
Chapter 382 - Taking Over Egypt’s Base (4)

On the distant area of Egypt, several figures were flying and avoided the locust technology of Egypt. The team had no weapons or any techs that they could use. 

A sandstorm raged, but it was this very sandstorm that would help these groups enter the underground region of Egypt.

The wind created a sharp drill that dug its way into the deep underground region.

As the group entered the underground area, they flew towards the location where the base was.

As they continued to move, the security detail of the underground base was also busy. Vender began to move around the screens after zooming them in and would point at certain key points. He pointed out how a certain person shouldn\'t be there and would even point to crates and boxes that shouldn\'t even be moved from one part of the base to another.

Those who weren\'t part of the syndicate were shocked that these things were happening right before their eyes. But there were a lot of tricks that made them unaware of that. And so, these groups began to suspect the loyalty of their companions.

"But let\'s not just stick with these things. I mean, we have a lot of fairly nice things going on in this base aside from syndicate thingies. I\'m talking about secret sex slaves! We also have that disgusting incest thing, the sneaking around and sleeping with other people\'s wives. I\'m sure some of you have suspected that. But did you know that some of you are doing it with the wives of those in here? Except my own, of course."

One of the soldiers couldn\'t take it anymore. Many videos were pointed out that would make it easy for the rest to deduce that he was doing something illegal.

"Who are you? You march in here to point out weird stuff on the screen as if your arrival isn\'t illegal! Overnight, an unknown person is elected to be part of this circle. And that was only after the head of human resources has been seen running around the entire place! What exactly happened?"

"Well... To put it simply, oh curious inquirer..." Vender began to talk in a rather irritating accent that was known as the British accent during the Post-Modern age.

"There was a, certain informal and formal discussions took place in certain areas with certain people, and these discussions involved a full and candid exchange of opinions, out of which there arose a series of proposals which when examined by the other party, proved to signal certain promising benefits which if pursued would lead to the realization that the alternative courses of action might for certain, given the right execution, and is allowed to be modified by it discreetly or indiscreetly, would lead to a reappraisal to the function and maximization of this base, leading the way to encourage possibilities of rejuvenation and cooperation which once unilaterally enforced with the appropriate give and take on both parties might, if the seasons were right, have a reasonable possibility at the end of the day of leading, rightly or wrongly, to a mutually satisfactory resolution."

The string of words was spoken so fast, and given that many of these words weren\'t simple, it made everyone\'s head turn. Most of those listening felt an uncomfortable sensation as if they heard something that was wretchedly painful to their ears.

"A... a what?"

"There was a deal made." Vender spoke normally.

"You didn\'t catch that? Alright. Let me start again from the top."

"NO!" Many cursed at Vender.

"Wow. You guys actually chorused in saying no. Hmm... Is the syndicate trying to silence me?"

"What syndicate?! We are trying to get a crazy man to shut up!"

"Oh? So I\'m crazy? And not the certain someone who has been doing a lot of prison cell activities? I mean, wow! How was it that you got prisoners to become part of your nighttime fun time? I mean, I don\'t walk around prison cells and think, you know what? I gotta get me some of that! I guess. It must be the drugs. Well, I\'m not sure if you\'re better than Mister Incest. I can\'t even call it wincest because that is NOT winning. Ew. And mister prison lover even managed to do it in one of the cells? I\'m not even mad. That\'s amazing!" Vender took the reigns in controlling the computer and the camera.

"What insanity are you babbling about?" The man who told Vender to shut up argued. But everyone could hear his voice tremble, and it shocked the men in the room. Even some of the men who belonged in the syndicate were astounded.

"Insanity? Your statements are rather unclear." Vender then began to speak with the old British accent.

"Yes! Could you stop these insane things? No one in this room can understand what the hell you are talking about! Is that clear enough for you?"

"Regrettably, although your statement was indeed as clear as the sky or, as clear gleaming crystals could be, there is evidence and conflicts in trying to justifiably assign to your statements the adjective known as truthful. For inasmuch as the precise correlation between the information you just declared, with raging dedication, insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated with the plethora of evidence seen, not only all over this screens but even heard through rumors and gathered intel from various espionage groups, would indefinitely cause epistemological problems of such grand magnitude as to lay upon the logical statement you made, a heavier burden than they can reasonably be expected to bear."


"Stop! Stop saying crazy things!" Another wept. The words and the way he said those words were just too irritating. The man was pretending to be extremely smart, but because either his acting skills were dismal or that his being was just annoying, the sounds that they heard were like the screeching of two objects grinding each other.

"Didn\'t you understand what I said? I am trying to point out that you, sir, are lying. Do you want me to prove that?"

The man backed off and shook his head. It wasn\'t just the fear of being revealed to be the offender, but he was afraid that he would kill himself if this man began a lengthy explanation.

"I\'m gonna... clock out early." One of the men listening to Vender started to walk out.

"Me too."

"I think... I feel sick."

"Oh, and anyone who leaves will indict themselves of their guilt, and Major Lester will immediately hold and detain your family members." Vender smiled.

The people who were just about to leave froze.

Harker and the rest were painfully listening to the conversation.

"What\'s going on? Why did he say that? If he kept at it, the soldiers would have left!" Harker didn\'t get it.

"You didn\'t notice? That old man\'s got some strange sense of justice. He wants wrongs to be right. That\'s another reason why he\'s annoying; it\'s because he has his own sense of justice." Gardo explained.

"Arthur. Do something." Harker frowned. The group was already on their way.

"No. You all have your eccentricities. And that\'s what makes you stronger. Vender can already do it from here on. Anything he does moving forward is him either having fun or doing what he thinks is right."

