
Chapter 488 Army To Sacrifice

A terrifying blast that illuminated the entire insides of the Heart region shot out of Nightwing.

The blast contained massive power that the space itself trembled.

The army that Krysta and Sherah gathered saw the beam of light and trembled.

"GO!" A Cardinal shouted.

"Kill them all!" Another shouted.

Even Angelian was startled by the surging power that Nightwing created. She was still being pinned down by the spiders, but she stopped struggling.

"This is... the power of Lord Nightwing?!"

"Such pure power..." Krysta could sense the power more clearly. There was not a hint of it being tainted. It was the purest of the pure. Even purer than the light that the Grand Middle Kingdom would get. Krysta had experienced the First Ray, a special privilege granted to the elite. It was a chance to experience the greatest shining light equal to the Highlands light. With the strength and power of her former kingdom, she even had gone through that twice. But the light of Nightwing was at another level."

"This is... the light of Soter!" Krysta could only make that conclusion.

Angelian had also seen the true light of Soter. And sensing the [Holy Beam], she knew that only the Supreme Magistrate and Magic Master of the Planes World, Magistrate Supreme Gandor Ellisium, could harness such pure power.

Watching from the brain, Bomos was shocked at the sheer power that Nightwing created. He had sensed the real power of Nightwing and thought that Nightwing could only convert the energy from darkness and turn it to light. But this energy far surpassed the full strength that Nightwing revealed to Bomos.

"This must really be the Nephilim! He is summoning a great power from an unknown source! Could it be... Does he have a Heavenly Abode that is connected to his soul? He must surely be a being of light and darkness! He must have sealed his other half in his Heavenly Abode, which is the source of this power!" Bomos began to guess how it was possible for Nightwing to have such power.

The beam shot towards the devouring black hole. But right before the attack landed, a powerful, strange force appeared before the black hole that blocked the beam.

An invisible wall of grey color appeared.

"[Neutral Force]!" The shout of Gold Fallen could be heard from the black hole.

The wall stood, and upon receiving the attack, it did not explode but neutralized the power.

The two energies fought, and neither was giving the other any advantage.

"To me, my children! Hurry!" Bar-Mammon shouted.

"Oh? What an interesting attack. I see... Since darkness would be torn to pieces, you used the element of the universe itself... Neutral!" Nightwing praised the attack as he continued to send out the attack.

He saw the shifting directions of the army as it was passing to the side.

"What are you waiting for?! Attack! Kill as much as you can! Drain your life force if you have to! But don\'t give that Fallen Spawn any more food to eat!" Nightwing shouted and awakened the soldiers who were watching the fight.

"Die!" The Cardinal charged out.

"Kill!" The Commanders followed.

Everyone did as was commanded. They were using great attacks and threw away everything they had to kill as many forces of Greed.

Several other Coins died, and even a Greed Lord fell.

But as the group fought, Angelian was struggling.

She could feel it. The immense thirst and hunger that her Lord had.

"Lord Nightwing! I beg of you...!"


A spider stabbed its sharp feeler into the back of Angelian and injected a paralyzing poison.

"With your body, this will only paralyze you for a short time. But it will be enough! Angelian! Your loyalty lies with him! Do not warn or tell anyone!"

Krysta was trying to devour energy to strengthen herself. But then Monica appeared next to her and used a strange Force Energy that was hindering her.

"What...?" Krysta was confused. She felt a strange weakness surrounding her.

"You devour... but not everything is good for you. When I found out what you are, it was easy. You use Force and Magic to create this body, and I\'m a battle mage skilled at using both. It\'s like your drinking poison." Monica smiled as she placed her body on Krysta.

"You\'ll probably easily block this in the future. But now, you better remain silent for what is to come."

"You\'re a battle mage! A knight and one who follows an Order! Does not your honor bind you to protect and prevent deaths?!"

"Krysta, I am of Fate. That means I have always had my troubles. The Order of Mages and the knights I serve was ready to disown me. I learned much when Nightwing spared me and gave me the blood of my former companions. When I saw their memories, I hated them. I saw all the schemes and lies they followed as Destiny willed it. And the same will happen here. These people that you want to save will betray you. They are Destined too. His powers will always try to kill you, and these people will be the tools Destiny will use."

