
Chapter 547 - 548 We hope you can intervene.

Chapter 547: Chapter 548 We hope you can intervene.

While waiting for the feedback from the other party, the collectors\' construction project has not fallen behind, and they are still in a state of rushing to work, even more urgent than before.

This is an inevitable result. After learning the new information about alien civilizations, the collectors who regard alien civilization as an ethnic resource are naturally extremely excited, and this excitement will be transformed into the driving force for their development.

The waiting time did not pass long, and soon, the collectors learned the reply of the unknown alien civilization.

Of course, this \'long time\' is defined by the social view of the collectors. From the perspective of human society, it is a long decade, enough for a baby to grow into a bear child who is soy sauce everywhere, enough for an adult to go from penniless to rich, and enough for more new things in society.

"They replied!"

The collectors are extremely excited to import the information received into the huge structure and rely on the huge computing power to decipher the language.

After nearly three months of operation, the information content was deciphered.

[Good wishes to the Amoeba civilization that has received this message.

After a long period of creation and labor, the Carter people lit up the brilliant fire of civilization on Soli and created a rich and colorful culture. They have a preliminary understanding of the objective laws of nature and the operation and development of Carter society.

But there are still great defects in our world, hatred, prejudice, war, disease... Due to the contradictions between collective and individual relationships, personal freedom and power are squeezed and violated, and the vast majority of Carter members live under the shackles.

We, Carter Democratic Equality State, are committed to eliminating such injustice and shackles. Therefore, we need to eliminate imperialist dictatorship and achieve the liberation of global equality and human rights.

However, if equal human rights want to achieve their own complete liberation, the unity of equal human rights in several countries is not enough to fight against the evil imperial dictatorship on Sori! It is also necessary to unite the equality and human rights of the whole universe! More righteous forces in the universe are needed to intervene!

Come here, the equals of the whole universe unite!]


After browsing the information, the collectors exchanged information with each other and fell into a discussion.

Most of their thoughts are strange, and they always pay attention to the strange places in the information of unknown civilizations, which is understandable. After all, there is no concept of dictatorship and equality in the world of collectors. They are indeed equal. All individuals are like this. Only the will of the ethnic group is supreme. .

But they are indeed dictatorships. After determining their respective division of labor, there will be a high degree of concentration of power. What the collector cluster does will only be more dictatorial than the dictatorship, so it will be efficient, united and integrated.

"Don\'t pay attention to those strange places. Those are not important. The important thing is that they give back the information, and the coordinates of their parent star are locked."

"Where is it?"

There are eager inquiries from collectors, which is very important to them.

"The star system five light years away from us."

"It\'s only five light years? It\'s so close, I thought it would be far away.

A group of collectors were surprised that according to the original expansion plan, stars five light-years away from their star system must be the target of the next colonial star.

Because of this, in the initial conception of the collectors, they subconsciously excluded such close stars and focused on searching for star systems within 10 to 20 light-years.

At such a close distance, it only takes five years for collectors to arrive.

However, there are still some minor problems.

"Our star track is still under construction, and so is the anti-matter giant. It will take some time to complete."

"But we still don\'t know their technical level, so how to determine the diplomatic method?"

"For this, wait until you come into contact. Don\'t worry, but it can be sure that they have at least had the energy utilization of the star rating.

Because only in this way can we deliver the information to us at a distance of five light years.Through the transmission distance of information, the collectors judge the lower limit level of the alien civilization of the five-light-year alien civilization. Considering the problem of signal attenuation of the scale, the radio that can achieve the five-light-light-year distance scale must have the energy utilization at the planetary level, that is, the level of Type I civilization.

"From the content of the information, the contradictions within their civilization are very sharp. Maybe they are engaged in war when delivering information."

"It is very likely that the reply message is full of individual emotions, but I\'m not sure whether I\'m typing now. After all, this is the information five years ago."

Collectors make a general judgment based on the content of the information. If the contradiction is not extremely sharp and irreconcilable, the individual who delivers the information will not add such information to the reply message.

In terms of content, the country that claims to be the \'Carter Democratic and Equal State\' seems to take it for granted that the collectors must have the same structure and ideology as them, which made the collectors not very understand at the beginning, but after adding the concept of \'war\', everything became clear - this Carter The country is suffering from the flames of war and is at the disadvantage of war. It is eager to have an external force to intervene.

"The information delay in light years is really a troublesome problem. When can the ethnic group solve it?"

The collectors who thought of the light-year delay problem had no choice but to complain that it was not only the collectors of the mother star of the Zeshu civilization who realized that this problem.

"After all, we don\'t know what else can be faster than light. It\'s helpless."

At the end of the discussion on replying to information about alien civilization, some collectors raised questions.

"There is another problem."

"What\'s the problem?"

"The content of the sender is to invite us to go to their civilization to participate in the battle. What should we do with this kind of information? Promise them?"

Blindly intervening in an unknown war is obviously a brainless behavior. No matter how you look at it, it is not in the interests of the ethnic group. Therefore, at the beginning, most collectors refused to intervene.

"Isn\'t it good to intervene in the struggle within their civilization? The purpose of the ethnic group has always been observation.

"Obviously, this civilization has a full understanding of the universe and civilization. It is not as weak as Luo people and Zeshu. The sharp contradictions inside are often accompanied by strong aggression."

"But this does not mean that they will be enemies of the ethnic group, and it is very stupid to blindly erect enemies."

"But you have overlooked a question - what often comes with the contact between civilizations?"

"This..." As soon as such a question came out, all the collectors in the channel were silent, and there was a brief silence in the channel. After a while, the collector replied, "... You\'re right."

"Then promise them, it\'s the same anyway."

The stars flashed their own light again, and the stars in the background of the universe shook slightly. The fate of the unknown alien civilization five light-years away from the collectors was determined.

[Carter Democratic Equality Country, our Amoeba civilization has fully understood the problems encountered by your civilization and will arrive at your stellar system in 60 years. Note: Time unit conversion, the year is equal to 31536,000 seconds, the definition of second time - when it is extremely close to absolute zero, it tends to be static ground state caesium. The time is 9192631770 times the period of the electromagnetic wave emitted when the transition between the two energy levels of 133 atoms.]

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