
Chapter 23: The pie that fell from the sky Part 2

Chapter 23: The pie that fell from the sky Part 2

Tang Yue’s emerald beady eyes darted here and there trying to search for an appropriate hideout in the middle of the forest.

Ever since she realized that she could absorb bloodlines, there were several things she wanted to experiment with.

And now that she obtained two common grade beast corpses, it was a perfect time to explore her abilities further.

After moving around for a while, Tang Yue finally spotted an isolated cave-like structure camouflaged and hidden between a couple of trees and gigantic rocks.

The vines, roots, and lower branches from the tree completely covered the entrance of the cave, and it was almost concealed from plain sight.

Tang Yue nodded satisfactorily and slithered towards the cave entrance.

She smoothly slipped into the crevices and small openings and entered inside the cave.

Phew! Just as she had expected, the cave was empty and unoccupied.

Tang Yue spit out the space pouch pearl that she was holding in her mouth and took out the Neiria herbs first.

Tossing the bunch of herbal stalks up and down, she roughly tried to gauge its weight.

“Hmm… This is a good haul indeed. I should be able to easily increase my lightning resistance with this.”

Tang Yue summoned her stats screen before snacking to get an idea about the number of fresh herbs required to increase an attribute.


Name: Tang Yue

Level 0 (10/200)

Species: Blue venomous serpent

Grade: Spirit beast


Body constitution: Bronze mortal body

Poison resistance: Level 9

Heat resistance: Level 6

Cold resistance: Level 6

Lightning resistance: Level 8

Agility: Level 1

Strength: Level 1



Health points: 10/10

Mana points: Not Available



Phoenix (High-grade): 0.001%



Illusion magic (Locked)

[Evolution] – Passive skill, Able to constantly improve and upgrade the body

[Venomous bite] – Active skill, Level 9, Toxicity depends on the poison resistance of the body

[Venom spit] – Active skill, Level 9, Toxicity depends on the poison resistance of the body


Tang Yue assessed her body status as she started chomping down on the fresh Neiria herbs.

It looked like her poison resistance and her lightning resistance had been upgraded quite a bit, thanks to the crown prince’s special cauldron deposits.

And all her other stats were consistently lagging behind.

Since the dregs no longer worked, she now needed to find fresh herbs to upgrade everything.

But maybe there was something else that could help her too… like consuming beast meat…

Tang Yue’s beautiful eyes kept hovering on the bloodlines section and she couldn’t help but drool over the potential of these bloodlines.

“I do have those two fresh animal corpses with me. I should be able to improve my stats at least a bit by devouring those dummies.” She licked her lips and pondered.

As she put the last of Neiria herbs into her mouth, Tang Yue quickly took out the dead salamander first.

She vehemently hated what she was about to do next, but she had no other option.

“Sigh. I hate this part.” Tang Yue took a few breaths and shape-shifted back to her serpentine form.

Opening her mouth wide, she gobbled up the dead salamander body in its entirety.

With such a huge lump of food in its stomach, the thin deep blue snake almost looked like a stuffed pillow in the shape of a salamander.

Tang Yue tiredly lowered her head to the ground. For the next few hours, she was completely out of commission.

With the huge thing in her stomach, she wouldn’t be able to move even an inch.

She just had to wait patiently for a few hours for the entire animal to be digested.

In case of an emergency, she can still shapeshift into her human form and fight, but the next instant she would have to puke out her insides as if it was the end of the world.

So Tang Yue silently coiled herself in the corner waiting for the food to digest and praying that nobody intruded.

As minutes trickled by, slowly and steadily the notifications started popping out.

Ding. A poisonous object has been consumed.

Ding. Poison Resistance has increased.

Ding. A poisonous object has been consumed.

Ding. Poison Resistance has increased.

Ding. A poisonous object has been consumed.

Ding. Poison Resistance has increased.

Salamanders had an extremely thick poisonous skin, so this was pretty much expected.

As she gazed at these back to back notifications, with nothing else to do, a plan vaguely formed in her mind.

The more she thought about it, the more things became clearer.

Though she had a mid-grade weapon on her hands, her only real fighting abilities involved her venomous bite and venomous spit.

If she could eat a few more of these salamanders and bump up her toxicity to much higher levels, that should definitely give her an edge in case a life-threatening situation arises.

So her best option right now would be to go on a salamander hunting spree.

They were relatively harmless common grade beasts. They didn’t even fight back much. They were practically tailor-made for her!

“I should probably save the wolf carcass for later.” Tang Yue lazed away and quietly enjoyed her food coma.

After a couple of hours, she was finally able to move, though a bit slowly, and immediately set out to identify her next prey.

Considering her sluggish demeanor due to the food inside her stomach, she might still not be able to attack any animal but she could definitely do some scouting.

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