
Chapter 65 - 65 throbbing

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 throbbing

The ups and downs of the sea surface are not the hot sunlight sprinkled on the sea surface. A gourd-shaped object is also high and low under the influence of the ocean current...

It was the collector who opened the shackles.

At this time, it is no longer troubled by hunger. The opening of the shackles allows it to break through the authority, and it awakens a new ability - to dominate its own cells.

It sounds very powerful. In fact, it is not as exaggerated as Huo Gu. It directly dominates the cells in a comprehensive sense. It is only slightly adjusted on the basis of the original biological structure, so that the six digestive chambers that can only be used to collect organic materials can also provide supplies to the collector\'s body, that is, The digestive cavity is restored to the design of \'Hud\'.

In the final analysis, even if Huo Gu is not here, the collector can\'t get all the permissions of the whole cell population, and can only affect his body cells at most...

However, even so, it is already very strong, and it is even more in this world full of large macro organisms that have not yet evolved naturally.

The bite force is almost negligible, and each opening and closing brings countless deaths, like a black hole, devouring the small microorganisms wandering nearby.

This increases the energy it gets.

Promotion means that it can make its body reach the most full and perfect state, which is unprecedented, just like a skinny beggar and a muscular wrestler. Although they are the same, the two are almost incomparable in terms of physical ability.

The improvement of physical ability provides a foundation for higher thinking intelligence, and the brain, which is quite energy-consuming, can now operate fully and wantonly.

On the basis of the desire to survive, more thoughts and more complex ways of thinking are extended.

Now, a premise and a question are in front of it.

The supreme will disappears, that is, they are defeated, which is the premise.

Does the enemy still exist? This is doubt.

Two possibilities extend from questions.

The supreme will disappears, and the enemy dies, that is, to die together - although the collector does not know the idiom \'to die together\' now, the reason is always clear.

The supreme will disappears and the enemy is still alive, which means that the threat of survival still exists.

The first may be safety, the second may be danger, and may be affected by the supreme will that has not been actively contacted. The collector abandoned the fluke and subjectively believed that the situation was based on the worst result, and chose the second.

This is why it is now floating on the sea like a rotten driftwood. It is disguised, and its barren brain capacity gives a plan for it to survive in a dangerous environment.

Wandering all the way, unconsciously, it came to a farther place.

On the road, you can see countless smoke columns rising from the bottom of the sea. The huge body of the beehive tirelessly carries out the work given by the Creator, and the thick roots are constantly providing provisions.

Of course, there are also scrappers among them. They have made an error in a certain link. This error may be due to genes, the transportation process of substances, or from the invasion of some extremely threatening microorganisms.

Mountain-like figures stand on the bottom of the sea. They are inactive. They are already cool corpses, suffering from the gnawing of microorganisms.

The collector stared at these natural scenes of the law of the jungle, and a certain throbbing rose in his heart, but when it just wanted to pay attention to the throbbing in his heart, it suddenly disappeared.

Looking back for a long time, the throbbing has not been found. It is not something like knowledge, so it should belong to the category of dispensable. The collector thinks so.

Without thinking too much, it goes along the current. It doesn\'t know where the current will lead it, but now it is disguised, and the sea temperature is getting higher and higher, which makes it feel very safe.

So there is no need to take the initiative to change your course.How many days and nights have been arranged? The current enters the tropical sea from the temperate zone, and the collectors are also in this place, getting off the bus from the current.

When it first arrived at the new environment, the collector was very confused. It looked at the surrounding environment, and both the hive and the rhizomes were much larger than the size they had seen before.

To describe it, it\'s probably like the feeling of people in poor mountain villages seeing those high-rise buildings when they enter the metropolis.

The same form of life is common in many cognitions. The huge body can often give a strong sense of security and deterrence. However, this kind of thing is easy to cause greater fear after combining with another thing.

That is, \'Even if you have such power, the supreme will will still die\'.

The collector felt the throbbing in his heart again, but it still didn\'t grasp the feeling and didn\'t understand what it meant.

Unknown collectors continue to stare at the environment blankly. Map information can be recorded as knowledge. Although the terrain is variable, there is no way to extend the \'concept\' of location without map information. Many things cannot be carried out, such as where the collected organic materials should be transported? Where is a specific area? How should I describe my current location and where should I go?

For this reason, when Huo Gu designed it, he included \'map information\' in the category of knowledge.

What collectors are doing now is what they often do in the ancient ages. No matter what they are going to do, first confirm the surrounding map information.

Suddenly, the constantly zooming pupil captured a figure floating in the sea. It was the same as the collector and had the same gourd-like appearance.

The joy of finding his own kind made the collector feel very happy. This joy even made him ignore the \'disguise\' principle he had to follow before and took the initiative to approach the gourd-shaped figure.

...It turns out that I\'m not the only one left... Companion...

It stretched out its tentacles on its tail and touched the gourd-shaped object.


It\'s just that the force is so small that it touches insignificantly, but it is unexpected disintegration. The collectors can see that a huge number of microorganisms gushed out of the gourd-shaped body. In fact, this gourd-shaped individual has long been an inanimate organic material.

The throbbing sensation appeared again, much heavier than the last time.

However, the collector still can\'t grasp the feeling...

After that, one kind of floating corpses of the same kind appeared in the view of the collectors. They all woke up from the ice, and then the collectors who died one after another because they could not get supplies were brought to this water by the current.

In fact, Huo Gu did not have time to add the ability to prevent the cold to the collectors at the beginning. It is a miracle that they can survive from the ice. At present, the collector who got rid of the shackles is even more lucky in the miracle.

The poor brain capacity makes it forget what had happened before. It still touches it with hope, and then welcomes the dream bubble.

Again and again...

Finally, the throbbing feeling was caught, deeper than fear, more advanced than survival, and more basic than reason... \'I\' was born.

"Who am I?"

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