
Chapter 100 Unexpected Meeting

Tap... Tap...

I stared at my hands, tainted with the blue blood of the foxes I had just slaughtered. Although the rain was pouring heavily on my head, I didn\'t feel it.

My numbness slowly spread to every inch of my body, as I came to realize what had happened.

"What the fuck..."

I muttered under my breath as my Mana started to surge because of frustration. Something was terribly wrong with me, and I had no idea what it was.

Tap... Tap...

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and my instincts kicked in, causing me to spin around in one swift motion.

As I turned, my eyes came face to face with a small, hooded figure standing in front of me. The figure\'s features were obscured by the shadow of its hood, but I could tell from its posture that it was a woman.


My head tilted in confusion as I recognized the silhouette of the Elven Princess, who should have been miles away from here, sleeping soundly in her bed.

What the fuck was she doing here, in the middle of this forest, at this time of night?


Removing her hood, Rose revealed her piercing blue eyes, which seemed to glow in the darkness. For some reason, I could feel the cold emitting from them, like ice penetrating my skin.

"What are you doing here?"

Her voice was soft, almost too gentle for my liking, it even felt like a trap. It was as if a massive cat was purring, trying to lull me into a false sense of security.

"Just taking a walk, clearing my head..."

I tried not to sound nervous, but the way my voice quivered betrayed me. It didn\'t help that I was standing there with blood on my hands and corpses at my feet.

Rose\'s eyes darted between me and the dead foxes, her expression unreadable.

"I see..."

She, suddenly, reached out and placed a hand on my arm, and I could feel the cold radiating from her touch.

At first, I wanted to pull away from her, but something about the way she looked at me made me freeze.

It felt like I was caught in her web, and I couldn\'t escape her gaze.


I didn\'t even resist as she led me away from the scene of my slaughter, her hand still firmly grasping my bloody fingers.

I was in a state of shock, and I even forgot to collect the cores of the dead foxes, something I would have never forgotten under normal circumstances.

\'Long day...\'

I thought to myself, looking at the small back of the Elven Princess as she guided me out of the forest, her hood pulled up once again.

Although we walked in silence, I had the feeling that Rose wanted to say something but was hesitant.

Well, whatever it was, I wasn\'t sure if I wanted to hear it.

Tap... Tap...

The rain poured down, freezing droplets clashing against the sturdy trees and onto our skin, but neither of us seemed to care.

Soon, we arrived at the edge of the forest, where Rose abruptly stopped and turned to face me.

"Listen... I know we just met, and this might sound strange but... something about you is different."

Her words gave me a chill, and I shuddered involuntarily. I had way too many secrets which would be better left unsaid, and the last thing I needed was for someone as important as an Elven Princess to get caught up in my mess.


Rose looked at me through her thick eyelashes, her azure eyes glinting in the rain, and then she spoke again.

"Whatever it is that you\'re hiding... just know that if you ever need help, I\'ll be there for you."

We stood there in silence for a few moments, the rain drumming against the trees and our bodies.

I, honestly, didn\'t know how to respond.

I fully understood that Rose was doing this because I was her compatible person and my well-being indirectly affects hers.

I felt touched by her words...

However, I didn\'t intend to rely on anyone else, especially the growing protagonists.

If I ever needed help, I would figure things out on my own. It was a path I chose upon entering this world, and I had no plans of deviating from it.

Sure, I would use the protagonists, but only if it would benefit us both in the long run.

My problems are mine to solve and there wasn\'t any need to burden anyone else with them, especially if that problem was the imminent destruction of this world.


I finally replied, smiling softly at the Princess. I tried to make the smile as genuine as possible, hoping to mask my true intentions.


Rose seemed to sense that there was more to the situation than I was letting on, but she didn\'t press me any further.

She gripped my arm even tighter and led me out of the forest, near the highway where a black car was waiting for me.

As we approached the car, Rose whispered something to me that I couldn\'t quite make out over the sound of the rain.

I leaned in closer to her, and she repeated herself.

"You\'re not alone in this, you know. Every time you run I\'ll have to catch you."

Her words hung in the air, and though to some it might seem like a blessing in disguise, I could only see it as a constraint.

\'I better get stronger fast...\'

Gritting my teeth, yet showing no outward sign of my inner turmoil, I gave Rose a small nod, while she sighed, probably knowing that I wasn\'t fully convinced.

As I opened the car door and got inside, I quickly removed my wet coat and leaned back against the seat, taking a deep breath.


Rose also sat beside me in the car as the driver started the engine and we began to drive away from the forest, the rain still pouring down heavily outside.

\'This is awkward...\'

As the forest slowly disappeared from the view out the window, I felt the awkward silence descend upon us.


Sitting beside Aiden in the car, Rose\'s mind was racing with thoughts and concerns. She couldn\'t shake off the feeling that there was something deeply troubling him, something he was desperately trying to keep hidden. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn\'t penetrate the walls he had erected around himself.

Gazing out of the window, Rose watched as the raindrops streaked across the glass, distorting her view of the world outside. The weight of responsibility settled upon her shoulders, as someone who had a connection to this man.

She was only now seeing Aiden\'s true self which both intrigued and unsettled her. There was a darkness in him, veiled by a facade of indifference, and she wondered what could have caused it.

Turning her gaze to him, she noticed his tense posture and the way his hands clenched tightly together. It was clear he was wrestling with his own demons, battling an internal struggle that Rose could only guess at.

"Are you alright?"

She asked softly, breaking the silence that had enveloped them.

Aiden glanced at her with slight surprise evident in his eyes, as if her question had caught him off guard. After a moment\'s hesitation, he nodded, but Rose could see the wariness in his expression.

"I\'m fine..."

He replied, his voice laced with a touch of weariness.

Rose knew better than to press him further. She understood that trust was earned, not given freely, and she had no intention of betraying that delicate balance.

As the car continued to cut through the rain-soaked night, Rose made a silent vow to herself. She would be there for him, not as a savior or someone to rely on, but as a steady presence in his life. She would show him that he didn\'t have to face his demons alone, that he had allies who understood and accepted him for who he was.

In the days to come, Rose would be patient, waiting for the right moment to extend her hand in friendship. She would seek opportunities to engage him in conversation, to learn about his past and his struggles. And when the time was right, she hoped he would be willing to share his burden with her, to let her in and allow her to help him find solace and redemption.

With a determined smile, Rose turned her attention back to the passing scenery. She knew it wouldn\'t be easy, but she was willing to walk alongside him on his journey, no matter how treacherous or uncertain the path might be.

The rain continued to fall, washing away the traces of their encounter in the forest. But as Rose looked at him out of the corner of her eye, she knew that the impact of their meeting would linger, forever altering the course of their intertwined destinies.

\'I wonder what the future holds...\'

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