
Chapter 25 Ghost

Another curious fact is that Cleopatra is not a man in this world, she is still a woman, that instantly eliminated my thought that the sexes were reversed and that\'s it.

But it considerably increases my doubt in the world.

Why are the important surnames and names of countries the same?

Why Christopher Columbus does not exist and his gender was changed to a woman with the same last name but with a different first name?

Why Cleopatra was not a man in this world? Or why do the ancient stories of my world exist in this one?

No matter how much I analyze, I can\'t seem to find any meaning or connecting dots.


I get nothing out of thinking irrelevant things.

Come to think of it...

Why do I analyze these topics? Was I always this deep?

I guess being a genius comes with different qualities.

My profundity aside, there is another development that I did not know about which honestly left me in awe.

In this world, there is no Pope, only the Holy Mother.

But that is not the shocking thing, the most shocking thing is that most of the Holy Mothers, had sons or daughters.

Even those sons have titles, Holy Daughters.

I honestly didn\'t find it very shocking, since, in my old world, anyone who cares a little about the history of the Christian church would know that in ancient times there were many popes who had sex with a large number of women.

For example, Pope John XII, the guy was so lustful that he fornicated his niece when she was a child, he even fucked her widowed mother.

Although that\'s not the worst of it, the guy even fucked eunuchs.

Pretty much anything with a hole in it was his target, which is why he earned the title \'The Fornicating Pope\'.

The weirdest thing is that in the church only the holy mother can have daughters or have sex, while everyone else can\'t, no nuns, no priests, no cardinals, no one else, just her.

Although they weren\'t stupid enough to make their daughters the next Holy Mothers, because I\'m sure it would fall apart much faster if that happened.

In my old world, it must have been easier to hide the times a man in the church impregnated a woman, but since here women are the pillar of the church, it became much harder for them, causing them to have to modify everything.

At least that is my logical theory, I don\'t know what really happened.

Well, leaving those anomalies aside, everything else is relatively normal.

I also dedicated myself to learning about fashion, I don\'t want to find myself with the surprise of men with skirts and legs full of hair.

But what I found surprised me quite a bit, apparently, in the old day\'s women wore a type of skirt as a battle dress, something very common at that time that was passed down to this day.

The same thing happened with the girls\' hair, in the year 700 BC, the belief that having long hair gave strength to the person was established, causing all women to let their hair grow, while men were forced to cut it as a form of submission, usually happened after the man got married.

Today women still keep their hair long as normality, while with time men managed to have the right to have long hair, unfortunately not without protest many times in different countries.

The most beautiful thing is that men and women were forced to depilate, because, for some reason, was born the belief that hair on the extremities was bad for health, it is not known in what year it started, but there are records since the 500th century BC. Today almost everything is aesthetic, but it is difficult to see a man with hair on his arms or legs, and the same for women.

The most intriguing thing is the ideal aesthetics of men...

In my world, the aesthetic in the West was a voluptuous woman, but obviously, in this world a man can\'t be voluptuous, after all, he doesn\'t have boobs.

So I assumed that the ideal aesthetic would be a slim man with no muscles, something I considered feminine.

But apparently not so, the ideal aesthetic is that of a more worked out man, not to the point of looking like a mountain, but rather the type to have some muscles marked.

That would be ideal only a small percentage of men reach that point because just like women fitness, men must work for it.

It can also be said that women\'s aesthetics have changed. As I knew before, the ideal aesthetic is not to have big breasts, but a big butt. I didn\'t really understand why, but I guess it\'s like men, he who has the biggest penis, wins.

It\'s nice to know that I\'ve been winning for two lifetimes.

Although I read this information from surveys and studies done by certain companies that I don\'t know about, but if it\'s talked about so normally, it must be true to some extent.

People who wax must make a lot of money.

That would be the most impressive thing to me in the history of this world, then would come movies, music, and books.

No matter how hard I looked, I didn\'t find anything equal to my other world.

I was surprised that there was no Lovecraft, an amazing and beautiful book.

But that alone brought me excitement.

There must be hundreds of invented creatures that were unheard of in my world, as I doubt this world doesn\'t have its myths or fantasies.

Yesterday I listened to an amazing rock band.

I remember great movies I saw on television.

I practically have a whole world of entertainment to watch.

Although if I think about it more, I will be uncomfortable when I see the typical soap opera or movie where the man sleeps with many women or in this world, where women sleep with many men.

It will sound sexist or stupid, but now I understand when I was influenced by my old world.

Just thinking about this repulsion I have towards the idea of a woman having a harem makes me realize that we are hypocrites.

I myself am thinking about sleeping with a lot of girls, something that would be great for me.


What will women say about me?

I\'m a bitch, a slut, someone easy, etc.

Even if I spread my legs for them, they would be the first to jump.

Bitches after a dog.

What a good analogy.

Pretty much the same thing had to happen to women with sexual freedom in my world.


Did I just say I would spread my legs?


