
Chapter 228 Boring

Chapter 228 Boring


This was the only word I could think of while looking toward the front of the classroom, where an old professor was blabbering on and on about how useful the Mana was.

I came into the class with high expectations since I believed that I\'d get to know something I don\'t but unfortunately, this lecture turned out to be a disappointment.

It was basic, very simple and lacked depth.

At this point, it was becoming even more annoying.


I leaned back on my chair, throwing a glance around the classroom, trying to see the reactions of other students.

However, I was unpleasantly surprised as I noticed that most of them wore expressions of fascination.

It seems that I was a bit advanced for this class.


Burrowing my head in my hands, I let out a long sigh.

At least, since I was already too advanced for this class, I\'d rather spend my time more efficiently.


I furrowed my eyebrows and closed my eyes.

Entering my memory palace, I quickly went to the time when the Demon in my head transferred its knowledge about Dark Mana.

Lost in the monotony of the professor\'s droning lecture, I decided to escape the dull reality of the classroom.

In the recesses of my mind, I could vividly recall the moment when the ancient knowledge seamlessly merged with my consciousness. The instructions played like a well-rehearsed symphony, guiding me through the intricate dance of channeling Mana through my body.

Opening my eyes, I discreetly observed the sea of fascinated faces around me. They were engrossed in the professor\'s mundane explanations, unaware of the extraordinary journey my mind was undertaking.

I focused on my breath, inhaling deeply as I began to tap into the reservoir of Mana within me. It surged through my veins, a pulsating force that responded to the cadence of my heartbeat. With each exhale, I expelled the mundane surroundings and embraced the subtle hum of the Mana coursing through me.

My consciousness delved into the darker recesses of my memories, seeking the fuel for this arcane power. I revisited the pain and sorrows of my past, allowing the negative emotions to intertwine with the Mana. It was a delicate balance, a dance with the shadows that required both finesse and control.

The Mana responded to my emotions, amplifying with each vivid recollection of past trials. The more I delved into the depths of my own suffering, the stronger the Mana became. It was a symbiotic relationship – my pain feeding the mystical energy that now flowed through me.

As the lecture continued its lackluster march, I secretly channeled the Mana into my fingertips. The room, once mundane, now pulsed with an unseen energy. I traced intricate patterns in the air, weaving the Mana into a subtle tapestry that only I could perceive.

A flicker of darkness surrounded me, imperceptible to those still enraptured by the professor\'s words.

As the Mana surged, its tendrils intertwining with my normal energy, I felt a subtle thrill coursing through my veins. It was a dance of power, an intricate ballet where my emotions wove the fabric of the arcane. The once-boring classroom now held an undercurrent of pulsating energy, invisible to all but me.

I delved deeper into the recesses of my mind, recalling moments of heartbreak, betrayal, and anguish. Each memory fueled the Mana, transforming it into a tempestuous force. I could feel its intensity growing, a wild beast eager to be unleashed.

The professor\'s voice faded into the background as I focused on the delicate balance between control and chaos. The Mana responded to my every whim, swirling around me like a dark maelstrom. I marveled at the newfound power coursing through my fingertips, reveling in the knowledge that I had transcended the mundane lecture.

But as the darkness within me grew, so did the risk of losing control. The Mana, now a manifestation of my inner turmoil, threatened to become uncontrollable. It hungered for more negativity, craving the raw emotions that fueled its potency.

A bead of sweat formed on my forehead as I grappled with the increasingly unruly energy. The classroom seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, yet the oblivious students remained entranced by the professor\'s mundane discourse.

In a sudden burst of realization, I decided to redirect the flow of the Mana. I shifted its course, steering it away from the dark depths of my memories. The abrupt change caused a jolt of pain to surge through me. It was as if the Mana rebelled against my attempt to rein it in.

The once wild and chaotic energy now turned against me, lashing out with tendrils of pain. I gritted my teeth, beads of sweat turning cold on my skin as I wrestled for control.

I could feel the conflicting forces within me, the clash of negativity and restraint. The Mana, now redirected, resisted the change, fighting back with an intensity that bordered on malevolence. It was a precarious dance on the edge of agony.

The professor\'s voice, oblivious to the turmoil within me, droned on. The other students remained captivated, unaware of the silent war being waged in their midst. I closed my eyes, focusing all my willpower on regaining control.

With a final surge of determination, I quelled the rebellious Mana, forcing it back into the reservoir within me. The pain subsided, replaced by a profound sense of exhaustion. The classroom returned to its mundane reality, the mystical energy now dormant.

I took a deep breath, composing myself as if nothing had happened. The professor continued, and the students remained none the wiser.

None of them seemed to notice what I was doing so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, I\'ve tried to change a small part of my Mana into a Dark one.

I had to enhance it with Dark Emotions and change the flow of the energy within me.

Unfortunately, since I\'m not used to doing that, I barely managed to keep it up for a few seconds before it surged out of control.

\'I need more practice...\'

Muttering under my breath, I closed my eyes, reflecting on the need to further develop my control over the Dark Mana.

The faster I\'ve managed to make it my own, the greater strength I will achieve.

Of course, I will also be forced to adapt my body to be able to wield the Dark Mana because it is basically poisonous to humans.

\'Am I a human though?\'

Clenching my palm, I thought for a moment.

The Demon mentioned that I shouldn\'t consider myself a human anymore.


Looking down at my fingers, I smirked.

Whoever I was, at least I was still alive.

That is enough.


Somehow, I managed to get through the rest of the lecture without falling asleep.

At one point, I exhausted all of my Mana and couldn\'t perform any more Mana transformations so I just sat, trying to speed up the time.

The professor, seeing that I was extremely bored, even asked me a few questions but gave up on pestering me as I answered one after another.

His face told me that he didn\'t want to bother dealing with me, which I found a bit amusing.

\'He\'s chill...\'

Looking at the professor\'s back, I sighed.

It seems that both of us do not want to be here.


Finally, the ring signifying the end of the lesson resounded and I jumped from my seat, leaving the class at the back of the crowd.

The fresh air hit my face as I stepped out of the classroom, providing a much-needed reprieve from the stifling atmosphere within.

Tap... Tap...

Walking down the hallway, I immediately went toward my apartment, closing the door behind me.

I was about to jump into my bed when my phone buzzed with a notification.


Looking at the sender, I paused for a moment before unlocking my phone and opening the message.

I almost forgot that I had a training session after the lessons.


Changing my clothes, I quickly dashed out of my apartment, sprinting toward the training grounds.

Along the way, I received a couple of confused looks but I ignored them, trying not to be late.


Dashing around the corner, I ran into a wide arena only to find a man with Auburn hair standing in the middle.

Although his face was decorated with a smile, I could sense that this was only an act.

"You are late..."

His voice resounded across the arena, making me feel shivers run down my spine.

Although I hadn\'t trained with him for more than a week, my body still remembered the sores and aches I\'d felt afterward.

"Anyways, since you had some extra rest due to being late, today we will be doing double the exercises!"

Hearing Robbin\'s words, I almost vomited.

A small began to creep up on my face.

It wasn\'t a smile of happiness, it was a smile of a soldier who knows he will die.

\'I\'m fucked!\'

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