
Chapter 59 Asking For Death

Flora Dalton was a beautiful lady who gets head turns wherever she goes, it might be her beauty or the way she elegantly carried herself. Most awed over her and some lusted over her. She had the right curves where it was required. Her coffee-colored hair matched her brown eyes, the black eyeliner around it never failed to catch the attention on her face too.

Everyone has flaws, Flora had it in her personality. Her haughtiness hardly let anybody get close to her. Even her friends stayed cautious of her to avoid falling into her bad books. With two big names behind her, she had nothing to worry about.

She was a year younger than Alvin and followed him from her teenage hence she joined the same university and course as him. Everything started as an innocent crush on him. Every girl around her dreamed of being with the handsome, intelligent boy in the school and she dreamt of it too. While those girls feared to go near him, she boldly went to him and faced rejection.

Growing up, she got everything she asked for. So she wasn\'t ready to accept defeat. She tried to attract him numerous ways and failed each time. Her innocent adoration changed to an unreasonable goal to have him. After some time, her stubbornness turned into an obsession.

When everyone was laughing at her, she started playing dirty. She wanted him by hook or by crook. She spread the rumors as she was his girlfriend and then she got her hands on drugs. Just when she was finally succeeding, Alvin left the country fighting with his father, letting go of his dream for another woman.

Sunday at three in the afternoon,

After leaving the Oasis, Flora sat in a luxurious cafe, crossing her legs, gritting her teeth. She couldn\'t believe her plan fired back and Alvin drugged her the previous night. She had abundant luck on her side, she bumped into her friend instead of any random man before she lost her control.

"Didn\'t that ugly prick run away? When the freaking hell did she come back?" Flora growled, glaring at a man who was in front of her. Anya Owen was the ugly prick she was talking about.

Secretary Harris of Chairman Matthews pushed the glass on his nose bridge. He was in simple business formals and stood straight without any expression on his face. He clenched his teeth hearing Flora. He had better work to do than hearing her tantrums.

When Flora tried to contact Chairman Matthews saying she needed to meet him and it was an emergency, Secretary Harris had thought she must have met with some accident. Chairman Matthews didn\'t bother and asked Harris to deal with her or her problem.

When Secretary Harris reached the cafe she was sitting and shouting at service staff, threw a few cups of coffee on the floor, and now it was his turn to hurt his ears. He chose to stay silent as anything he says will just go over Flora\'s head and she will start yelling at him.

Of course, he knew the lady who could piss off Flora by doing exactly nothing, Anya Owen. He was surprised to hear about her after five years. Anyway, if this matter falls on Chairman Matthews, Harris didn\'t know how his boss would go crazy.

Flora who paused, widened her enraged reddened eyes which could scare one easily, "Was she living with Alvin all these years?" She ran her imagination wilder, "No doubt Alvin and that sl*t disappeared together." She laughed hysterically.

The customers sitting at tables far away felt their hair raise at the creepy laughter. The waiters and manager of the cafe nervously wiped their sweat, having no guts to say anything to her. Though the cafe didn\'t belong to Flora, she could use her connections and close the cafe or fire the employees.

Flora threatened Secretary Harris, "I don\'t f**king care what you will do, get rid of that ugly freaking b*tch. Or I will ask Dad to withdraw all his investments. Do you get that?" Flora knew if something works on Chairman Matthews it was business and she was a link to the business partnership.

Secretary Harris\'s expression changed. Dalton and Matthews had a billions worth of partnership. Chairman Matthews would rather break the personal relationship than the business partnership. Though Flora got just a handful of chances to look at Alvin in the past five years, she never complained and tried to get close to him on her own. Now that her position was being threatened, it was of no surprise she couldn\'t contain her anger and disregarded her demeanor.

Flora growled after a pause, "Did I ask you to come? I wanted to meet Uncle Matthews." She attacked the poor secretary.

Secretary Harris faintly nodded his head hearing the question that he should respond, "Ms. Dalton, Chairman Matthews is busy." His voice and words were clearly weighed and used.

That riled her more. She scoffed in annoyance, "Is that work more important than this?"

\'Certainly,\' The secretary thought without answering her. Suddenly something crossed his mind. He nodded as if apologizing for his question, "Ms. Dalton, if I may ask, could you let me know how you got this information? Chairman Matthews might need to know to handle the situation."

Flora opened her cherry-painted lips to say \'A maid from the Oasis told me.\' but she swallowed the words back. If this somehow reaches the ears of Alvin, then Alvin would filter his maids again. This would be the second time so she didn\'t say, "What are you there for? Confirm yourself."

Secretary Harris: "..."

Ten more minutes later, Flora finally stopped throwing her temper at the secretary and left the cafe without paying the bill. Secretary Harris had to pay for the coffee and the broken cups.


The Golf club

Secretary Harris went straight to the Golf club where Chairman Matthews was busy expanding his network with a new client. Harris nodded at the elder son of the Matthews family, "President Matthews."

Liam Matthews, president of Matthews Industries. Though he was acting CEO, he was just a puppet under his father. His father has the final decision about everything at the company while Liam represents the company to the public and brings his father\'s words into action.

If not anything, Matthews had good beauty genes in their blood. Liam was handsome in his early thirties. He was fair, tall, and maintained an athletic physique. Unlike father or younger brother, his expression was warm and friendly just like his amber eyes. In a polo shirt and trousers, he looked a lot younger than his age.

He nodded at Harris in acceptance of the greeting without showing his disinterest in the golf game. Unlike Alvin, Liam was obedient from a young age. So he often did what he doesn\'t like but his father does. So his marriage was also a business partnership made by his father.

He gave up his passion for painting and studied business and became his father\'s puppet. To the world, he was a young and ambitious man in the business world. Well, it was the image his father created for him and he accepted it under his mother\'s pressure.

If he was lucky about something, then it\'s his pretty wife who was also forced to get married on a business partnership. He was also a father of Little Peanut with whom he wanted to spend his Sunday. Anyway, when was his wish fulfilled? His father ruled over them.

"What\'s new this time?" Liam asked Harris while removing his leather gloves and watching his father faking his laughter with the client.

Harris sighed internally. He could imagine Chairman Matthews flaring up after hearing the news, "Ms. Dalton said Ms. Owen is back with the Second Young Master."

​ "What!?" Liam blurted out. His calmness turned stormy in a split second. He clenched his teeth and his hold on the leather gloves tightened significantly. He had warned Anya to stay away from Alvin, he couldn\'t believe she was gutsy enough to return and ask for death.

He threw the leather gloves on the seat of the buggy and informed him, "I am going to deal with her."

Harris took a step away as he turned to Liam, "Yes, President Matthews, I will inform the Chairman about it." He watched Liam immediately leave. He hoped Liam could handle the situation before the issue turns grave.

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