Not bad either, it must be uncomfortable to fuck with my legs closed, it would crush my balls.


I smiled slightly at the man who just delivered food to me, something that really confused me.

When did I get to the casino?

Did I stand in line and say thank you without realizing it?

Did I just walk, reflect, and write down everything I learned at the same time?


I\'m more than a genius!

I\'m gifted!

I looked up and searched for an empty table, instantly finding one in the corner, without thinking about it I went to it and sat down.


Now that I have the basic information of the world?

What else should I analyze?

I already decided that I would try to use books to secure money.

I\'m not 100% sure that books will work...

In my old world, many amazing books never became famous.

But some money will get me, so that\'s enough for now.

I\'m in 2009.

Wasn\'t it around this time that bitcoin was just starting to come to light for the first time?

I guess I should check it out later, if they existed I wouldn\'t be mining a few.

But if they didn\'t exist...

Couldn\'t I just create it myself?

I watched many videos of its origins, I know what its basic fundamentals are.

I would lack some computer understanding and that\'s it.

Although the chance of me succeeding is very low...

Well I\'ll see about that in the future, first I need money, I don\'t even have a computer to mine or to create the mining blocks.

With the money almost solved...

I should think about my future.

What do I want to be as an adult?


I honestly want to use the reverse world to my advantage.

At least sexually...

Maybe be a gynecologist and fuck my patients?

That sounds like a good idea...

If I turn out to be beautiful in the future, it wouldn\'t be hard.

It\'s like me going to the urologist and meeting a supermodel as a doctor, and that doctor inviting me to have sex every day I go to see her.

I wouldn\'t hesitate to spend my entire paycheck on going to the doctor.


I read a lot of gynecologists\' stories...

It makes me sick just thinking about the crap I read or heard.

From vaginal diseases to condoms trapped for months inside.


Just thinking about the smell of a tampon that\'s been in for weeks or months makes me want to puke.

I guess it would be worse in this world since we men tend to be more careless, women must not be much different.

Maybe open a private clinic where I am a urologist?

Doesn\'t sound like a good idea either...

What if it\'s all older ladies with money coming in?

The kind with a few dozen extra pounds.

I could be a doctor, so I wouldn\'t have to see so many bad vaginas.

But the idea doesn\'t appeal to me at the moment.

I could be a personal trainer...

I\'d find a lot of fitness women inside, with a worked out and beautiful ass.

It wouldn\'t be bad, I\'d have a few clients that I don\'t like, but it wouldn\'t be much, it\'s not like I have sex with everything that moves...

Maybe I\'m too obsessed with sex?

I guess so...

But I\'ve been a virgin for two lifetimes, it\'s not easy to deal with.

Besides, I promised Shrek I\'d fuck a lot of women.

Maybe I can be a college professor.

Great idea!

I could go for high school seniors, but there\'s a lot of police risk involved.

But with college girls, there would be no such problem.

I would just have to look for the quietest, most beautiful woman in the room.

Just the thought of fucking my student makes my mind go crazy.

"Can I sit here?"

Just as my mind was filling with obscenities, a childish voice woke me up, causing me to turn my gaze.

Next to me was a little girl of about 8 years old, she had long blonde hair with beautiful green colored eyes, chubby and squeezable cheeks, but the most comical thing is that she was smiling, easily showing the lack of 2 teeth in her smile.

Baby teeth...

I think I lost most of them, if I\'m not mistaken I have two left.

Mom always left me money.

Even if it\'s just pennies, it was nice for me to think that if there was such a thing as a fairy.


I nodded to the girl, then lowered my gaze to the pizza and continued eating.

So what was she on?

"Are you a ghost?"


Turning my head angrily, I see the girl only inches away from me, looking at me with great curiosity, causing my anger to fizzle out like it was nothing.

Why am I getting angry at a girl?

"No, I\'m a human... I think"

"Are you sure?"


"I saw a movie yesterday where a girl was talking to people who turned out to be ghosts, you can be one too."

"I saw a movie where a boy talks to people who turned out to be ghosts, you can be one too"

"But you\'re all white, ghosts are like that"

"You\'re annoying"

"What\'s being annoying? My dad tells me almost every day, but no one tells me what it means."


Looking at the pout on the girl as she said those words I felt my heart clench a little.

"And your mom doesn\'t tell you?"

"I don\'t have a mother. Dad says I do have one, but he went to buy cigarettes, but I don\'t believe him. The store is a little farther from the house and the other day I went to see if she was in it, but no matter how much I yelled at her, she wasn\'t there. So I realized that I don\'t have a mother"


"What\'s your name?"

"Emily, and you?"

"I don\'t have a name, I\'m a ghost, but my mom calls me Christian."

"Woah I knew it!" Exclaimed the girl excitedly, as her expression became increasingly smiley.

"It was a joke...I\'m not a ghost"

"Don\'t worry! I\'ll keep your secret! Promise!" shouted Emily quickly, as she stretched out her pinky finger towards me, causing a bitter smile to spread across my face.

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