
Chapter 450 Building Murderous Intentions

There was no time to be distracted as a horde of goblins appeared.

But when they saw the goblin horde, they were stunned. Their appearances were more horrifying and their eyes were red with bloodlust.

Goblins and hobgolbins were charging down.

"Champion level? Assume formation! These goblins are strong!" Angelica led.

But as she rushed to the forefront, the others hesitated.

She wanted to shout in anger but she knew that what she asked was too dangerous.

Suddenly, the undead summons of Menks rushed forward to aid Angelica while he was busy creating a ritual to revive the undead body of Mark and Wailen.

"Maintain distance from each other but form a formation. My undead will cover the gaps between!" Menks ordered as he began the ritual. He gathered the blood of Mark and was taking his organs and placed them in Wailen and began the dark ritual.


"Oh shut it, Commander Derwin! In this place, you should thank my powers so that the dead will still fight for us!" Menks shouted.


Angelica held her ground and launched powerful attacks that blew away the goblins. With her identity revealed, she did not hesitate and released the pure raw powers and high stamina that she has.

The group assumed formation and was starting to fight.

Menks was quickly using his powers to summon and gazed at the Goblins.

"Don\'t brutally kill the hobgoblin champions! I can turn them into my men! Colin! When the Goblin champions rise, help me here!"

"Yes, master!" Colin answered.

Colin openly admitting to being a servant did not make everyone surprised. But many began to think

The battle continued with everyone fighting. The maddened goblins had lost their ability to organize themselves and simply rushed out towards the team of fourteen allowing the team to fight through.

"If anyone breaks ranks to cause the death of another, I will instantly attack! Be prepared to kill your companions! Angelica! Don\'t hesitate to kill them! Of everyone here, you are the one that is most unlikely to be the vampire! He cannot recreate a body like yours as it would cost so much to recreate a dragonic bloodline! So if you see anyone acting out of order, kill them!" Menks ordered.

Hearing this, the groups were slowly crowding around Angelica. Some chose to move close to Menks since these two were the ones who were most unlikely to be the impostor.

Menks began to resurrect the Hobgoblin champions to add more to his group. But he also created dark potions to recover the force energy.

"Take it!" Menks threw a bottle toward Angelica.

"What\'s this?"

"Force Recovering potion! The best kind of potion there is because it uses the life of another!" Menks answered.

Without hesitation, Angelica drank the potion and shocked those nearby.

"You trust him that much?!" Derwin exclaimed.

"He is not the impostor. The Eldrich he serves was among the secret Eldrich I was assigned to track down! How did the lord of the castle know of that name? The eldrich are pretty strict. Menks knows it because it\'s his master. But I\'m sure he never met this master of his! This means Menks have long been under the bond of that Eldrich. And changing masters and destroying servant bonds is not an easy task. That slime would need to capture and seal Menks to force the change."

"What if he became the servant recently? He could have gone here before this mission!"

"I have monitored the movement of all Commanders, Menks included. He cannot have made contact with the lord of this castle. I personally meet with Commanders or move close to their vicinity to use my dragonic sense of smell to confirm that it\'s not a body double. Besides..."


Angelica released tremendous force energy that blew away the row of goblins and even killed two hobgoblin champions!

"I feel great," Angelica answered.

"I won\'t force everyone to take it. But if you want, ask me. I also have one for magic energy. We\'re reaching the end of this goblin horde. The Goblin Lord should show itself soon." Menks warned.

The Champions began to hesitate.

"Give me one!" Champion Archer Rex finally decided to ask for one.

"Give me a magic restoring one," Laura spoke.

"Me too..." Champion Mage Northspark also asked.

"Give me one." Ress, the Captain mage quickly asked. Her mana was running low.

Menks quickly gave them and maintained his distance behind the battlefield as he continued to harness more.

​ He even drank his creation as he was spending massive amounts of magic and force energy in the creation of his undead minions.

He had caused three more undead hobgoblin champions to rise and they took the vanguard as the undead human champions were still stronger. Next to him, was the undead body of Wailen who stood by and watched the captains and champions.

