
Chapter 625 Inheritor of the Worst Class

Emeros and Sirena watched from the main windows of the ship\'s bridge as they saw the breathtaking view.

It was one of three Floating Continents and was as large as the lands that belonged to two or three kingdoms.

It had large land and great bodies of water, just like a continent. It was rich in resources, from its trees and plants to the growing ores and magical produce.

Monsters of many kinds lived in various caves and underground mines in this place and thus made the region a holy land for cultivation.

Many from the mortal grounds privileged to live and stay in these holy lands would raise their levels by three or four ranks.

The flying ship of the prince flew over the continent and was headed straight for the highest peaks of the Skysol Kingdom.

At the very center of the kingdom was a giant volcano that somehow glowed with a strange light.

Emeros saw it and was amazed.

"A Holy Volcano!" Emeros exclaimed in amazement.

"Yes. This Floating Continent has three magical regions. Our kingdom, Skysol, has the Holy Volcano, Deo Vulcan. To the west of this place is the kingdom under the ocean, Aquaris Oraia. A magical whirlpool endlessly swarms and empowers the region with magic and resources and acts as a defensive fort. And lastly, the kingdom of Diamante. It has the Diamond Hills, which we call the Crown of Heaven. Each kingdom draws power from their magical fortresses."

"Are our Floating Continents as good as this?"

"One is better, but the rest has relatively weaker inheritances. We approach Cloud Peak Academy. Flying in this region is prohibited, but as my ship has the mark of Fardur Powenquis, I am allowed. But keep in mind riding any other ship through this region, and you would get shot."

Cloud Peak Academy appeared.

The majestic academy was a castle that stood high on a gigantic mountain, second only to the Holy Volcano. It also had a vast lake within the mountain.

"This academy is a prestigious land. Of the three academies, ours is second. The Kingdom of Diamante holds the greatest amount of power since they have numerous Pedagog."

"I thought your prince has a Pedagog supporting him?"

"Just him. It has been made clear that his support does not encompass the academy or the kingdom. We do have Pedagogs supporting us. We specialize in Enchantments as the Pedagog of Iron Enchantments supports us. As for Diamante, they have the Pedagog of Blazing Blacksmiths and the Pedagog of Blasting Energy Conversion Circles."

"Oh? Circles, you say?"

"A part of why I am bringing you here is so that you can teach us the ways of Energy Conversion Circles."

"So your academy is not all about Enchantments?"

"No. The Four Branches of Creation and even Cultivation are taught here. Many teachers are vying to be their own Pedagogs and study with the knowledge in this place. Everyone tries to climb the stairs from where they are. I originally intended to recruit Baron Yen as a scholar and teacher here. But he refused me. His eyes brightened at the thought of new monsters appearing underground, and he wished to capture the remaining Tree Troglodytes."

"That man really is very simple and honest. You should still invite him here and show him monsters of interest."

"You are interested in his scholarly research? I just find it peculiar since you are living on a timetable to save your brothers."

"For those who are of Light Grown, it really isn\'t important. But as a Nephilim, I need to harness both the Light Grown and the Dark Dependent. And in the path of Dark Dependent is a pseudo-path of Creation. One that is related to all the other four and requires it to be mastered."

"All four Creations are needed for this?"

"Yes. The very power that creates Golems and other creatures of summons. Summoning. And to do so, one needs a vast knowledge of monsters."

"It seems our world is really poor compared to this Planesworld."

"You have no idea..."

A servant of Alistair entered.

"My king... Our request for Master Emeros\'s entry has been granted. He is now approved as a teacher. But only because he will take the first Student Assessment Test in the next two weeks."

"Take the Student Assessment Test in two weeks?! Impossible!"

"What\'s the Student Assessment Test?"

"Every quarter, the students of the school are ranked by how well they grow and learn. The teacher must be able to teach the student a wide array of disciplines. Each quarter focuses on cultivation and a specific Path of Creation. I believe the current one is alchemy! But this test is also a test for the teacher. If the students have not improved, the teacher will fail. All students must show proper growth and improvement in cultivation and the Path of Creation."

"I could teach them a thing or two. Although I don\'t know how good my knowledge in alchemy will compare to yours, and since Kyros and Noxus really didn\'t focus on alchemy because of the Fortress of the Nephilim and Noxus Dark-Dependent advantage... I still have the memories of Kyros reading through the alchemy books. It should be simple enough..." Emeros thought.

