
Chapter 571 Day

A young boy, barely in his teen years, sat down, and his arms were trembling. He was hungry and tired and glanced at the long line of slaves that would be forced to work inside the mines.

The massive mines of the Dunchars Mountain were a riches source of metals to create high-grade weapons that could be used by Commanders! But such a potent place with mysterious powers and magic leaking out to the top of the mountain would oftentimes invite wild beasts and monsters.

He looked around and saw a massive carriage with a family.

It was one thing that he longed for. He never had a parent. He grew up in an orphanage, but soon, the orphanage was caught in a terrible battle and killed most of the people that closely resembled what a family was.

He moved from whatever work he could find but was eventually rounded up by a great mogul and sent all the hands, even those of young age, to work in the mine.

The carriage stopped, and the noble moved out.

It was the Duke of Ressongraze.

A rich young noble on a carriage arrived and saw the long line of people.

"Wow, Papa! All these people work for you!"

"Yes! Our little mine is now officially chosen to be a distributor to the Tri-Planet Union! We would soon have resources to stand among those groups! And perhaps, your papa will be the first Cardinal to grace our Kingdom in three hundred years!" The Duke laughed.

"Tri-Planet union? What\'s that, papa?"

"You see those large round things in the sky? Those two planets, along with ours, make up the Tri-Planet Union! And now, this land that your papa discovered has resources that make those kingdoms, far stronger than ours, want what we have!"

"Do those planets have those who are Crowns?"

"Not just Crowns! But Conquerors! Each planet has at least one Conqueror! I believe that even a Turtle-Back Planet that is far away that we only see them like a star also wants our mysterious ore!"

"A Turtle-Back Planet?! You mean those drawings in the old book about having a planet on the back of a massive turtle are real?"

"Yes! It\'s all real! Even a planet that is a tree exists! We call that a Yggdrasil!"

"Amazing! I want to go to a Yggdrasil and that turtle!"

"We\'ll see! If your papa becomes a Cardinal, I could take you out of this planet!" The Duke vowed.

The young chained boy dared not to look at the passing Duke for fear of being misunderstood.

"Emeros!" One of the guards called out.

The young boy stood up and dragged the long chains that bound his hand, and headed for the table where the guard was.

A strange bracelet was placed on his arm.

"You will stay in room 106." The guard answered, and Emeros reached out to take the key and move on.

He walked on into the mines. The guards that stood were said to be Champions.

Emeros was surprised that Champions, usually lieutenants and important people in the war, would be mere guards here!

Emeros walked onwards and found his room. As the tools would be given tomorrow, he still had time to rest for a few hours.

He saw the bed, which was cloth placed over hay piles.

But it was a far better bed than the ones he rested on most of his life.

He fell on it and rested. He had marched a long distance along with the other slaves and drifted into sleep.

All of a sudden, his vision took him to a strange realm.

He stood at the center, and around him, the three hands were reaching out for each other.

The hands approached him, and the three hands somehow reached deep into his body.

He looked around and was confused. But for some reason, he recognized everyone, and beyond that, he understood what was happening.

Kyros was stabbed by Noxus, and Noxus was stabbed by Kyros. But in doing this, they brought an end to themselves.

Two of the Trinity would die, and only one remained.

They knew what to do instinctively and threw out the last portions of their dying soul to Pseudos.

Pseudos reached the hands of both and acquired the last soul, the last member of the Trinity.

Under the influence of Falsehood, time began to move back once more as Pseudos and Calaminus began to use up their souls to turn back time.

At that moment, Beginning and her allies also broke out of where they were and forced their entry into the Era of Middle and fight within the present.

Mysterion and Revelation made one last hurrah as their powers concealed and revealed with their souls as sacrificial offerings.

Kyros and Noxus breathed the last portion of their souls and slowly began to disperse.

Darkness filled the entire land, and Emeros was confused.

He then saw himself in his cell. But this time, his mind was bursting with strange thoughts. Memories worth a lifetime were being engraved in him.

A man stood next to him. And Emeros recognized him.

"...Father?" Emeros trembled.

"Emeros. My youngest. It\'s up to you to save your brothers now." Pseudos spoke as he sat down.

Emeros wanted to ask what was happening, but the information and memories continued to move in.

But Emeros was scared. He was a boy. He was an ordinary, mistreated, unlucky boy who lived a lonely life.

He could tell he was not anything like his brothers.

He couldn\'t even understand what his brothers were doing.

"To fight and defeat End, it was necessary for our plans to come to an End." Emeros began.

"As you\'ve seen in the vision, fighting End is not...easy. It was impossible. Even if all the Gods and Fallen in creation were to stand and shoot at something, how can you shoot something that is the end? In some ways, he doesn\'t even exist. His very being is a contradiction. The End that Exists. The End that takes form... The End that Doesn\'t End. Everything may come to an End, even the Beginning! But he would remain." Pseudos explained.

"Father... if even you are that... What exactly is all this? Why am I seeing this? Who exactly am I?"

"Wisdom and Falsehood fell in love. It was at that time that the Beings that Are and the Beings that Were were slowly forming. End and Beginning, though they were the first to appear among us, they were the last that many of us discovered in existence, which led to a great war. A war that most of the Fallen and even the Greater Gods have forgotten. When you three were born, the necessary components and powers were bestowed on you. The darkness of Kyriachos to hide, the light of Soter to reveal, the will of Tyrannos who would rage and fight, the Steel of Hyperion to be his weapon and cut and wound the gods and fallen that would fight him. The Nephilim would naturally have the Wisdom of Sophia to understand, and he would have my Lies to keep him hidden. But even with this power, we knew we would fail. And so we bound two of the souls. Mysterion and Revelation and bound them as one. Everyone knew that I gave birth to three sons, and they assumed that the Trinity was in you. But it was all a lie. A lie forged by me and your mother to hide the last member of Trinity."

"Me? I\'m the last member?"

"Yes. You were not even sealed. Though you were part of this Trinity, we placed you within the unremarkable region where not even Fate and Destiny care. This place is just too weak and too far!"

"So that\'s why... I don\'t have parents."

"Yes. I\'m the worst father in existence. I sealed my boys and the last one I threw out, devoid of any power. You have ten years, son. Unlike Kyros\'s first time travel, this one is quite different. I sent you back to the same timeline. Ten years from now, that battle in the Era of Middle will occur. And you have to get there and save them!"

"Ten years?" Emeros was startled.

But then, he recalled the power of his other incarnations. Kyros and Noxus were both amazing and caused the entire Planesworld to quake with their Wisdom and their power.

"...I guess, if I have those powers, it is possible. They found miracles and means to do the impossible along the way! Then I shall as well!" Emeros gripped his fist. All his life, he was a weakling and a slave. But now was a bright future that would mark his rise. He was the third member of the Nephilim! 

"Wait for me, world! The Ascension of the Nephilim shall be completed!" Emeros vowed.

"Err... Yeah. About that. Part of this entire scheme was to keep you out of the radar. So... you don\'t have any powers at all. Not the Fanged, Charmed, Celestial Code, or Mysterion and Revelation. You don\'t have your mother\'s Wisdom or my lies. You are one hundred percent human. It had to be this way to deceive End and all his allies."


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