
Chapter 1944 – Divine Mountain

Chapter 1944 – Divine Mountain

Lu Yun glanced at a Cen Sui repeatedly slapping his forehead and ignored the man.

“Alright, I’m off since you don’t need my help. And you’re right, I shouldn’t reveal myself too often in the chief worlds. If that group of peak grand supremes in the darkness sniff me out, then all of my previous hiding will be useless.” Daoist Yuyu also vanished as he spoke.

The lotus flower beneath Lu Yun’s feet slowly retracted back into a star.

“Damn, this is such a cheap trick!” Cen Sui stuck out his tongue at it. “This connate lotus of three hundred and sixty-five ranks is renowned throughout the chief worlds, but who would connect that with… this…”

A very plain, ordinary looking, yet weirdly durable star. Who the heck would look twice at that?

Wu Ru had likely seen hints of something else because he’d once tried to seize it. He was also Yun Yi’s pawn to begin with.

Only Lu Yun and Cen Sui were left after the departure of the peak grand supremes. Lu Yun sat down on the star and bade it streak toward the empyrean supreme’s tomb.


The Disordered Island was still close to them and the Empyrean Disordered Supreme stood on it, silently watching the young man leave on a star with a fiery tail. There was another figure standing beside her—Wu Ru.

“Greetings to Your Highness.” He suddenly dropped to one knee and dipped his head.

“So you know?” She looked down at him.

“Not even a full empyrean supreme would be able to refine the ancestor’s skull. Only his flesh and blood can,” Wu Ru responded. “There is a myth that the ancestor sired one daughter, but nothing is known about her whereabouts. She is most likely Your Empyrean Reverence.”

The shamanic ancestor was an ancient heavyweight, one older than the primordial heavenly court. Hailing from the Mythological Era, it wasn’t strange that the Empyrean Disordered Supreme was his daughter.

Yun Yi wouldn’t have sent her the shamans if that wasn’t the case, nor given her the skull so she could be reborn.

But while Yun Yi knew of the matter, she didn’t bring it up. The Empyrean Disordered Supreme’s relationship with the shamanic ancestor was one of her weaknesses. If the land of darkness found it, they’d turn the shamans into a pawn and kill her again.

The ancestor’s skull was her sole hope for resurrection. If she died again, she would be fully dead. Not everyone was as lucky as Leize’s family, able to be revived through the Tome of Life and Death.

“Mmhmm,” the Empyrean Disordered Supreme inclined her head. “Back in the day… forget it. I’ve sent the full legacy of the shamans into your mind. You can return to the sacred land and access it through the altar.”

“Then what about Your Reverence…” Overjoyed, Wu Ru’s thoughts quickly returned to the supreme.

“I’m going to the tomb and fishing out the god of Mount Tai.” A keen light flashed in her eyes. “How dare my good disciple betray me!!”


Lu Yun’s appearance changed once more after they left the central zone of the Disordered Sea; he resembled a rich son of a secluded faction. Cen Sui turned into a faithful old servant; his trademark hulking blade was nowhere to be seen.

Along the way, Cen Sui shared a great deal of knowledge about the chief worlds—its powerhouses, details about the factions, and summaries of the various secret zones and dangerous territories.

The chief worlds were so enormous that Lu Yun couldn’t imagine how vast they were even if he stretched his imagination to its utmost. Cen Sui himself didn’t know everything that was hidden within either, much less Lu Yun.

Thus, the young man disguised himself as the heir of a secluded powerhouse who didn’t exist and once more concealed his true identity. He numbered among the strongest of high supremes now and had glimpsed the life form of grand supremes from Cen Sui. He was slowly progressing in that direction. Although he was no match for a grand supreme with his current level of strength, it wasn’t possible for ordinary grand supremes to kill him either.

As strong as he was, however, he wasn’t the strongest of the high supremes.

Miao. [1]

This was a name from Cen Sui—one that belonged to a legendary genius who’d crafted one thousand and eighty levels of sequence. He was only a high supreme, but had once killed a grand supreme with his bare hands.

Very few in the realm knew of his feats and even fewer knew that he existed. His faction seemed to have purposefully hidden him away. Miao was also the disciple of a peak grand supreme.

With the addition of Daoist Yuyu and the Disordered Empyrean Supreme, there were currently eight peak eight grand supremes in the chief worlds. Lu Yun knew six of them; there were two more that he’d yet to meet. Miao was a disciple of one of the two.

The newly opened tomb of the empyrean supreme was surely calling out to him, so the legendary genius must be here as well.


A divine mountain that floats in the void.

Any disordered vortex that came near it was ripped apart by the mountain’s forcefield and scattered in the surroundings as the power of order. A tattered golden bridge situated in the air extended out from it. As time went on, it slowly repaired itself.

“There is a large contingent of grand supremes and stronger high supremes who have yet to come to the tomb. They’re waiting for the bridge to be fully repaired,” Cen Sui murmured.

“Are there… more peak grand supremes to be found in the chief worlds?” Lu Yun wondered.

“How are you asking me this?” Cen Sui rolled his eyes. “As far as the public knows, there were only four peak grand supremes left in the realm. But another two appeared when the tomb opened, and then… and then you know.”

He wanted to continue, but anything he uttered beyond that point might reveal crucial secrets that would result in disastrous consequences. Being a grand supreme himself, he knew what he could and could not speak of.

“Yeah,” Lu Yun nodded. “I can’t see anything special about this divine mountain from the outside. Let’s head inside.”

As impressive as the mountain was, that was all Lu Yun saw. A very big, but not larger-than-life mountain. There were plenty of mountains like these in the World of Immortals. If it wasn’t for the golden bridge and the forcefield around it tearing disordered power to pieces, he wouldn’t look at it twice.

These two attributes, however, made it a divine mountain.

The tomb of the empyrean supreme was inside it, but Lu Yun couldn’t see any trace of a burial layout from the outside. The landmass perfectly obscured the layout.

“Yun Yi and the Dao King are probably behind the bridge.” Lu Yun said after making some calculations.

No one had discovered the tomb of the empyrean supreme for all its years beneath the mountain. it’d suddenly appeared in the public eye because the golden bridge had broken through the landmass’ layout and leaked the tomb’s presence.

For all his knowledge of feng shui, Lu Yun couldn’t see a hint of the tomb despite knowing full well it was beneath them.

He and Cen Sui set foot on tattered planks. A ghastly caterwauling broke through the air the moment they did so and a strangely shaped endarkened appeared out of nowhere, slashing at Lu Yun with sharp claws.

1. This is not the same character for the Miao of Tushan Miao AKA the little fox! This character means clever/ingenious or in modern colloquial usage: …interesting… ?

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