
Chapter 95 - One Carriage To Protect

The destruction of the magic barrier happened as the simultaneous attack landed. 

With the fall of this shield, the arrows that had just been launched reached as if the entire scene was correctly timed. The wounded orc magi, archers, and the unguarded warriors all shouted. The horse riders composed of Kyros\'s Coven and the mercenaries of the Steele family began to rush in and attack.

Some stayed from afar and shot arrows targeting the weakened members of the group. The warriors were specifically busy because of the destroyed magic shield. The backlash of the destruction of the force field caused many orc magi to stagger, and the weaker ones even fainted as the magic force they were channeling was disrupted.

The more skilled orcs looked for a certain enemy archer who was so skilled and targeted the stronger and higher-leveled orcs. Three captains had fallen from this attack.

"It\'s coming from the forest!" An orc shouted, but another paladin guarded the way to where the archer stood!

Diana donned an impressive armor and fought off the orcs that approached. However, the nearby orcs were frightened because this warrior was one of the three attackers that wrecked their shield!

On the northern side, the dust from the attack and the stampede of the wolf riders had not yet settled. The other wolf that reached tried to bypass the wreckage but found another wooden cart hurling towards them.

"Caravan Crash!" Kyros laughed. He was still recuperating from the energy he unleashed but still had the strength to throw the remaining caravans that he told his father to leave inside the storage place.

"I hope the stronger levels of the [Carrier has Arrived!] Temple ability allows me to minimize the magic required and move bigger objects in and out!"

He had his Bloodied Sword absorbing the blood of the large wolves and the orc riders to restore his mana from his attacks.

The golems rushed out after Kyros destroyed the barrier. They began to attack the wolves and the orcs.

As the golems came to sight and began to punch and strike the downed orc and wolves, the Orcs were amazed. These were like tall men that looked liked mighty warriors.

Kyros had focused his power to create golems that had tall length. Though their defenses were weaker and it would have been evident that these golems looked deformed, they wore some light hide armor that hid their features.

More orcs began to attack the young man who stood with his sword stabbed on a dying wolf.

But just as they reached, a strange blood figure emerged from the ground and began to attack.

"What are those?!" An orc was horrified at the strange blood creatures.

The blood creatures began to attack. Nearby, the female Paladin had pushed deeper as the pressure lessened.

Arrows constantly rained over the hill keeping the army in a disorganized order.

Mezal did his job and created a distraction that made the orcs fail to notice the undead state of the orcs attacking them.

Kyros rushed fast and wasn\'t even afraid to move deep within the area where the arrows over the hill fell. He was careful to search for which caravan that the group would guard the most.

He knew that in this battle, they would abandon whatever they can afford to abandon. And Kyros saw the carriages and carts that were protected and surrounded.

Kyros took advantage of another volley of arrows that made everyone hide. Next, Kyros gave an order to first shoot at will, and then once Mezal would jump, they would shoot at timed intervals. This made the orcs expect the arrows and defend accordingly.

With this, Kyros knew when to move in and move out. The falling arrows did no harm to him as his dexterity and [Pronto] took care of evading the arrows.

Every time a volley reached, Kyros would bolt from one place to the other. Soon, Kyros arrived at one of the carriages that had a great number of orcs defending it. Kyros ignored the orcs and ran straight to touch the carriage. The moment he touched it, Kyros tried to send it to the Temple.

[You cannot fast store items when enemies are nearby.]

A warning prompt appeared. 

"As expected." Kyros nodded. Immediately, Kyros jumped back as a firebolt erupted and broke the ground where Kyros was standing.


"Reveal yourself, human!" One of the leading battle magis was able to keep track of Kyros\'s fast movements and shot a firebolt. 

The orcs also gave space as the orc magi leader challenged the enemy.

As the dust cleared, the sight of dangerous armor was seen.

"Quick Blade Knight!" The orc magi identified the horrifying level 40 job class.

"But captain, there are no Quick Blades in the Vaux Imperial!" One of the nearby orcs grunted.

"Why are you with the Vaux Imperial Kingdom?!" The magi asked Kyros.

Because Kyros used another armor from another general, the orc magi realized that this one was from a human kingdom that generally had bad relationships with the Vaux Imperial Kingdom.

Calaminus had been prodding Kyros non-stop since the plan was explained to everyone.

"Say it! Say it! Or I\'ll keep talking to you all your life!" Calaminus threatened.

