
Chapter 585 - 586 I will record this

Chapter 585: Chapter 586 I will record this

A collector was conceived from the surface of the star ring.

Soon, the organism was conceived, the sarcoma was ruptured by the limbs, and the new collector drilled out of the sarcoma and ate the remains of the sarcoma into its own nutrients.

It looks around itself as if stepping on the flat ground. The diameter of the transverse circular surface of the orbital module is very large, more than twice the diameter of the moon. The large size causes the illusion of stepping on the flat bottom, which is why ancient humans thought that the earth is flat.

On the left side of the collector is a red dwarf that has been staying on the horizon, half-covered and about the size of a basin. There is no atmospheric obstruction of sight. The collector can clearly see the red surging plasma ocean.

Collectors can feel the burning sensation from the star\'s light, but the red dwarf is the lowest heat star, and the energy of thermal radiation is not high, which is very \'cool\' compared with other stars.

Moved his limbs, stepped on the fleshy ground under his feet and began to walk, and the collector walked towards the distance.

It is not easy to walk on the ring. The soft and fleshy ground under your feet is like stepping on a sponge bed. Every step, your feet will sink down. Even if you are a collector, you also need some strength to maintain balance, so it is less powerful than walking on the flat ground.

The ground is very flat, and the fleshy ground extends far away. You can see the horizon of the sky. Under such a landscape, the only abruptly tower is a tower, which is the target of the collector.

After walking for a while, the collector reached the bottom of the tower.

The metallic luster of the tower is like a tall building built with some kind of alloy, but it is alive and the collectors know very well that this is a giant creature transformed from the same clan.

"What are you doing?" Gaota asked.

"I want to record this historic moment for my will and let the ethnic group know the achievements of our cluster." The collector replied.

In the collector\'s body, there is a special memory, which is equivalent to the size of the human brain and connected to the collector\'s retina. It can be said that this collector is a living camera that can move by itself.

It took a few days for the collector to simply circle around the soles of the tower. The tower was so huge that it was like standing in front of a metal-gloss wall.

Looking up at the sky, the collector planned to look directly at the top of the tower, but it failed. From its perspective, the whole tower showed a cone, with a large bottom but a small top.

The collector knows that because of the distance, the tower is too high. Even if there is no cover, it is difficult for the collector to see the top of the tower with ordinary vision alone.

It jumped vigorously, and the low-gravity environment allowed it to jump to a high place, rising as fast as an elevator, and quickly reached the top of the tower.

At the moment of arrival, it used its tentacles to absorb the top of the tower so that it would not fall into the universe.

After stabilizing its shape, it began to observe the top of the tower. The top of the tower is a huge sphere without a spire. The function of this tower is to generate a strong magnetic field and turn the stellar wind from the star direction to the material interface on the ring. The inside of the sphere is a high-temperature superconductor. After the same high current, it will form a strong Magnetic field.

In addition, there is no superstructure on the top of the tower, because it is unnecessary.

Standing at the top of the tower and looking at everything below, you can slightly see the horizontal curvature of the ring.

In addition to the curvature, the collector also saw a huge structure that was different from the tower and was far away from the direction of his right hand.

It looks like a fan, one facing the star and the other facing outside the star system.

This is a light energy giant that absorbs light particles and uses ammonia as a medium to produce electrical energy through the photosynthesis of organisms. The electrical energy produced will be transported to the tower through the superconductor below, thus forming a strong magnetic field.

Looking around, in addition to these two giant structures, there are other giant structures, but they are far away from the collector, so only some outlines can be faintly seen.

Coming down from the top of the tower, the collector walked all the way and began to move along the perimeter of the ring to shoot everything along the way.

However, the collector stopped when he arrived at the next tower.

The same clan stopped it.

"Many designs of the ring are repeated and should be recorded by type. There is no need to run around the ring, so that even if you run for a thousand years, you can\'t finish a circle."

"You have a point."

The collector agreed with his peers and moved towards the left-hand side of the star.

The red dwarf, the sun, began to change its position as the collector ran, and it slowly rose until the collector\'s pace stopped.

At this time, the red dwarf star is on the top of the collector\'s head, like a scorching sun at noon, which is very hot. Without atmospheric protection, the stellar radiation will be very strong.

Fortunately, the object is the collector, which is no different except that it feels hotter than before.

The enchanting red is built like blood, and the surrounding scene looks a little red. Combined with the fleshy ground, it gives people a very strange feeling.

In front of the collector, there is also a tower used to generate a strong magnetic field, but the role of this tower is not to deflect and converge stellar matter in a simple sense, but more similar to a switch.

When the tower closes the strong magnetic field, the stellar material will be introduced into the interface due to the action of various forces, and when these towers are activated, the stellar material will be completely rejected by the ring and will fall back into the red dwarf.

The collector continued to travel about 50 kilometers, and a cliff appeared in front of which is the interface of the ring to receive stellar matter.

On the edge, I can\'t see what is under the cliff. I can only see star material like clouds.

The principle is to slow down the stellar material by accelerating the electric field, and at the same time introduce low-temperature helium to cool it. After cooling, it will be handed over to the hive, which will split the mixed gas mass into individual substances, especially helium, which is a resource that needs to be recycled.

The position where the collector stands is only the interface of the cooling system. This is very dangerous. The clouds and fog seen by the collector are not stellar matter after cooling, but are still in a plasma state. The temperature is higher than the highest furnace flame in human civilization. As soon as human hands reach in, they will be carbonized in less than a second. The owner of the hand didn\'t even have time to feel the pain.

Subsequently, the collector obtained enough material from his peers and transformed into a cosmic creature.

It began to use antimatter propulsion and ran a triangular trajectory around the red dwarf to record the structure of the ring.

Then, it begins to pull away the distance from the star in the vertical direction of the circle, so that you can intuitively see the picture of the ring around the star, which feels like overlooking the picture.

However, it can\'t be said that there is no clear upper and lower concepts in the universe.

After everything was recorded, the star\'s light began to flash regularly, telling the miracles created by the collectors in the stellar system.

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