
Chapter 175 A Month After

 ---A month after ---

More than a month had passed since the human continent had been consumed by the flames of war between the warring Lionar Kingdom and the mighty Niram Empire. Chaos reigned as once-thriving cities crumbled under the weight of destruction, and the cries of the innocent echoed through the land. Yet, amidst this turmoil, Fray and the Parada family remained unfazed by the conflicts that ravaged the continent. 

While the Lionar Kingdom and the Niram Empire clashed, the Parada Family focused solely on strengthening their own forces and preparing for a different kind of battle—a battle against the five star dungeon. 

Now, standing before a group of warriors adorned in heavy armor etched with countless intricate runic symbols, Fray exuded an aura of power and malevolence. Montaser, Elisa Adam, and Norman, members, stood at the forefront of the group, their eyes fixed on their leader, awaiting his words.

The warriors, forty in number, formed neat rows behind the trio, their expressions hardened and determined. They had been meticulously selected and trained for this perilous undertaking and it finally come the time to face tvier mission. Fray\'s piercing gaze scanned the faces of his chosen warriors, assessing their readiness and resolve.

With a voice as calm and calculated as the winds that swept across the desolate plains, Fray began his speech. "Within the depths of the dungeon lie, countless formidable creatures, ranging from the second to the third rank in strength. We have also discovered the presence of even more powerful entities, possibly reaching the fourth rank. And at the heart of it all, the dungeon boss, whose strength is estimated to be at least at the eighth rank. I\'m sure you are all well aware of this information, but I feel the need to emphasize the true danger we face."

His words hung in the air, carrying a weight of caution. Fray continued, his tone resolute. "In this mission, returning alive will be a difficult feat for each and every one of us. However, let us not forget the stakes we are fighting for. If the power within that dungeon spills out into our world, our city, our family, and all our loved ones will face utter destruction. The only way to conquer this dungeon is by giving our all, even if it means making sacrifices when necessary."

His expression remained firm, unwavering in his conviction. "I must also inform you that some forces from the Arezo family will be joining us on this mission. They are fellow members of our family, and while they have endeavored to protect their own, if it comes down to preserving your lives, I grant you the permission to prioritize your own survival."

Fray\'s words settled upon the warriors, a call to action tinged with a sense of responsibility, as understood the risks involved and the difficult choices that lay ahead.


 Elsewhere, the sun hung low in the sky, casting an eerie crimson glow over the war-torn landscape. The once peaceful village of Alendale now lay as a battered battleground, caught in the crosshairs of the Niram Empire\'s relentless onslaught. Plumes of smoke billowed from burning thatched roofs, and the air was thick with the acrid stench of destruction. The villagers, trembling in fear, huddled together in the few remaining intact houses, their prayers for an end to the violence drowned out by the cacophony of crackling fires and clashing swords.

Amidst the chaos, the cries of anguish intertwined with the clash of steel as the Niram soldiers showed no mercy to anyone who crossed their path. The thud of falling structures echoed through the

 village, signaling the devastation wrought upon the once-thriving community.

"Please, spare us! We have done nothing to deserve this!" pleaded a desperate voice.

"They\'re slaughtering everyone! We must hide, or they\'ll kill us too!" cried out another voice in fear.

A pervasive sense of darkness permeated the atmosphere as if the very essence of the village was being consumed. The villagers, their faces contorted with terror, could only pray for divine protection, for some glimmer of hope in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

Leading the charge was General Roderick, a towering figure with a hardened gaze. His cold eyes gleamed with a hunger for victory as he ordered his troops to breach the village\'s defenses.

"Push forward! Leave no stone unturned! Crush anyone who dares to stand in our way!" General Roderick commanded with a chilling voice, his words dripping with merciless determination.

His right-hand, Captain Talon, approached the general with a mix of caution and concern. 

"General, we have almost cleared the village. Our scouts report that the Parada family\'s lands lie just beyond. Should we continue marching in that direction?" Captain Talon inquired, a hint of unease tingeing his voice.

"The original path would take us four months, but this alternative path will only take two. We shall continue on this route, and the Parada family won\'t dare to impede our progress," General Roderick declared, his face etched with a strict resolve.

"But sir, the emperor explicitly stated to avoid crossing paths with the ancient families," Captain Talon protested nervously.

"Even though they are an ancient family, the Parada family poses no threat to us. I am certain that the emperor did not include them in his warning," General Roderick responded with a stern expression, dismissing any concerns with an air of certainty.

As the chaos unfolded, a young woman named Elara, known for her healing abilities, sought refuge in the village\'s modest temple. Tears streamed down her dirt-streaked face as she tended to the wounded and fervently prayed for a miracle.

"Oh, gods, grant us strength and protection. Heal these wounded souls and guide us through this darkness," Elara whispered, her voice tinged with both fear and determination.

Outside the temple, the Niram soldiers continued their merciless rampage, desecrating everything in their path.

"Is this a temple!? Are there still people who believe in gods?" scoffed a Niram soldier, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Burn it all to the ground!" another soldier laughed cruelly, reveling in the destruction.

"They will pay for this. I won\'t let their evil consume us," Elara muttered under her breath, her voice filled with defiance.

With unwavering determination burning in her eyes, Elara emerged from the temple, resolved to find any survivors and offer them solace amidst the chaos. She navigated through the treacherous streets, sidestepping debris and narrowly evading danger.

Amidst the wreckage of a collapsed house, Elara\'s keen eyes caught a faint movement. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized it could be someone still clinging to life. Quickening her steps, she carefully approached the pile of rubble, her eyes scanning for any signs of life.

"This was Master Marcus\'s house," Elara murmured, a mixture of sorrow and determination evident in her voice.

As she drew closer, she heard a weak cough emanating from beneath the debris. Hope surged within her, igniting her resolve. Elara swiftly began to dig through the wreckage, clearing away debris with urgency and delicate care.

"Master Marcus! Master Marcus, are you there?" Elara called out frantically, her voice l

aced with both desperation and a glimmer of hope.

"Elara... is that you?" a weak voice replied, barely audible amidst the chaos.

Hearing the familiar voice, Elara\'s heart raced with a mix of relief and concern as she crawled through the rubble, praying that Marcus had somehow survived.

"Master Marcus, thank goodness you\'re still alive. We have to leave, quickly!" Elara said with a sigh of relief, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Elara, I... I can\'t leave..." Marcus mumbled weakly, his words trailing off.

"No, Master, don\'t say that," Elara pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Elara, just listen to me... kh, kh," Marcus coughed, his weakened state evident.

"Master Marcus..." Elara\'s voice trailed off, her concern deepening.

"Elara, you\'re the only one left... I have a secret... a secret you must protect with your life," Marcus whispered, his voice barely audible.

"What is it, Master Marcus?" Elara asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Hearing Marcus\'s next words, Elara\'s eyes widened in shock at the gravity of his statement. As Marcus finished his words, Elara\'s expression grew intense as she mulled over the revelation. "They already here back!?..."

"Find it... find the lost city. They will help you," Marcus conveyed, his last words hanging in the air before he closed his eyes, his life fading away.

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