
Chapter 342 Tears

"It\'s obvious that the people who planned this have power, but such a vain power that I\'m sure I could take care of these people in one day" Looking towards the window with boredom, Christian continued "So don\'t worry and let me take care of this, but I\'ll ask for your help in legal matters, it\'s not my forte".

"*Sigh* Okay, we just have to prove it was self-defense and after an interrogation plus the evidence we have, you should be released without much trouble. Although you may have restrictions on leaving the country, but that can be arranged if you justify your travels as work."

"Well, that should do it" Nodding, Christian sighed and rubbed his hair "Mother".

"Yes dear?"

"Please don\'t worry...I know you must be very tense right now and it\'s weighing me down...I was never really close to danger and just got carried away as I was transmitting."

"I know honey... that\'s what\'s weighing me down right now" Sighing as her voice became heavy, Eva continued "In a way it pricks my heart to know that for you situations like this is nothing... how many hard times have you had to go through for this to become a normality for you?"

Listening to Eva\'s words, Christian certainly understood her concern perfectly, after all, if Helen were in her same situation Christian\'s soul would certainly break with sadness.

"I love you mom... you\'re the best."

"I love you my prince, I\'m leaving right now for Los Angeles to see you."

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Don\'t worry, Leslie is already preparing everything."

"Ok... I\'ll see you, I\'ll be with my contact lenses in case you want to send a message, remember, code 00".

"Got it, see you"

"Bye" Hanging up the call, Christian sighed and thought for a few seconds, then wrote to Elisa and assured her that everything would be fine "I\'m sure that if I call her the sea of tears will not let me be calm.... *sigh* motherfuckers..."

Putting the cell phone away, Christian looked out the window and looked at the people who made his day off so difficult, then squinted and whispered "Jarvis, text Envy and tell her to prepare a report on this situation, I want to know who the bastards were that fucked up my afternoon off."

"I\'ll make sure there won\'t be a second time" Closing his eyes, Christian snorted.


"*Sigh*" Sitting on a hard metal chair inside a dimly lit room with a large mirror in front of him, Christian sighed and rubbed his hair with boredom, while two FBI agents stared at him.

After arriving at the police station, Christian didn\'t have to wait even 5 minutes for several FBI agents to arrive and take the whole situation under their jurisdiction.

The news of the attack on Christian spread like wildfire and there isn\'t a media outlet that isn\'t talking about it right now.

The fact that the victim is a high profile man and the fact that the whole situation was so conspicuous, caused the government itself to come out to the public and promise an investigation, causing the entire Los Angeles police department to come under investigation.

But after 3 hours of everything starting to move, Christian keeps explaining over and over again to these two agents the situation, causing Christian to be on the verge of causing a massacre just because of the boredom he is subjected to.

"That\'s all that happened and all I have to tell you, the police opened fire for no reason and I was forced to respond in self-defense" Licking his dry lips, Christian continued "I don\'t know what else I have to explain, the evidence is already in the hands of half the world."

"Agents" Entering the interrogation room, a woman in her 50\'s frowned slightly and spoke with authority in her voice "We already made an affidavit, presented personally corroborated evidence on Instagram, you have my client\'s service weapon in your jurisdiction and even seized his vehicle valued at millions of dollars"

Pulling a piece of paper out of her briefcase, the woman stood next to Christian and laid the paper on the table "My client has already been listed as a victim and I have the judge\'s order to escort him safely to his residence, so I kindly ask you to stop treating him like a criminal and play your part against the right people."

Having more than 15 incredible lawyers working on his case, Christian was obliged to collaborate in everything necessary to avoid future problems and minimize the risk that this could bring him.

Statements, evidence, testimony, medical examination, among many other possible procedures.

After this day, Christian will not be bothered again until the day of the trial in which he will have to testify in front of a judge.

But not only the lawyers moved to work on Christian\'s case.


Eva would never be satisfied with just that.

After spending enough money, Eva took care to have good private investigators who will publicly give every piece of evidence that indicates the guilt of the police, leaving Christian totally clean and free of suspicion.

Obviously this evidence will come from Christian and his people, but to make it all clean, unfortunately they will have to ask for this help from people who have the reliability and work in the legal framework.

So after these hours and having everything they needed, the main lawyer who will represent Christian entered the scene and without beating around the bush, he made the whole situation clear to the investigators.

Taking the paper in her hands, a woman of about 40 years old read it carefully and nodded without any problem, then looked at Christian and smiled kindly "Thank you very much for your cooperation, sorry for the inconvenience."

"No worries" Smiling slightly, Christian looked at this agent\'s information on his contact lens and thought as he looked at the camera on the table \'For agents sent by Lila, they made my timing quite difficult, but I guess it was necessary to avoid future trouble\'

"Then I can go?" Getting up while straightening clothes, Christian looked towards his lawyer and asked.

"Of course you may, but your vehicle will still be in our hands for the duration of the investigation" Getting up as he interrupts, the agent looks at Christian and continues "We find ourselves in the obligation to escort you to your residence, I hope you don\'t mind"

"Not at all" Knowing it\'s for the best, Christian nods and stretches his body, then approaches his lawyer and whispers "After this I won\'t have any more problems?"

