
Chapter 164 Aya Has Arrived To The Parada Mansion

The gravel crunched beneath the wheels of the carriage as it came to a halt in front of Fray\'s imposing mansion. I peered out the window, my heart heavy with a mixture of dread and resentment. This was the result of my father\'s decree – a forced encounter with the evilest family on the continent and the villainous man I neither needed nor desired, The head of such an evil family. 

Stepping out of the carriage, I smoothed down the creases in my dress, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. The mansion loomed before me, its grandeur a stark reminder of the power this family held within these walls, as I looked at the old man who was waiting for me in front of the carriage I think his name is Adam, the way he managed to transport the whole carriage for a distance that expired 20 kilometers in seconds reminded my that I can\'t escape from this place. 

"Mess Aya, the family wasn\'t certain about your exact arrival date, which is why they couldn\'t welcome you properly. I apologize," Adam interrupted, his voice clearly indifferent.

"No problem, Mr. Adam. Thank you for transporting me," I replied.

"Alright, head towards the door. I\'m sure someone will be there to welcome you," Adam declared, opening a peculiar portal with his magic.

Thus, as approached the massive oak doors, my footsteps faltered, and I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the unwelcome reception that awaited.

The doors swung open with a creak, revealing an old man with a butler uniform. He stood tall, dressed impeccably in a black suit, his expression stoic and unreadable. His eyes met mine briefly as if assessing my worth before he create a small smile on his face and say "Miss Aya, welcome to The Parada Mansion," Monatser\'s voice was calm and respectful. "Please, follow me."

Reluctantly, I trailed behind him, my footsteps echoing through the cavernous hallway. The mansion seemed to swallow me whole, its silence amplifying the racing thoughts in my mind. How did I end up here, trapped in this sinister web spun by my father\'s ambitions?

Monatser led me into a lavish sitting room, adorned with opulent furniture and intricate tapestries. The scent of aged wood and fading elegance permeated the air. He gestured toward a plush armchair, silently instructing me to sit.

"I will inform The Master of your arrival," Monatser stated. And with that, he vanished, leaving me alone with my swirling emotions.

As I waited, my gaze wandered to the window, where the fading sunlight cast long shadows across the room. I couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of resentment towards my father, who had thrust me into this situation without consideration for my feelings or desires. I yearned for freedom, for the ability to make my own choices.

The door swung open, jolting me from my reverie. A tall muscular man with long black hair and dark eyes, entered the room, his presence commanding and foreboding. His eyes pierced through me, their coldness sending a shiver down my spine. And for some reason, I felt exposed as if he could see through the walls I had built to protect myself.

"Miss, Aya, Right ?" Fray\'s voice was smooth and low, carrying a hint of coldness and cruelty . "welcome, Sorry for not meeting you at the gate"

(So this is Fray the famous villain, who killed his family members, and Luke\'s enemy, I can\'t let him think he\'s won by bringing me here ) I fought to maintain composure, my voice steady despite the fear that gnawed at my insides. "This place may be grand, but it holds no appeal to me, Fray. I did not come willingly, and I will not be swayed by your charm or reputation."


"..." Fray

Upon hearing her surprising statement, Fray and Montaser exchanged confused glances. Montaser, unfamiliar with the girl, was completely caught off guard, while even Fray, who possessed limited knowledge about her from the novel, was taken aback. Nonetheless, sensing the girl\'s discomfort with his presence, Fray quietly advised Montaser to provide her with a room and explain the rules to her before he returned to the chemistry room. 


The sun hung high in the sky as the borders between the Niram Empire and Lionar\'s Kingdom became the backdrop for an impending clash. Hundreds of knights from both nations stood resolute, their armor gleaming under the sun\'s golden rays. Tensions were palpable in the air as the gathering storm of war loomed ominously over the land.

As the horns sounded, signaling the start of the battle, a figure stood atop a distant hill, observing the chaos unfolding below. It was a weathered old man, his face lined with the marks of time and wisdom. His name was Elric, a retired general who had witnessed countless conflicts throughout his long life.

Leaning on a staff, Elric watched with a mix of sorrow and admiration as the knights clashed. His eyes, once filled with the fire of youth, now reflected the weight of experience. He had seen the devastation that war could bring, the lives lost and the families shattered. But he also understood the indomitable spirit that burned within those who fought on the battlefield.

From his vantage point, Elric could discern the ebb and flow of the battle. He noted the Niram knights\' disciplined formations and the Lionar warriors\' unwavering resolve. The clash was brutal, with neither side giving an inch. Elric could almost taste the desperation in the air as the knights fought for their nations and the ideals they held dear.

As the battle continued, Elric\'s thoughts drifted back to his own days as a commander. He remembered the weight of responsibility that had rested on his shoulders, the lives entrusted to his decisions. The scars of war, both visible and hidden, still lingered within him. He had seen victory and defeat, glory and despair, but he had also witnessed the toll it took on those who fought on the front lines.

In the midst of the chaos, Elric noticed a lone knight fighting with remarkable skill and grace. This knight moved with a fluidity that caught Elric\'s attention. Despite being outnumbered, the knight fended off attackers with remarkable agility, his sword dancing through the air, leaving a trail of fallen adversaries in his wake. There was an air of nobility and determination about him that drew Elric\'s gaze.

Elric couldn\'t help but wonder about the story behind this solitary warrior. What drove him to fight so fiercely? Was he a symbol of hope, an embodiment of the ideals they all fought for? Or was he driven by personal motivations, a desire for revenge or glory? Elric understood that each knight on that field had their own reasons for being there, their own stories of triumph and tragedy.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting an orange glow upon the battlefield, Elric remained on the hill, his eyes fixed on the ongoing struggle. He knew that this clash at the border was just the beginning, the spark that would ignite a continent-wide conflict. The ramifications would be far-reaching, the consequences dire.

In the face of such monumental chaos and destruction, Elric\'s heart ached for the knights battling below. He knew the toll that war exacted on both the victors and the vanquished. And as he continued to watch the clash unfold, he couldn\'t help but hope that somehow, amidst the bloodshed and the cries of anguish, a path to peace would emerge.

And so, with a heavy heart and a burdened soul, Elric remained on that hill watching the faraway battle while thinking "Sigh. Soon the whole continent will be affected, and there\'s no way out "

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