
Chapter 147 Stalling The Fight

Drip... Drip...

Blood pooled under the Demon, making its face contort with a wicked grin that only made the scene more unnerving.

"You will suffer..."

I could hear him muttering as the liquid kept oozing from the wounds on his monstrous body.

My last few strikes had reached their mark, drawing blood from the Demon.

However, it seems that it hit the creature\'s pride more than its physical form.

I could even see the fury in its eyes, a burning rage that fueled its determination to make me pay for my audacity.

Luckily, it only had limited time left.

If I were to survive another five minutes of its relentless assault, then he would weaken significantly due to the Spell he used, \'Blood Flow Acceleration\'.

\'I should use it...\'

Reaching into my pocket, I touched the metal surface of the Timekeeper\'s Watch.


My Mana surged, activating the Aether within the mechanism of the Artifact and causing the time around me to slow down.

Even the Demon\'s increased speed was now back at its original pace.

"Let\'s see who falls first..."

Gritting my teeth, I could feel my Mana reserved being greedily devoured by the Watch as the seconds ticked by.


The Demon also noticed that something was wrong and lunged forward, aiming to end the battle as soon as possible.

As the Demon lunged towards me, its claws slashing through the air, I barely managed to dodge its first strike, feeling the rush of wind as its claws whizzed past my face. With my time-altered senses, I could anticipate its moves a little better, but the Demon\'s relentless attacks still pushed me to my limits.


I countered with a quick series of slashes from my enchanted blade, each stroke aimed at the Demon\'s vulnerable spots. However, its monstrous agility allowed it to twist and contort its body, evading most of my attacks effortlessly. When one of my strikes did connect, it only grazed its hide, leaving shallow gashes that quickly oozed with the black ichor of its blood.

The Demon\'s claws came down again, and this time, I had to sacrifice a few wounds to avoid the fatal blow. My clothes offered some protection, but they couldn\'t completely withstand the force of the Demon\'s attack. The claws tore into my shoulder, leaving a searing pain that shot through my body. However, my pain threshold was far from normal, thanks to reincarnation that granted me an almost supernatural resilience to agony.

Gritting my teeth, I mustered the strength to counter the Demon\'s assault. I swung my blade with renewed determination, aiming for its arms and legs to hinder its movements. The Demon retaliated with a ferocious kick that sent me sprawling backward, but I quickly rolled back onto my feet, refusing to give in.


Our weapons clashed repeatedly, each strike resonating with a metallic ring, and magical sparks danced in the air as our enchanted blades collided. The Demon\'s strength was immense, but I had honed my skills to the point where I could match its blows with precision and speed. Yet, with each exchange, I felt the weight of its power pushing against me, threatening to overwhelm my defenses.

Blood continued to trickle from the Demon\'s wounds, but its wicked grin persisted. It seemed to relish the pain, reveling in the savage dance of combat. The more it bled, the more furious it became, and my Mana reserves were also being depleted at an alarming rate.I think you should take a look at

The air crackled with energy as our blades clashed again and again. The Demon\'s claws were like a relentless storm, slashing at me with blinding speed, and I could barely keep up with its onslaught. Each strike threatened to tear me apart, and I knew that even a single mistake could be my end.

With the Timekeeper\'s Watch draining my Mana, I had to be careful not to exhaust myself too quickly. I had to conserve my energy for crucial moments, for the perfect opportunity to strike back. Despite the pain and fatigue, I refused to yield. This was a battle of wills, and I was determined to emerge victorious.

As we danced around each other, I noticed a pattern in the Demon\'s attacks. It favored its right side, leaving its left flank slightly more vulnerable. I decided to take advantage of this opening and shifted my stance, ready to strike when the time was right.


The Demon lunged forward once more, its claws aiming for my chest. I deflected the attack with a swift parry, using the momentum to launch a counterattack at its exposed left side. My blade cut through the air with a whistle, but the Demon reacted quicker than I anticipated. It managed to twist its body at the last moment, causing my strike to graze its hide once more.