"Until they do that... these people are innocent! Angelian is fighting for that same thing!"

"That\'s understandable. She lived an even more terrifying life than I did and was cursed with a powerful spell that locked her heart. But I guess that\'s the side effect of having a heart born in her. [De-Heart] was destroyed, and now she cares. She\'s still new to this. I believe Master Nightwing expects her to be like that. But me? I\'ve stopped caring. Master Nightwing will lead us to allies who we can trust. That\'s what he promised. A family."

Krysta tried to struggle, but her energies were still being locked. Finally, she realized that she had vastly underestimated Monica. Only then did she realize what Nightwing meant by the strength and potential of those who had Fate Challenger.

The army continued to attack the fleeing beasts that all rushed in to be eaten by Bar-Mammon.

The spiders of Sherah chased and drank many as they gathered more and more blood from the slain foes.

Seeing the spiders move, everyone did not hesitate. They were confident as the powerful beam of life continued to fight the Fallen.

"Return! Gather together!" Nightwing ordered, and everyone quickly stopped and rushed back.

Bar-Mammon only had a few hundred creatures left, and it was time for everyone to regather and hold their ground.

Several strange white swords were moving around the area and were drawing a massive energy formation circle around the angel.

"This angel is probably trying to create a powerful formation that will allow them to create a massive barrier. In that case... I must split myself into several forms! Instead of one Pure Gold, I\'ll have to create several Impure ones and attack the formation on different sides to destroy it. After that, I\'ll merge back and fight that angel!"

As the last of the minions of Greed dove into the devouring black hole, a strange light appeared as the black hole transformed into something like a giant egg.


The egg began to crack.

"Everyone! Gather around and prepare to fight in a formation! The beasts that will emerge there will be far stronger than us! So I want you all to offer all your energy to me! Do not hesitate but pour it all out! Desire to kill that Greed Spawn!" Nightwing shouted as he stopped shooting the Holy Beam.

A bright light flashed underneath the ground, and the army of humans, demi-humans, and other races gathered into the light.

They could feel an energy that was siphoning their energy. But no one feared, and many held up their hand to release their Brute and Magic energy!

"Sherah! Your spiders send them out to refill the energy of everyone!"

The spiders moved, and everyone continued to pour out their energy.

The egg broke out, and five massive frogs leaped out.

Nightwing saw the beasts and could recognize the energy.

"Unholy? You have that?!"

"The magic that can resist Holy because it is also Holy! Yes! If I eat you, I might even be able to harness Holy energy!" Bar-Mammon\'s main body laughed.


Their speed was so fast, and they all hopped into a formation that surrounded Nightwing and his army.

"Everyone! Give me all your life!" Nightwing shouted.

"Kill that frog!" The Cardinal cheered as he offered his energy.


The five frogs leaped out together as the light flashed inside the formation.


The five frogs crashed into each other as the expected resistance to the massive formation did not happen.

The five frogs were rolling in pain as they all struck each other. And then, they felt a strange gravity pulling them down.

"What the?! Where did everyone go?! This formation...! It\'s a gravity-enhancing energy conversion circle!" Bar-Mammon cursed.


The main body screamed as a dark red blade stabbed through him.

"No...! How?!" Bar-Mammon glanced up and couldn\'t understand what he was seeing.

"A... devil?! You... are an Incubus?!"

"An Incubus with an army\'s worth of [Sacrifice] energy." Nightwing laughed.


Several Red blades stabbed and struck the other frogs right in the heart.

"No...! Impossible!"

"You had an army to eat. And you divided that energy to make five forms. My army sacrificed itself and gave me one powerful form. Had you made one form, it would have been more enjoyable. Now... be mine to devour!" Nightwing licked his lips as he flew towards Bar-Mammon and reached out to the blade.

The blood began to be drawn out of the five frogs and a link of red chains began to appear.

The howls of the five frogs were heard, but with Nightwing pinning them down with great gravity magic, they could not move.

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