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Chapter 23: The Master, II


Race: High Vampire

HP: 30 000


Hypnosis [Advanced]

Depending on your Magic Defense, this skill can put you under hypnosis until Dracula is done feeding on you. Can only be used on one person at a time.

Telekinesis [Basic]

This skill Grants him the ability to move objects with his mind. Dracula can lift one thing at a time considering the level of the skill.

Pyrokinesis [Advanced]

Dracula has control over fire and can summon heat and fire with his mind and hands.

They were simply speechless! Isn\'t this boss a bit too broken! On top of that, it was weakened? Nonsense!

But they consoled themselves with the fact that there were two of them. Dracula sneered at their shock and discomfort.

"Well, Hiro, the fire skill should be yours to handle."


"You, You dare. I told you, you unworthy peasants to leave. But you insist on being my human toys. Prepare to die!" Dracula said, the malice was so thick you could almost taste it in the air.

"We\'re dead if we walk away," Kiro said, pretending he wasn\'t bothered.

"You\'re dead either way," he said with somehow more malice than his last words.

"Well, if we leave its certain death, but it\'s not certain in this situation who is gonna be the victor. It could be us who\'ll be granted the privilege to stand on your corpse," Kiro said with more confidence than he actually had.

His eyes glinted dangerously. Without warning, he must\'ve cast a fire spell, because Kiro was hit. Luckily for Hiro, his shield blocked it. He quickly went to hide behind him.


[You\'ve been hit with a fire curse. You\'ll lose 20 HP per second for the next 20 seconds!]

"That\'s — that\'s brutal!"

A spell that can steal 400 HP in 20 seconds. Both of them only had 1 HP potion each. If they were not careful they would die here. 20 seconds passed and Dracula was still trying to burn a rare ranked shield.

\'What a dunce.\'

"Is this how the Master of this Manor fights? What a let down, I thought you\'d be better than your minions but you\'re far worse," Kiro mocked.

Even though he knew that making him angry could increase his stats, but this guy had no technique, he had no strategy. He was consumed with anger right now and seems to have lost his sense of reason.

It was especially hard to go near him since he was casting a fire spell nonstop. As if he had an abundance of magic.

\'If I were him, I\'d cast hypnosis on Hiro or make him move, and attack me endlessly.\'

But he was so too much in his head, that he was not using any strategy. He was just mindlessly attacking, and someone like that, no matter how strong they can be bested.

"YOU DARE?!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I dare!" Kiro said nonchalantly with a voice full of mock, all the while hiding behind Hiro.

"Hiro, while we\'re like this, let\'s get closer to him, when you\'re close enough, hit him with your shield and I\'ll try to sneak an attack."

[You\'ve enraged Dracula. All his stats will increase by 5+]

"Sh*t, I\'ve done it now!"

Hiro nodded. So it began. The mission to get to Dracula, it was slow but they got there eventually. Hiro bashed him 5 times with his shield. Kiro peeked from behind him, and hit the vampire senseless, his arms were moving so fast that the skills buff damage increased to 40%.

The damage he could cause now ranged in the upper hundreds. Hiro used his shield to bash him, simultaneously Kiro was hitting him especially in the head. His HP was about half, that must\'ve knocked some sense into him.

Suddenly, he used Telekinesis! He tossed Hiro far to the other side of the room, Kiro knew that his fire skill must be on cool down at the moment, he spammed it too much. The only danger was hypnosis!

\'As long as I avoid his eyes, I think I\'ll be okay?\'

As he was thinking that, he was suddenly embraced by a warm feeling that rushed over his entire body and mind. He felt safe. He felt this was a true paradise.

Suddenly, he was in a white room on a bed, naked women all over him. Then as fast as he was thrown into that \'Paradise.\' He was suddenly jerked out of the scenario. When he came to he was on the floor with his HP less than a hundred.

\'What the hell happened. But I didn\'t look it in the eyes!\'

As he thought about how to avoid hypnosis, he quickly downed a health potion, in a matter of seconds his bar was full.

He couldn\'t find a better explanation though, he was under hypnosis and Dracula racked his HP to a dangerous level. Kiro had no idea that, this skill couldn\'t be blocked. It affected anyone, but depending on how high your magic defense was, the duration would differ.

He got up quickly, Hiro was attacking the Master with his shield. Kiro activated Blink, and appeared right at the front of the vampire. With all his might he pushed his palm forward, and followed up with the bending kick.



It was enough to give him damage but not enough to kill him. His skills were on cool down, but not for long, before they could dent his HP any longer. He whipped Kiro aside and cast Hypnosis on his friend. Kiro could do nothing but watch from across the room as Hiro stood there dumbly.

"Damn it," he muttered

He was low on magic so he didn\'t want to use blink unless it was at a crucial moment, that\'s why he got up and ran toward them, and just like that, Dracula performed dual casting.

The infamous fire spell, Kiro quickly side stepped, avoided most of it but he still got affected. It grazed him.

This time, it was 400 damage.

\'He grazed me though? I\'d have died if I took that one head on!\' He thought solemnly.

The damage reduced his HP to 500, but he didn\'t stop, he still ran to his friends side. Kiro jumped when he arrived and poked Dracula right in the eye.


That broke his concentration. Hiro came to.

When he realised where he was, his face flushed. Kiro shook his head. He stood behind him, and asked.

"So, what did you see?"

"N-n-n-one of your business," he stuttered badly.

The tips of his ears were bright red. Even in-game? The game was simply too realistic.

Hiro went closer to Dracula, and started the previous strategy again, bashing him with the shield and Kiro hitting him with palm crashing and the staff. They did this until they finally severed his head off.

They breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Dracula\'s voice could be heard.

"You think you\'ve won? I know your smells, I\'ll find you wherever you rats hide. You killed my puppet!"

That explained a lot about why it kept getting buffs. It was unfair having a strong benefactor. The voice came from the head, it was still rumbling about how much trash they were and how it\'d find them, or how they should sleep with one eye open because he\'s lurking about. They had enough. Kiro walked over.

"Shut it!" He stomped on the head causing it to combust. "You know our smells? What a weird fetish."

They just sat there, because they were on their last HP and stamina. They both felt sick. When your HP and MP runs dangerously low, avatar\'s start having side effects. Like feeling as if they have a fever. Or being immobile like Kiro previously was.

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