
Chapter 442 - 443 Dawn Before Dawn

Chapter 442: Chapter 443 Dawn Before Dawn

Quiet streets, dilapidated buildings and roads, scattered metal fragments everywhere, the wreckage of many flying cars, flames and corpses everywhere, except for a little wind, the biggest sound is the crying of children.

The main insurgent who caused such a tragedy, in the final analysis, the planet is the property of the empire, and there are only three habitable planets. If it is not confirmed that it cannot be recovered, the empire will not be willing to get too hard.

For these Selin children, this war is a disaster in their lives. The adults in the city are either killed or scared to run away. Except for their parents, no one will worry about the life or death of these children.

The empire is also extremely cold-blooded in this regard, because in the battle with the organization, the organization encouraged children to poison the imperial military and secretly install bombs, which led to the imperial military\'s completely indifference to the tragic situation of these Selin children, and killing without seeing it is the greatest kindness.

War destroys human nature. This sentence is absolutely right. The real war is tens of thousands of times more cruel than the cruelty in the TV series. When it really happens, unorganized individuals are so helpless that no one can care about anyone.

The collectors hidden on the planet will not be involved in the danger of war. The life field covers the whole world. They have a more comprehensive intelligence network of the Bealine big data system. Every plant, every animal, every bacterium can provide them with information.

Several months have passed since the civil strife. During this period, the empire only rebuilt military bases and then refugee camps. It has always been looking for excuses to delay the restoration and reconstruction of the city. After all, the empire just does not want the colonial star to develop, which has led to the final destruction of the people\'s expectations for the empire.

The empire won the war, but also lost the hearts of the people. This is what Huo Gu wants. This kind of faith that has been condensed for thousands of years has gradually been covered with dust in this short period of time, and loyalty is a thing of the past.

The rebellion is only a one-sided appearance. It is the people who support the organization. Because the people have lost confidence in the regime, a new regime will emerge. This is the result of collective natural selection and cannot solve the people\'s problems. In the future, there will be a second organization and a third organization.

The empire is just doing a meaningless struggle, and the more it struggles, the deeper it gets.

People\'s \'disloyalty\' will form an atmosphere. With the passage of time, it will gradually be recorded in their bones, just like the faith that the empire erected in a thousand years, and this kind of \'disloyalty\' will also slowly establish over time.

An empire? It doesn\'t exist!

Any regime can replace the empire. Please let the empire die quickly!

It\'s not that we betrayed the empire, it\'s the empire that betrayed us!


"Finally, it\'s our turn to play!"

The collectors received orders from the supreme will of the ethnic group to allow them to intervene in the events of the Selin people at a specific time.

"Wh! No way?!"

"It is indeed the order of the will, that is to say, the time for us to intervene is very close."

"When is it?"

Some collectors asked that the will policy requires them to play the role of \'good sir\', so they must wait. Watch, but now there is no need to wait any longer, so the collectors are curious about what kind of opportunity can participate in this farce within the Selin people without affecting the image of Mr. Good.

"Well, let me see first..."

"After the imperial fleet annihilated and bombed a colonial star?"

The collector gave other people information to other people in a strange way.

"...Are you sure the information is correct?"

"It\'s impossible. How can the Selins destroy and bomb their own planet?"

The collectors don\'t think that the Imperial Fleet will use annihilation bombing, because the colonial star is the Celine\'s own planet. If there is no good reason, the destruction of a habitable planet will be hostile to the Celine society, and it will cause panic - today you can destroy the planet without blinking, and tomorrow will not Is it possible to destroy the planets of other empires?

The collectors who have known the Thuringines to a certain extent do not think that the imperial fleet will do so. Moreover, the rebellion has already occurred, and there is no reaction of the imperial fleet anchored in Xinggang. It is just the level of combat participation in orbital delivery.

But... there is nothing wrong with the will! It\'s just that we don\'t have enough IQ! - Every collector firmly thinks so.

Because of this idea, some collectors in turn deduce according to the content of the task.

"On the other hand, the empire intends to annihilate and bomb, which means that the empire no longer regards the planet as its own, and the Thurin people on the planet no longer regard it as the same race. This will happen in the near future."

"With their cruel nature, they will not hesitate to kill these \'aligns\', just like they treated us at the beginning."

"That\'s right, it makes way, but why after that? Isn\'t it better to annihilate the bombing before?

"...Yes, why?"

The collector thought in silence, and after a long time, he guessed subjectively.

"Maybe this is better in the will?"

"It should be like this."

Time continues to pass, and more than ten years have passed slowly. The empire has also become the root of today\'s hostility from the original support of tens of thousands of people. The Selin people on the two colonial stars are also hostile to the Selin people on the home planet of the empire.

The Selin people on the planet have changed their original intention unconsciously in the general environment. The goal is not to restore their lives to the golden three years, but to overthrow the corrupt regime. Lin Lin Lin\'s small organizations have sprung up like bamboo shoots.

These organizations have only one goal: to overthrow the old regime, establish a new government, and lead the people to live a better life.

It\'s a very innocent idea, but the reality is very cruel. In front of the big data of the empire, the Selin people are like an unsealed file. If there are any secrets, they will be found out as soon as they are checked, and most of the small organizations are wiped out by the empire.

But in contrast, the small organization that can survive will be a real horror. Even if the collectors open a full perspective, they can\'t determine how many of their members, who they have, and what the communication between members means.

One look and one action passed on each other\'s information. The two seemed to pass by inadvertently, but in fact they had completed the delivery of information.

To this extent, it is all forced by the empire. Even the all-round vision of the collector can\'t be deceived. How can it deceive the big data of the empire? How can you cheat high-performance ai?

Summarizing the lessons of the losers in the past, this emerging small organization has developed under the eyes of the empire with amazing ability, and the empire is still unaware of it.

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