"Fine..." Kyros cursed at Calaminus before assuming a battle stance.

"Hello. My name is Ignacio Montana. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" Kyros charged forward and activated Time Haste.

The sudden attack made the orc magi panic and retreat as he shot several fire bolts, which were easily dodged by the Quick Blade.

He then channeled the energy and shot a large Fire Ball towards the ground between them.


The large fiery explosion rocked the battlefield.

Kyros\'s body was gone, but the orc magi knew better.

"There is more than one human kingdom fighting us! Inform the leader! Two strong enemies are attacking us!" He shouted and made his troops pass along that message. The Quick Blade and the female Paladin were not to be underestimated. And the orc magi knew that the leader was not informed of their presence. 

The message was passed along, and it reached the place where Mezal was fighting.


Mezal unleashed another powerful attack that exploded on the other side of the battle.

At that point, the number of volleys that Kyros set for the archers to shoot had just ended. And this was the perfect time to charge.

The Cavalry that the Coven led charged towards the orcs. They didn\'t fight the front line but used the gap that Mezal created to enter the orc\'s formation. They were targeting any orc that was unprepared for melee combat.

The news from the back that another human army attacking them with force just as powerful made the orc captain curse.

With all sides breached, the orc captain immediately came to a decision.

"Orcs! Protect the middle carts! We are going on a full retreat! Secure each cart, and we will leave!" The orc captain ordered.

"Shield warriors! Hold the line! Do not let the orc traitors move past you!" The orca captain stayed on his position and kept the Paladin busy.

"Keep at him! The Paladin has expended too much of his Force Energy from destroying the shield!" The orc captain ordered as he called his men to fight. The large orcs that fought the Paladin were taller and more muscular, but they could only defend and harass the Paladin on multiple fronts.

"If it weren\'t for that damned shield, you youngsters would be finished by now!" Mezal laughed.

"My mission will be complete! They are coming!" Mezal charged.

The orc\'s expression grew ugly. Was there a third group approaching?

"Focus on the main cart! Abandon the rest! We are retreating now!" The orc captain shouted once more.

The orc forces began to abandon many carts and carriages and focused on bolstering the carriage at the center of their formation.

"Make a path!" The leader ordered, and the orc magi\'s followed.


Attacks from the orc magis grew rampant as they used their destructive magic to open the path.

Even some of the carriages that bared the way were destroyed.

The Orc captain saw the state of the wolf riders and their pack and how they seemed to have been attacked by a caravan of some sort.

Yet, there was no time for them to stay still.

"Blast them! Don\'t worry about friendly fire! We have to escape now!" The orc captain roared.

The orc magis began to shoot powerful fireballs that blew away the blockage of wolves, orcs, and caravans.

The golems were also defeated from the magic attack. But the group kept running and marching like crazy.

"No! Do not allow that carriage to escape! Archers! Kill everyone! We can\'t afford one orc to escape!" Mezal shouted.

The archers on the hillside were now revealed as the army moved past the last blockade of the smashed caravans. The enemy archers numbered over fifty from afar and made the heart of the orc captain run cold.

Suddenly, a red barrier was erected and protected the small region where the main carriage was and where the captain was.

The orc magi expended his remaining mana to cast a small barrier along with some of the orc magi who could manage.

"No!" Several angry cries were heard as Mezal and Diana shouted in anger with the barrier.

The arrows of the archers were easily deflected, and the orc group began to escape. Most were running on foot with a few carriages that some of the orcs managed to use with wolves or surviving horses.

Some even had a wolf and a horse pulling it together, making it rather unstable to drive.

Mezal kept shouting more orders and urged to give chase, but it was too late. 

As the orc escaped and disappeared out of sight, Mezal and the rest laughed.

"I can\'t believe it! We did it! No deaths, right?" Mezal asked as he turned to the Coven led the reckless charge of the Cavalry.

Many of the archers on the hillside rejoiced. The exaggerated numbers were by erecting strawmen wearing armors and placed them around the servants to make it look like the archers were more than they actually were.

"I lost my horse." Avary sighed.

"Me too." Gregory did so as well.

The three H\'s and the orc Grugnyr had the most devastating injury. In fact, Hemsey was left for dead. If it weren\'t for his vampire body, he would have long been gone. He kept drinking the blood of those nearby to recover.

"Where is Kyros?" Mezal wondered.

"He snuck in the main carriage." Diana sighed.


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