The battle continued and the goblin lord finally appeared.

He had a power of a Commander and the elite of the champion goblins were with him.

"Infiltrators...! Kill them!"


The Goblin Lord was able to speak and surprised the group.

"The Goblins! I know them! This is the Goblin City! Why are they here?!" Darwin was stunned.

"Defend!" Menks shouted as he finally took to the front line. There were only a few of them and against such a number, there was a huge chance that they would all be killed!

The group began to fight with all their might and the Commanders and Champions were pouring all that they had to survive. The threat of the Vampire was also hovering over them.

"Dragonic form!" Angelica shouted as scales appeared around her.

"Form of the Thane!" She shouted and her body hardened and she charged further into the ranks of the goblins.

"Follow my lead!" She ordered.

"Dragon Knight!" Darwin recognized the job class that he revealed.

"Dragon Claw Slash!" Angelica\'s sword began with tremendous energy and a powerful slash was sent out creating an extended sword.

"That was Force Slash! She can do the high-level technique!" Archie exclaimed. As a Champion Swordsman, he knew how rare it was for Force Slash to appear.

With Angelica\'s lead, the rest managed to push further and faster.

Despite the disadvantages that they faced, the group endured and started to win as the other members were fighting seriously and for a mere moment in time, there was trust.

The mages were the most helpful as they shot attack after attack. Chain lightning. Fire Balls. Piercing Icicle. An array of Midland magic was used and quickly eliminated those below Champion level.

The undead summons of Menks charged straight without concern for their lives to inflict grave wounds on the Champions.

With suicidal teams and powerful mages, the group managed to dwindle the goblins.


The wing of Angelica smashed on the Goblin Lord and caused him to stagger.

"We\'re winning! Let\'s do this!" Archie charged straight for the Goblin Lord to deliver a critical blow.


A fireball of great potency struck Archie\'s back!

"AHHH!" Archie shouted and stumbled back.

The Goblin Lord took the chance and gave a powerful kick at Archie.


Archie was sent flying back and a Captian rushed towards Archie.


Treks used his sword to stab the falling Archie.

"GWAAA!" Archie shouted as he landed back. He glanced at the two captains that ambushed him.

Ress, the Captain mage shot the magic, and Treks stabbed him. The eyes of both were full of anger.

Archie realized what it was.

"I didn\'t... kill... them!" Archie pleaded.

But Treks charged forward towards the Goblin Lord who was busy fighting others and sent another kick towards Archie.


The bones broke as Archie could not defend against the full attack of the Commander.

At that moment, Estelle\'s charge to launch an attack stopped as she made a pivot and stabbed her spear at an ally.


Jeffrey, the swordsman was immediately killed as the spear stabbed through his head.

Darwin sensed the attacks and kept on attacking the Goblin Lord. Together with Menks and Angelica they rushed and landed their finishing blow.

But as Darwin saw the kick land and killed Archie, he was relieved.

"Good... Archie\'s dead... Rex isn\'t of this kingdom and he was sleeping with Laura. So he shouldn\'t be-"



Darwin was shocked as a powerful arrow stabbed through his heart.

He turned around and saw Rex preparing another attack and revealing his elven form.

"Rex... You...!" Darwin sensed a strange power hindering his force circulation.

"My body...! Sandarite poison?!" Darwin sensed the power.

"I know. I\'m a cheater. But I only cheated on her because she cheated on me. It\'s true! I am a spy. But I loved her. And I\'m never going to be anyone\'s cuckold!"


"No!" Angelica shouted and tried to block but the arrow was too fast for her.


Three arrows pierced through Darwin. One on the heart, and two on the head.

"Are you insane?!" Angelica shouted.

"Why? We killed the goblin horde. And why are you only blaming me? Look around you! If you have anyone to blame, blame that slime and his lord! He has been building the murderous intentions of everyone from the start." Rex answered without flinching.


"Indeed he has." Estelle appeared behind Rex.

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