Shaking her head, the woman replied with respect in her voice "Your mother asked us to take care of all future procedures today to avoid future problems for you and apart from leaving the country during the investigation of the case, you will be able to continue your life normally."

Nodding with satisfaction, Christian walked towards the exit along with his lawyer and sighed knowing that at home he would have to deal with a sea of tears from a sensitive redhead.

"What a load of crap..." Looking at the large number of FBI vehicles waiting for him outside the station, Christian turned his gaze to the dozens of reporters in the distance and muttered inaudibly.


"Arrived-!" Entering his house with a big smile as darkness reigns the sky, Christian was quickly interrupted by a tight hug.

"Silly!" Clutching Christian\'s clothes tightly, Elisa cried out with tear-filled eyes "W-why do you always make me worry!?"

"Elisa, I-"

"You could have called me!" Knowing his justification, Elisa quickly interrupted him, as she continued "I bother you so much!?"

"..." Looking at Elisa\'s puffy eyes and knowing perfectly well her personality, Christian sighed and wrapped his arms around her frail body, then pulled her to his chest and kissed her forehead softly and whispered "Sorry.... I didn\'t mean to worry you and I ended up making it worse..."

"*Sniff* Y-you..." No longer able to bear her fury, Elisa clung to Christian\'s chest and sobbed softly, as the worry that had tormented her for hours quickly faded away.

How could she not be worried?

Her daughter\'s father almost died and was arrested by the police.

What happened the last time something similar happened?

Christian ended up in the hospital almost dead only to be in jail for years afterward.

She would literally go crazy if that had happened again and even though she knew perfectly well that the situations were not the same, her fragile heart did nothing to help her calm her mind.

Carrying Elisa in his arms, Christian walked over to the couch and sat down.

Taking Elisa\'s chin, Christian gently lifted her head and forced her to look up at him, then gently stroked her cheeks with his thumbs and kissed her lips lovingly "I know this sounds bad, but even crying you\'re beautiful..."

"*Sniff*" Sniffing as tears continued to fall from her eyes, Elisa looked at Christian for a few seconds, then hiding her face in Christian\'s chest and whispering "I-I hate you"

"I love you" Kissing Elisa\'s tousled hair again and again, Christian whispered "I\'m sorry about all this...the last thing I want to do is worry all of you...you know how much it hurts me to see you cry, even more knowing that you always cry because of me."


"*Sigh*" Sighing bitterly, Christian looked sideways and asked "Our little girl sleeps?"


"Sarah and Emily?"

"Emily went into the bunker and hasn\'t come back out... Sarah went out to smoke on the beach."

"Well..." Nodding, Christian watched Elisa for a few seconds and smiled slightly, then slowly lowered his hands and firmly grasped the redhead\'s two large, soft buttocks.

"C-christian..." Trembling slightly as she became extremely sensitive thanks to Christian\'s daily touch, Elisa quickly looked up and looked at him reproachfully, causing Christian to smile as he saw the tears stop.

"I\'ll make sure something like that never happens again..." Kissing Elisa\'s nose, Christian continued as he smiled softly at her "And I\'m sorry for making you worry... I\'ll do whatever it takes to receive my cutie\'s forgiveness."

"W-whatever?" blinking tenderly, Elisa asked.

"Anything" Showing his teeth in his smile, Christian nodded.

"T-tattoo my name" Dodging Christian\'s gaze, Elisa stammered.

"..." Blinking in a daze, Christian processed that request and asked in disbelief "What?"

"Hmph" Snorting, Elisa looked at Christian and raised her eyebrows "Didn\'t you say you\'d do anything?"

"B-but tattoo your name on me..." Blinking as she searches for a not-so-self-destructive alternative, Christian stammered.

"Heh, liar."

Noticing the small smile on Elisa\'s face, Christian sighed and chuckled as he thought \'I guess she\'s not so mad anymore...\'

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian looked down at Elisa\'s full lips and smiled "What if I get a tattoo of your lips?"

"My lips?" Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Elisa asked quizzically "You\'d really get a tattoo?"

"You don\'t want to?"

"I was just kidding..."

"But I really think it\'s a good idea" Smiling, Christian gently caressed Elisa\'s lips and continued "I\'ll tattoo your lips, my mother\'s lips, my little girl\'s lips, my sister\'s lips, Sarah\'s lips, everyone\'s lips~"

Rolling her eyes, Elisa snorted "Then it wouldn\'t be anything special."

"Of course it would be" Chuckling, Christian continued "You think I have a lot of people I consider special?"

"It would look really bad having so many tattooed lips" Shaking her head, Elisa looked at Christian\'s smiling face and sighed "I really want to hit you...it\'s so unfair that I can\'t get mad for more than 5 minutes..."

"What a pity~" Squeezing Elisa\'s soft ass with satisfaction, Christian slipped his hands under his wife\'s sweatpants and caressed her warm buttocks "You don\'t know how much I would love to see you angry."

"Asshole..." Rolling her eyes, Elisa rested her forehead on Christian\'s chest for a few seconds and sighed, then removed the invading hands that were already advancing towards her crotch and sat up "I won\'t hold you back anymore."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and sat up, then kissed Elisa\'s cheek and stood up "I\'ll go see Sarah and then my girl."



Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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