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Chapter 26: Through The Looking Glass

She absolutely despised high society, because of it, she grew up a child of a multi-billionaire who constantly had to question whether someone was talking to her because they wanted to be friends or they needed connections.

As the saying goes, \'its lonely at the top.\' Isla felt this through and through. She hated those who approached her under false pretenses, she\'d rather someone was honest. She wouldn\'t mind helping someone gain something, but don\'t pretend to be friends.

When her father told her she was to attend Eden Academy. She initially rebelled. She felt it was a waste of time as people will try and suck up to her instead of just trying to get to know her. They\'d never reprimand her, they\'d be busy praising whatever she did. So she felt that the academy was a waste of time, if she couldn\'t grow as a person there, why bother.

Upon her father asking pleadingly to at least check out the campus before making a decision. She finally agreed, but only to check it out. She demanded to ride the train instead of a private jet. Her father agreed on the basis that she would need to buy the luxurious class ticket. That was a compromise she was willing to meet.

"Well Rosie, be a good girl, " her father said at the station.

"Aren\'t I always?"

Her father stiffled a laugh. Isla had 3 older siblings, she was absolutely the naughtiest of them all. He saw to it that she was safely inside her carriage, and left when the train did.

On her first day on campus, it was everybody\'s first day too. But she noticed that people were saying atrocities to two boys who seemed to have come from the lower district. She rolled her eyes and felt disgusted that she was used to these scenarios.

Then something that\'s never happened, happened. The boy spoke up. He spoke up loud and clear and stood up for himself and his friend. Isla was pleasantly surprised.

Suddenly the brown skinned lanky boy was dreamy in her eyes. For her, it was love at first sight even though it was what he said that made her like him.

Isla had never liked anyone before, her family at one point even thought she wouldn\'t like boys. But who knew the first boy she liked wouldn\'t get a stamp of approval from her father. She cursed at how unfair life was.

She watched as the boy and his friend walked into the school. Every stride carried unparalleled confidence, he may not know this but he radiated it, she reckoned it was because of this that these rich people showed envy and disgust.

Even though he was from the lower district, he walked around with his head held up very high, Isla admired that. She immediately took out her phone and enrolled, and hoped they were at least in the same class.

From then on, Isla would be seen almost anywhere the two boys were. She didn\'t mean to come across as a stalker, she wanted to approach them but would get cold feet every time. She even started sitting with them during meals, nobody knew but she\'d adjust the noise cancelling option so as to at least hear what they would talk about.

The first time she sat there, she felt a sudden burn all over her body. When she looked up, deep blue eyes were staring right at her. The boy wore a half-smile, half-smirk as if amused. The eyes likened the ocean, deep with a surge of danger. Isla quickly went back to her book, afraid if she looked any longer she\'d be lost in them.

She usually stole glances of envy at them. She wanted what they had. The more she sat with them, the more comfortable she was, the more welcomed she felt. Even though no words had ever been exchanged.

On a particular day. She heard them arguing about changing their in-game names, so to ward off unwanted attention.

\'Were all boys dumb? Their appearance won\'t change. It doesn\'t matter what their name is.\' Isla thought to herself.

She now had something to talk about with them, since she was also a gamer they can all just dicuss gaming, she didn\'t care. So she pretended she didn\'t know and asked them if they were the famous Kiro and Hiro. The conversation was short and brief, it made her happy nonetheless. She was deep in thought when she heard a very, annoying voice. Her mood soured immediately.

\'Why the hell is he bowing?\'


She honestly didn\'t want to talk to this boy. But she was taught to be hospitable, he did walk all the way here just to talk to her after all. She internally cursed at the high class etiquette nonsense.

"Isaac," she said coldly.

Then he started questioning her like she owed him anything. Or that she was his pet and he owned her. She didn\'t like his tone, not at all.

"Why are you seated here? There\'s a good table over there with us?"

"And what makes a table good exactly?" She asked knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"Huh? Because it\'s not infested with hoodlums like those two. Let\'s go, you\'ll dirty yourself." He said with a smirk, as if proud of what he had just said.

Isla didn\'t know why, but she panicked at his words. She became hot and sweaty, even her armpits started to itch. For some reason, she wanted to make it clear to Isaac that not only does she not like him, she also didn\'t care about the classes society puts them in.

"Isaac, we are not friends. Our parents may do business but that doesn\'t make us friends. You\'re a pathetic human being. You think I don\'t know the bullying you do around this school? Acting like you own everything."

Isaac was visibly fuming, but she didn\'t care. They were essentially equals when it came to the social class.

"To think you\'d defend these rats, these savages–"

Her eyes fell on them, and noticed that the boy, Hiro, was getting really uncomfortable.

\'How do I diffuse this situation?\'

"Oi, don\'t call us savages." Kiro said.

Isla was used to Kiro\'s no nonsense attitude but her eyes widened in surprise. This boy was really fearless. Then out of nowhere, unexpectedly, Isaac put his hands on her and tried to pull her toward him.

She didn\'t even notice Kiro get up. But in a split second, he was face to face with Isaac. He stood before her with his back turned. He was too tall, his back felt like a protective wall. She stepped aside to get a better look.

His deep blue eyes looked so dangerous. Like the ocean, but it was not the calm collected kind, it was as though a storm was brewing within them. It was as if he was looking down on prey. Prey that he was playing with before devouring.

Isla unconsciously titled her head, she couldn\'t understand how he looked so dangerous yet so attractive? He didn\'t say anything to Isaac, just stared at him. Those close enough could actually hear Isaac whimper. The cafeteria was quiet and watching at this point.

Isaac left with his tail between his legs.

\'What a coward. He\'ll try using his father to suppress him, no doubt. That\'s how he works. He\'s likely to let it go though, it\'d be embarrassing for him that he was suppressed by someone he deems inferior.\' Isla sighed, relieved at her deduction.

Then, just then, Kiro said something so unexpected.

"Pheew! That was close, I almost hit him senseless. I would\'ve been expelled for sure. My little brother would\'ve killed me before mum could."

The whole cafeteria was filled with laughter at his words. What a guy! People of the lower class than Isaac were starting to look at him with admiration. Even though he was lowest of the low, he stood up to someone who was one of the highest in society.

"Dude that was so badass," Hiro said.

"Thank you," Isla said.

Isla realised that she never actually introduced herself to them. She\'d just sit with them listening to their conversations until they left. This was also the first they were speaking, she couldn\'t possibly let this opportunity slip by.

"I\'m Isla Silva by the way," she said and held out her hand.

"I\'m nice to meet you—."

\'How cute, handsome and innocent. The more I get to know him the more i like him.\' She giggled.

"Waynworth Kiro."

His hands were, awfully rough. Clearly he\'s worked a lot using his bare hands. But she didn\'t hate it. Then her hand turned to Hiro.

"Misaki Hiroto. But you can call me Hiro." Hiro shook it.

She was feeling really overwhelmed, in a good way. She got up to leave, but remembered their argument earlier and aloud, she said,

"Oh by the way, changing your names, Kiro and Hiro in-game isn\'t going to do much. Since your faces won\'t change." Then turned and left.

She was at the door when she realised what she had just done. She turned again, with a pleading face. \'I hope you forgive me, both of you!\' and then ran off. Leaving them to deal with the aftermath.

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