野花社区视频 日本

Chapter 618 A Memorable Night, Two Single Individuals

Yun Qingwu remained silent and calm, and Fang Zhengzhi considered repeating his previous sentence. "The moon is so round today, if there really aren’t anybody around here, nobody would find out about what I’m going to do next right?"

But it did not seem fitting right now.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that he should wait patiently, till Yun Qingwu looked frightened and scared, then he would edge his way closer to her slowly.

But moments later.....

Fang Zhengzhi decided to give up on that idea, as Yun Qingwu did not seem like she wanted to continue the conversation with him. She only stared at him silently.

It felt as if she was waiting too.

Both of them were waiting for one another, but one of them had to compromise in the end.

"You came to the Northern Mountain Village to find me?" Fang Zhengzhi could not endure any longer, and he sat down on the grass patch in front of Yun Qingwu.

"Yes." Yun Qianwu nodded her head, as she looked away. She pointed to a box of snacks and the pile of fruits beside it, "I harvested them from the mountains and have washed them already."

"A Demon Young Lord, harvesting fruits from the mountains?" Fang Zhengzhi replied as he took a fruit and put it in his mouth. It was sweet and refreshing, he squinted abit and asked, "Why did you come looking for me?"

"Of course, I’m here to seek revenge for the Southern Region." Yun Qingwu replied almost immediately, her tone sounding extra calm and stable.

"Hehe... So you’re here to seek revenge, I supposed the thing beside is a knife and not snacks?" Fang Zhengzhi grinned at her, feeling relaxed.

What joke was she trying to pull? Yun Qingwu came alone to seek revenge by herself? How was that even possible?

"I have heard that you do not have much time left." Yun Qingwu did not reply Fang Zhengzhi straightaway this time round. She, too, picked up a fruit and put it into her mouth.

The way Yun Qingwu munched on the fruit looked elegant and perfect. Be it holding or chewing the fruit, she always managed to radiate a positive vibe.

"Probably." Fang Zhengzhi did not deny what she had mentioned. In fact, the news must have spreaded since the battle in Flame Capital City.

"You took half a year to enter the Sagely State. That sounds really difficult."

"Indeed it was."

"Do you want to listen to a song?"

"Do you know how to play?"


"I’ll have the song ’Mountain Waterfall Cascade’ then."


The sound of the strings started filling the night sky again, adding a touch of elegance to the silent wilderness, resembling just like a fairyland.

That was a strange moment.

Two acquaintances, or some would even label them as enemies, sitting facing each other.

One asked if she was afraid of getting killed.

While the other replied saying that she was here to seek revenge.

They were supposed to be fighting one another, or at least stayed cautious. But one was playing the instrument as the other admired on while appreciating the night breeze accompanied by the moonlight.

The song ended.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes remained shut as he lied down on the grass patch, his hand holding his head. He then picked up some snacks and gobbled them down again.

They tasted delicious and smelt heavenly.

"Do you know how to play "The Swordsman?"

"The Swordsman?" Yun Qingwu’s looked softly at Fang Zhengzhi who was lazing around on the ground.

Awaiting for Fang Zhengzhi’s reply.

However, Fang Zhengzhi did not continue. Instead, he hummed softly.

"Take the material world lightly, infatuated love is a tomfoolery, may as well to be chesty, this lifetime is still lengthy, but the heart is in peace already, for the rest of life I just want to be easy....."

"This is called the Swordsman?"

Yun Qingwu finally opened her mouth, after Fang Zhengzhi had finished humming the song, showing a sense of complexity.

"No, this song is called The Mundane World."

"The Mundane World? Didn’t you say that was the Swordsman?"

"Oh, to be exact, the Swordsman is actually a story, and The Mundane World is an episode in this story. Actually, I know of a song that sounds pretty nice too."

"What is it called?"

"A Laughter From the Seas!"

"A Laughter From the Seas? Hmmm, that sounds nice, can you sing it for me?"

"That’s only if you dance along with it!"

"Sure!" Yun Qingwu agreed without much hesitation. She moved the string instrument aside.

The song filled the air under the moonlight.

Wearing a white dress, she danced gracefully, her snow white dress brushing lightly across the grass patch. Her legs paced slowly and gently on the ground.

It was a beautiful scene.

Fang Zhengzhi opened his eyes slowly, admiring Yun Qingwu dancing. At that moment, he felt as though he almost saw Chang’er.

"This girl....can certainly act well!"


Time passed by, as the moon hung up high, and the stars shimmered as brightly as ever. The moonlight shone on the both of them, who were lying down on the grasspatch.

"Can you tell me about the story of the Swordsman?"

"Oh, I can’t, it has its own copyright issue."


"Hmm yeah, in summary, it just means that nobody can speak of it, unless he has seeked for permission."

"I see, then I shall share a story."

"What story?"

"It’s the origin of the Demon Race."

"Sure, but since I’m curious, I will just ask a question. Do you call yourself a Demon?"

"Are Demons not good?"

"It doesn’t sound that nice as compared to a sage or a god."

"That is just what the human always thought of us. We don’t think that Demons are bad. In fact, we think that Humans are worse."

"I see, I guessed I just gained an advantage." Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head.

"Advantage? Must you be so shameless?" Yun Qingwu hissed under her breath.

"Errrrr..... I was just purely trying to express my thoughts." Fang Zhengzhi argued back, though his face seemed to blush a little. He felt like he had just been caught off guard, because from past experiences, others would only refer to his "knowledge".

How could have Yun Qingwu guessed that he was talking about his advantage?

Alright, this woman, was too intelligent.

