of healing.

Alistair continued in his declarations and query.

By now, Valler could see the many magical devices recording his words.

"You would entice the Floating Continents to war just for that?! You must be from the Continents Above the Sky! The Crow family... Then tell us, son of the Crow, why go through all this cloak and dagger? Why use this means to get what you want? We would have agreed to this if you were from the Continents Above the Sky!"

"Because a majority of those above you will not accept this! This plan would wipe out more than a third of the Floating Continents\' lands, and they may fall!" Valler answered.

The crowd was surprised, and everyone was talking about the strange plans.

Many couldn\'t believe what was happening.

From afar, Rupert and Jezael had arrived at the scene.

Rupert had an ugly expression.

"...Why?! Why is he telling our plan?! Jezael! What do we do?" Rupert asked.

Jezael frowned.

"...Kill Valler, of course. But let\'s not act hasty. We have to detach ourselves as much as possible from this scenario. This little incident must be wrapped up as one of Alistair\'s crazy schemes! We cannot afford word of this up there! This will already create some grave problems in our family!" Jezael cursed.

"Kill him?"

"We don\'t have a choice. Whatever happened to Valler, the situation can still be salvaged. I could cover it up with false claims that an enemy of our family did this and used dark magic to turn Valler into this. After all, every family has great restrictions that forbid us to betray our own! He is doing this also proves that someone from the Continents Above has done great magic on Valler. Alistair\'s backing is strong!"

Rupert frowned. He was confident because aside from a Pedagog, he had Jezael and the Crow\'s backing. But now, his greatest fear had appeared. Alistair would have the support of another!

Rupert gave his orders as he held on to the artifact that allowed him to fly faster.

"How dare you! Who are you to smear my name?! Are you an enemy of the Crow?!" Rupert\'s voice echoed throughout the sky and surprised everyone.

"It\'s Magnus! Prince Magnus is here!"

Magnus shot a powerful attack towards Valler.

Valler saw the attack and did not resist.

"Defend yourself and kill anyone who tries to attack that is not from Alistair\'s team," Emeros ordered.


A massive explosion occurred as Valler countered and shot back a dark crow that pierced through the power fire.

But Rupert harnessed his energy, and a great heat gathered and exploded as if the sun had risen in the middle of the night.


The great fire exploded and burned the dark bird that Valler used to attack.

Alistair was stunned at the sight.

"So this is the power of my brother..." Alistair could not help but exclaim.

The fire energy was like the sun. Prince Magnus was called the Star of the Morning in the kingdom. Apart from his positions that made him One or Second Star levels in various fields, his power was so bright it could call the morning.

"He is a Cardinal... And not just any Cardinal... his potential is halfway to becoming a crown! Impressive." Emeros praised as he watched the attack of Valler be eaten up by the sun.

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