
Chapter 442 Removing The Veil

"Some cultures see them as a symbol of life, death, and rebirth," said Violence, repeating what she had told Li Dai Lu. "Others see them as a symbol of immortality or as a bridge between the mortal world and death. But at their very core, they represent life, death, and rebirth more than they are a type of food."

Liu Wei just looked at the woman beside him; his eyebrow raised as he waited for the other shoe to fall. And with Violence, there was always something hidden beneath her words that she just expected them to know.

"Li Dai Lu asked me how you guys were supposed to bring about Hell on Earth," said Violence, looking out the front window at the four bikes that road in front of them, leading the way and protecting their woman.

"Okay?" he sighed, knowing that he would never get a straight answer from her.

"It led me to do a lot of research about the human legends and prophesies about your four. Do you know any of them?"

"Can\'t say I do," he grunted. Never in his life had he taken the time to learn about folklore, prophesies, or anything along those lines. However, he was now kicking himself for that.

"In one book, they talk about how four of seven seals that were meant to bring an end to mankind were unlocked," started Violence, not once bothering to look at the man. "Each one of the seals represented each one of you. The first horseman rides a white horse and carries a bow. He is thought to be pestilence or disease, spreading his poison with every shot from his bow."

"Liu Yu Zeng," said Liu Wei, nodding his head in understanding. His brother was the white rider, the first of the Four Horsemen.

"The second horseman rides a red horse and carries a sword representing war, conflict, and strife," continued Violence, and Liu Wei turned to look at Wang Chao. "Wang Chao," he said out loud.

"The third horseman is depicted as a food merchant, carrying a set of scales as he rides his black horse through towns, his scales showing how bread would have been weighed in times of famine when all food is as precious as gold."

"Chen Zi Han," grunted Liu Wei, and the man in question turned around to look at the truck behind him. It was at that moment that Liu Wei understood that everyone was listening in on what Violence was saying. "The Third Horseman of the Apocalypse."

A sense of dread filled Liu Wei, knowing that he was about to learn something that would completely shake his foundations and potentially shatter his world forever.

"The Fourth Horseman is the only horseman to be mentioned by name," said Violence, turning to look at him for the first time since she started talking about the Four Horsemen. "When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, \'Come.\' I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death," quoted Violence, the look in her eye turning sharp as she stared at him.

"Me," said Liu Wei with a nod as goosebumps broke out all over his body. "I am the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.

"You are," she agreed. 

"That is good and all," came Liu Yu Zeng\'s voice through the speakers. "But what does this have to do with Li Dai Lu or her allergy to mushrooms?"

Violence ignored Liu Yu Zeng, instead focusing her sole attention on Liu Wei. "And behind Death sat Hades, Lord of the Underworld and the consumer of souls."

"Are you telling us that Princess is Hades?" demanded Chen Zi Han, his voice catching as he uttered the words.

"No," said Violence, shaking her head. "I am telling you that Li Dai Lu is the body of Hades while we are all pieces of her soul that was shattered centuries ago when you guys broke her heart for the final time. She is not Hades yet. And until she can gain those memories on her own, she will never be able to become Hades again."

Silence met her words as the men thought about what she had said.

"You told her that this was her last life," said Wang Chao, breaking through the silence. 

"That is right," said Violence, turning away from Liu Wei and toward Wang Chao on his bike. 

"So what will happen if she dies?" he pressed.

"Then the underworld will be destroyed, releasing all the souls inside of it onto the world. The dead will rise again, and Hell will appear on Earth," said Violence slowly. "So, let\'s make sure that doesn\'t happen, okay?"

"So we technically aren\'t the ones that bring the apocalypse to the human population," mused Chen Zi Han, and Violence snorted.

"Of course not. How many times has there been war, or plagues, or famines, and the humans grow stronger as a result, changing the world they live in once again? Mostly for the better, if I am to be completely honest. No, I would be more worried about Demeter trying to kill Li Dai Lu or an asshole trying to unseal the remaining three seals. Those two options I would be much, much more concerned about than anything your four do."

"Demeter, as in the loving Goddess of agriculture, harvest, and fertility?" asked Liu Wei, confused. 

"Loving Goddess, sure," scoffed Violence, a look of intense hatred crossing her face. "More like a psychopathic freak that is a little too in love with her son, if you know what I mean."

"Her son? Doesn\'t she have a daughter? Persephone?" asked Wang Chao. "And doesn\'t the story go that Hades fell in love with Persephone\'s beauty and kidnapped her to the underworld? It was how the seasons came about…" 

"Firstly," said Violence, the sneer in her voice causing all of the men to shiver. "She had a son, as psychotic as she. However, the son fell in love with Hades and followed her to the Underworld. Once he realized that Hades would never really care about him, or at least no more than she might care about any friend. He started telling lies about how she kidnapped him. Lies which you four believed!"

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