She knew that he would not have mentioned anything too serious, therefore, he could not have been talking about knowledge.

"Actually, the origin of the Demon Race dated back before that of Humans..."

"Every race will claim that they were the first when discussing about about their origin." Fang Zhengzhi spoke casually, trying to deny what Yun Qianwu said.

She did not try to rebuke, and continued her story, "There was only the Demon Race at first, but humans suddenly appeared..."

"The humans looked small and disdainful in front of the strong demons. Therefore, they were controlled and extorted, becoming the slaves of the Demon Race..."


A faint white light rose in the sky, indicating that the night was about to pass.

Yun Qingwu had long finished her story, but the both of them continued lying on the grass patch, eyes slightly opened. The light breeze blew on their clothes and hair.

Gradually, the sun began showing up, its red crimson colour bleaching the whole sky. The lights of the stars disappeared, as the red light from the sun rose.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes were finally wide opened.

As he looked at the sun rising and the fog behind the Cang Ling Mountain, he could feel Yun Qingwu breathing gently beside him. There were countless thoughts and ideas in his mind.

But quickly...

He shook off all these ideas.

"I have to leave now, you should return to your Demon Race Blood Shadow City. Stop hanging around the Northern Mountain Village anymore. There are many Royal Guards and there is also Lin Yun!" Fang Zhengzhi sat up slowly, giving her beautiful face one last look.

"Then you leave." Yun Qingwu eyes remained closed as she mumbled gently, letting out her pleasant voice.

"If I’m still not dead, I will find a chance to listen to you play the instrument." Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head, as he stood up immediately.

He glanced at the sun rising and took a deep breath of the air in the wildness. Then, he slowly let it out. That felt refreshing.

Yun Qingwu did not speak again.

Fang Zhengzhi had no intention of waiting for her to answer, and he turned and walked towards the Northern Mountain Village.

He did not kill Yun Qingwu and she did not lay her hands on Fang Zhengzhi.

Both of them were supposed to be enemies, but instead they had spent a night lying down on the green grass patch. There were no actions at all, just casual chattings.

Fang Zhengzhi would listen when Yun Qingwu was playing the strings.

And Yun Qingwu would admire when he started singing.

Fang Zhengzhi listened to Yun Qingwu’s story about the Demon race.

Everything seemed very natural and harmonious, just like two old friends, talking about their past stories.

Fang Zhengzhi walked straight without turning his head.

Yun Qingwu had no intention to send him off, and she laid on the grass patch, closing her eyes as the sun shone on the edge of her face.


Fang Zhengzhi walked back to her.

He looked at Yun Qingwu, lying down, the grass patch still looked as green as ever. The box of snacks were still there.

"Crap!" The relaxed and calm mood that Fang Zhengzhi had exhibited a while ago changed drastically as he cursed and swore.

Yun Qingwu said nothing.

She did not let out a sound, but when she heard Fang Zhengzhi cursing in front of her, she began grinning, showing a faint smile.

As though...

The cold snow lotus had bloomed creating this irresistible beauty.

Fang Zhengzhi would have been able to admire her beauty a moment ago, but he did not have the mood to do so now.

He had no plans to turn back when he had decided to leave. In fact, he did not even turn his body around. But somehow, he had returned to the same spot.

What was the reason?

It certainly was not because Fang Zhengzhi couldn’t bear to leave her.

The only reason was that, he had seemed to fall into her "trap" the moment he crossed over that big tree to approach Yun Qingwu.

"What is this tactic?" Fang Zhengzhi squinted his eyes as he looked at Yun Qingwu. He finally understood what it meant to be a woman.

"You can make a guess." Yun Qingwu spoke slowly, not intending to reply to his question. But she did not deny him either.

Fang Zhengzhi scanned around.

Everything was still intact since yesterday night. He had been observing for the whole night, and the mountains as well as the waters were still there. Nothing had changed.

There weren’t any movement.

Even the small stones under the tree also looked unchanged.

Fang Zhengzhi did not understand his situation. If he had known, he wouldn’t have fall into her trap.

"Eight Diagrams? Not likely!"

"Seven Stars? But there aren’t any signs of it!"

Fang Zhengzhi looked around cautiously again, and finally gave up.

He could not figure out her tactics, and he knew that he would not get anything out from her just by asking. Moreover, Yun Qingwu wouldn’t be so dumb to reveal her moves and secrets.


Here came the problem?

How could he get out of the place?

Nobody would be able to answer this difficult question. However, he suddenly found a glimpse of hope in the midst of all these confusion. It was the Matrix Eye!!

To break the Matrix spell, there would only be two ways. One would be to find the regular pattern and followed by breaking it.

The other one...

Would just be destroying the Matrix Eye!

That would be the most straightforward and direct method, it was the most suitable method to pin down an opponent from afar, ending it once and for all.

Fang Zhengzhi certainly had no clue on the location of the Matrix Eye.

Afterall, he already had no idea what was the regular pattern in his surroundings, let alone find the Matrix Eye. At this moment, he could only have two ways.

One of them would be to let out a strong force, breaking everything in his surroundings. He might be lucky enough to find the Matrix Eye. The other one would be...

To grab onto Yun Qingwu!

That was such an easy and brilliant way.

The woman who understood the tactic and the location of the Matrix Eye was lying just in front of him.

The method was be the easiest of all.

Without much hesitation, Fang Zhengzhi began springing into action. He leaped towards Yun Qingwu’s location.

At the same time, he let out a smile which every guy would understand. "Yun Qingwu, the sun might be up, but don’t you think I can still do something to you?"

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