The Demon roared in fury, its eyes burning with malice. It seemed almost amused by my attempts to harm it. But I refused to be discouraged. With the time-altered senses from the Watch, I continued to predict its movements a fraction faster, hoping to find a way to land a solid blow.

Clang... Clang... Clang...

Our weapons clashed in a symphony of steel, each impact sending shockwaves through my arms. The Demon\'s strength was awe-inspiring, and I could feel my muscles straining under the pressure. But I had trained for this, endured countless battles to reach this point, and I would not be defeated now.

We circled each other like predators sizing up their prey. The Demon\'s wounds were still bleeding, but it seemed almost invigorated by the pain. It was as if each drop of blood fueled its malevolent power. I could sense the darkness in the air, the aura of evil that surrounded this creature.

The Demon lunged again, its claws coming at me from all directions. I dodged and weaved, but one of the strikes grazed my side, leaving a deep gash. The pain was intense, but I couldn\'t afford to let it distract me. I gritted my teeth, using the surge of adrenaline to push back against the Demon\'s relentless assault.

As we clashed once more, I channeled a surge of Mana into my blade, imbuing it with a temporary burst of power. The enchantments on my weapon glowed brightly as I swung, and this time, my strike found its mark. The blade cut through the Demon\'s forearm, and a spray of black blood filled the air.

The Demon howled in pain and fury, but its attacks only intensified. It seemed as though it would not stop until it had torn me apart. My heart pounded in my chest, and every breath felt labored, but I couldn\'t give up. I had to keep fighting.

Clang... Clang... Clang...

The relentless battle between me and the Demon raged on, the clash of our enchanted blades creating a symphony of steel. The Demon\'s claws were like deadly scythes, slicing through the air with a terrifying speed that kept me on my toes. Each strike came with the force of a battering ram, threatening to break through my defenses.

Blood flowed freely from both of us now, painting the ground in gruesome hues. I had sustained numerous wounds, some shallow cuts and others more grievous. The pain was constant, but I pushed it to the back of my mind, letting my survival instincts take over.


The Demon lunged at me once more, its eyes blazing with fury. I parried its attack with all my might, the impact sending shockwaves through my arms. The force was almost overwhelming, but I refused to back down. I spun around, aiming a sweeping strike at the Demon\'s legs, hoping to trip it up. But the creature leaped over my blade with an unnatural agility, leaving me momentarily off balance.

In that split second, the Demon seized the opportunity and brought its claws down, raking across my back. But there was no time to wallow in pain; I had to keep fighting.

Clang... Clang... Clang...

We continued to exchange blows, each strike coming faster and fiercer than the last. I could feel my strength waning, my Mana reserves nearly depleted. The Timekeeper\'s Watch had given me an advantage, but I could not rely on it forever. I had to hold on just a little longer...

I took a gamble, feigning a retreat to lure the Demon into overextending itself. As the creature lunged forward, its claws eager to tear me apart, I sidestepped at the last moment and swung my blade with all my remaining strength. The enchanted metal connected with the Demon\'s side, and for a brief moment, I saw a flicker of surprise in its eyes.

But it quickly recovered, retaliating with a devastating kick that sent me crashing into a nearby wall. My vision blurred for a moment, and I tasted blood in my mouth. The impact had knocked the wind out of me, and I struggled to regain my footing.

The Demon was relentless, advancing on me with deadly intent. I knew I couldn\'t afford to make any more mistakes. With a burst of sheer willpower, I forced myself back into the fight. I rolled to the side as the Demon\'s claws came down, narrowly avoiding another fatal blow.

I struck back, my blade slicing through the air like a streak of silver lightning. The Demon blocked my attack with its own weapon, the clash of our enchanted blades sending sparks flying in all directions.

There was only a minute left until the Demon\'s Blood Flow Acceleration ran out!

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