"You can try to stop him, and he\'ll probably explain to you why he\'s right. You want to do that?" Gardo asked.

Harker kept quiet. In no way was he going to open a dialogue that gives this madman time to talk.

The security group grew extremely nervous at Vender\'s actions. In many of the screens that he opened were evidence of what he was claiming. But Vender didn\'t outright reveal it but would often go on strange rants about random things and then suddenly began to talk about justice, truth and righteousness.

His rants would stop midway as an interesting phrase in the large knowledge base full of clickable links would send him from one part to the other. The pages he opened began from basic morality. He started from pages about how incest and abusive sexual slavery was wrong. Then it went to the philosophies of Buddha, then the monkey king Sun Wu Kong, the theories and principles about Taoist, the Yin and Yang, light and dark opposites, the Jedi and Sith, and finally a whole list of Star Wars tabs. 

"So yeah, that\'s Kyle Katarn. But that\'s a different story altogether. Oh right. Your evil deeds... Anyway..." Vender went back to his usual tone and opened the prison cells once more and closed all the other windows he opened to explain what he means in his rants. 

"To whoever I referred to do in the prison cell, it\'s just so impressive. You could even do a movie based on this! Miracle in cell number semen. Get it? Get it? Oh, you probably don\'t get it. It\'s an ancient movie that went popular within post-modern Asia." Vender laughed as he zoomed in several rooms, one of which made the person guilty tremble that everyone could notice it.

"So this room. As you can see... It\'s a room full of wickedness. The prisoner here is a rather good-looking man who is also part of the rebellion. And yet, someone, I\'m not saying who, decided that this would be the perfect place to get it on. And it\'s not only immoral to abuse this person, but I mean, it\'s not safe! What if the prisoner takes advantage of your erm... passion and manages to get out! Although... the prison doors aren\'t really easy. Did you know that the doors didn\'t use passwords or other authenticators to open in times long ago? Get this. We used to use keys to lock doors. But now that I think about it, the reason why it\'s easy is that all cells use passwords instead of the ancient \'key\' to open doors."

Everyone wanted to scream. They knew that this man would then talk about strange things.

Vender saw this as another time to show off his wordy and bookish side and reverted to his British accent.

"I actually have a profound hatred in an ancient practice that has been instituted and practiced over the century in which it imposes strict and very constrained restrictions which limits the ingress and egress access of the members of society wherein the probability of losing the device that dismantles the locks and would in effect, lead to a limited form of lifestyle paralysis which renders it effectively impossible for one to work, relax or go about one\'s business."


The painful tone and accent surfaced once more, and the group felt as if they were being tortured.

And then Vender began a long and educational spiel about doorknobs and how society has evolved since its invention. The security team felt as if they were in a dark, infinite cave spiraling downwards towards the depths of hell with nothing but the evil howls of the devil to accompany them. 

"Oh! To the side is yet another syndicate, and look! Can you see that? It\'s your mother! She needed twelve CCTV\'s to fit her in!" Vender suddenly pointed to the side screens. Everyone looked, and there was nothing there.

"Hahahaha! I got you to fall for both a made-you-look and a yo-mama joke!" Vender took pride in his actions.

"I did it! I am the one involved with my sister!" A member confessed. 

"Just get me out of here!" He wept.

"I am part of the syndicate! I work for Macronaldo! Please get me out of here!"

"Rodulfo, I\'m gay, and I love you!" Another confessed.

"Me too!" Another person shouted. He was supposed to admit that he was working for Macronaldo, but then someone interjected and confessed to loving Rodulfo, who was now confessing to being the prisoner-lover.

"What? You\'re in love with Rodulfo too?! No way! I\'ll kill you!"

The group began to confess their sins except for two men who went on a fistfight. The other hadn\'t heard the first person\'s love confession and ended up getting beat up. A fistfight ensued, and as everyone pleaded to leave and asked Vender to be gracious and tell Major Lester to spare their family, Vender was busy plugging in a certain device.

"Vender... They are arriving. You better make sure that none of the security team is watching." Harker spoke in a frequency only Vender could hear.

"Nearly done." Vender answered back.

"Alright. I can ask Major Lester to spare everyone with one condition!" 

"What condition?"

"You will? Thank you! Thank you! I\'ll never sleep with my sister ever again!" 

"Atta boy, good sirs!" Vender smiled and slammed a certain key on the keyboard to play it.

"Tuuh Tuuh ta ta ta tuuh tuuh ta ta ta tuuh tuuh tun-tun-tun-tuuuuh!" Vender hummed along as the Star Wars intro played.

"Let\'s start this marathon! Those who aren\'t watching won\'t have their families spared. Don\'t think I can\'t see you." Vender moved to the back and watched.

As the text crawl appeared, Vender began to narrate the amazing awesomeness of this post-modern sci-fi space battle.

Everyone was distracted by the large movie that covered all their screens. But even without it, as long as Vender kept talking, no one would have noticed anything, even if the person next to them would burst into fire. They had unknowingly signed on to a torturous experience of getting to listen to this man for an entire trilogy.

"After this, let\'s watch the prequels and then the sequels. I\'ll have the good General bring us food." Vender added.

Listening on the rooftop of the base, Arthur and the rest were horrified at Vender\'s plans.

"Is this... alright? I feel sorry for them." Gardo spoke.

"Such torture... could they become Unlocked?" Lowengren asked.

"That was my plan from the start. We need Unlocked to fight off them." Arthur pointed to the distance.

Several men landed in front of them.

Harker, Arthur, and Lownengren waved to greet the arriving people.. 

"Hermes and his Four Winds, the Vampiress Akasha and Chester Gallium. Welcome!" Harker greeted.

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