
Chapter 308 - 309 Rapid Development

Chapter 308: Chapter 309 Rapid Development

Huo Gu was completely unaware of the chain reaction caused by his entry into the spiritual realm. He was surprised by the information he handed to him.

"You mean the particle collider?"

Huo Gu suspected that he might have received the wrong message, but he gave a positive answer.

"Yes, Si proposed to me to build it. They said it was to explore the microscopic world and personally confirm the various property parameters of microscopic particles through their own power."

Then, Huo Gu replied to a series of questions.

"Do they know how to build it? Do you know what it means to build that thing? Or do they just see the existence of this kind of thing from the Selin people\'s books and simply think it\'s fun to build?

"The cyclic equatorial particle accelerator is very risky and can easily create a micro black hole. If it were just their whim, I would not allow this to be built."

Because of understanding the risk of particle accelerators, Huo Gu has to remind you that the risk of this kind of thing increases with the increase of volume. On a small scale, it is better to expand to the acceleration level of cyclo-equatorial particles, and the operating energy level is increased to a very fat number, accompanied by the probability of hitting a micro black hole. .

Although micro black holes will soon evaporate themselves in a high probability, who can guarantee that a small probability will not cause large-scale devouring?

Both the squir and the collector are cherished by Huo Gu. It doesn\'t want to see anyone who has an accident.

"They have designed the genetic blueprint. Take a look and make many modifications and adjustments, from which you should be able to see their determination."

As he spoke, he translated the genetic blueprint into a radio code and handed it to Huo Gu on Selene. Huo Gu then read the code and translated it into the original genetic blueprint.

In the genetic blueprint, Huo Gu saw many familiar designs, such as electromagnetic field acceleration, superfiber resistance isolation, superconductor transmission, etc., which are all the technologies used by its sublight-vehavior orbital gun. In a sense, the orbital gun and the particle accelerator are barely different products under the same technology.

Huo Gu carefully compared the parameters in the content of the genetic blueprint and calculated the tolerance of their units to judge the strength and safety of the entire particle accelerator.

Regarding micro black holes, they also consider that they increase the vacuum area in the particle accelerator and lengthens the time for micro black holes to obtain matter in disguise to ensure self-evaporation, thus greatly reducing accidents and allowing micro black holes to devour matter on a large scale.

"I didn\'t expect that they had developed to this point, and it felt like it was beyond my expectation."

The particle accelerator in the genetic blueprint is a very mature design. Huo Gu has no reason to stop it. What it is mainly worried about is that collectors make and put it into use with little knowledge of particle accelerators.

Thinking that the collectors have grown up to this point, Huo Gu couldn\'t help sighing.

Ming didn\'t hear that this was Huo Gu\'s emotion. He mistakenly thought that Huo Gu really thought that the collectors were developing too fast.

"Real? Why don\'t I let them slow down?

Hearing this, Huo Gu hurriedly stopped it and explained to resolve the misunderstanding.

"No, that\'s good. The realization of the particle accelerator means that our cognition of the microcosm is no longer limited to the data knowledge in the Selin people\'s books, but we can experience the observation in person, and maybe we can find something that the Selin people have not found."

"With the help of you and Tianji, the problem should not be big. When the collectors\' understanding of the micro world has accumulated to a certain extent, I think the secrets of the life field should also be solved. At that time, it will be the implementation of the whole \'groupization\' I expect, so that the whole can be further sublimated."

If the particle accelerator is successfully built, another stone that Huo Gu has been worried about will fall. Microscopic matter is the basis for the existence of macroscopic matter. Analyzing microscopic materials and understanding their mysteries is an inevitable journey for the development of civilization and technology.

We must rely on microscopic materials to extend more high-end technology.

More high-end materials, such as neutron deconsonate armor.The implementation of particle accelerators will also mean that in addition to organic biological technology, other doors of other technologies are fully open.

When Huo Gu was still working hard to plagiarize the knowledge of the Selin people, the collector also lived up to his expectations and unconsciously developed to this point.

Huo Gu\'s words evoked a memory of 暝. Like Huo Gu, it also has a different feeling when watching the collectors grow up until now.

"In retrospect, it\'s like an explosion. Technology is improving by leaps. It\'s hard to imagine that they were weak and poor not long ago."

"This is the technical explosion, but this technical explosion is based on the knowledge we steal from the Selin people, and the Selin people point the way in front of them. All the collectors have to do is to chase with all their strength. There is nothing to praise. The key is to see in the future." Huo Gudao.

"After catching up with the Selin, there is no road ahead, and we can only grope forward little by little, and there will be no explosive growth of technology like now.

Huo Gu is clear that now their technology explosion is based on the Selin technology. Over time, the role of cheaters will become smaller and smaller. Unless there is a civilization that is more technical and can plagiarize technology like the Thurin, it will be difficult for similar situations to happen again.

Suddenly, Huo Gu remembered that he took the risk of transferring the unknown into a meat ball and firing it into the underground isolation room of Selene.

"By the way, have you received that unknown thing?"

"I received it, but it was not found by the Selin people."

Ming understood what Huo Gu meant. Although Huo Gu did not say it clearly, he knew that the transfer of unknowns not only let them study the samples, but also did not want the Selin people to know that they were also involved in the elements of the event.

On the surface, the Selin people have taken a lot of advantage. They got the two livable planets funded by Huo Gu, eased the population pressure, and also obtained the resources of the two planets. But in fact, the advantage they secretly took advantage really made the Selin people cry.

"You must take good care of it. The size of that thing is much bigger than those in the hair mass cells. If it is broken, I\'m not sure what will happen. Anyway, it can\'t be a good thing."

Worried about the accident caused by their carelessness, Huo Gu couldn\'t help but emphasize the danger of the unknown itself again. The unknown based on this \'perpetual machine\' is the largest of all the unknowns discovered so far, and it is hard to guarantee that nothing else will happen.

"Well, I will warn them to be careful."

While Huo Gu was talking with Ming, Huo Gu suddenly received a letter from the collector.

"Will, the empire made an appointment with us for a visit tomorrow, saying that it would be important to talk about something."


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