"What class will he be handling?"

"The Vashura class."

"What?! The Vashuras?! But... but that class has never been part of any assessment! The teachers never teach that class anything?! And they have to pass the assessment?!" Alistair exclaimed.

"Vashuras? Is that a... bad class? I\'ve read through the rules and laws of the school. I haven\'t read about the Vashura class."

"Because that class is too unimportant. It\'s a class that treats the poorest families who paid the smallest amount of gold. It would also house mortals who had won the honor of being here from the mortal lands below! But this class is ignored. They are mainly only given access to the libraries and facilities, but no teacher would ever teach them anything. They also act as a punishment where the dullest and those who had failed or offended powerful families would be brought there! Without teachers, they are like lost lambs unable to comprehend anything!"

"And I get to teach that? My... my... my..." Emeros had an excited look on his face.

"My Prince! I\'m sure the cultivation part is easily resolved! But you can\'t teach these students in two weeks\' alchemy! It\'s just impossible! Unless you..." Alistair could only think of granting the knowledge of alchemy to them.

"No. My kingly stature refuses to be like that. That is my treasure, Alistair. I can offer many things, but that one is mine alone. It is the gift of my brothers to me. I will find another way."

"My prince! They made you inherit the worst class as a teacher!"

"It does make sense. I have no class to teach. All classrooms have their teachers. So they naturally will put me here. Alistair, the reason why this is so is because you are weak. Your name and authority are like trash to this school. They would have paid no attention to you if not for your royal blood. So if you want to help me, get stronger as fast as possible."

Alistair was silenced by Emeros\'s statement.

"We are about to land. Prince Alistair, the orders are that you cannot land, and only the teacher and his maid shall go."

Alistair frowned.

"Relax, Alistair. I am not so arrogant to think that safely navigating against the king\'s scheme is similar to this, but nevertheless, I am not someone easy to push down. Let\'s go, Sirena."

"Yes, Master."

The pair moved.

"Master... If possible, could you call me Serena?"

"Hm? Are you afraid that he will find out?" Emeros asked.

"A little. But I like Serena. It was the name that I had when we met." Serena smiled.

"Alright." Emeros answered as the doors of the ship began to open.

The ship of Prince Alistair didn\'t even dock but only hovered out.

Alistair stood behind Emeros and could see three teachers waiting and frowned.

"Be careful. One of those three serves on of my brothers." Alistair frowned.

"I\'m impressed that your father, the King, is very potent." Emeros chuckled as he walked out.

"You\'re the teacher?" One of the three frowned.

"A boy? Is this a joke?"

"Prince Alistair! What is the meaning of this!?" Another asked.

"That is indeed a teacher," Alistair answered.

"I\'m assessed to be a genius that can easily surpass you three." Emeros smiled.

Instantly, one of the teachers raised his staff and harnessed much lightning energy.

"If you are the teacher, let me examine you here!"

"Mage Andre! Wait!" One of the teachers shouted. But the other teacher had already taken aim at Emeros.

At once, Emeros held out a strange round orb as Vivindel took form underneath him.

Serena quickly moved into position.


A fire shot towards Emeros, and Emeros quickly blocked with the strange ore.

The lightning energy vanished.

The three were surprised at how the orb easily devoured an entire attack!

Although the attack was quick and swift, it was still an attack that a Champion made. And since the Champions of Skysol could easily defeat Champions of the mortal regions below who were five levels higher, this attack was equal to a mid-level Champion!

But it vanished!

The energy conversion circle below was also radiating with great energy, even though it was some strange whip!

The curiosity of the first teacher took over as he moved closer, and the other teacher followed.

"Amazing! This thing... is like an Elemental Core... But it\'s not!" The first observed.

"Greetings, Teachers! I am Emeros Steele. I have impressed Prince Alistair, who believes I am worthy of this place. You must be Master Teacher Zachery. I ask that you move to the side a bit."

"Hm? Why?"

"Well, according to the rules, when a teacher tests another, the tested teacher can test the challenger back."


A red bolt shot out of the stone, zapped the teacher, and sent the mage flying.


The teacher flew back quite a distance and began to crash and bounce on the floor.

"Oh? He failed." Emeros chuckled.


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