
Chapter 151 Zombie Empress (82)

(Xyrean Province- Inner Region)

(Unnamed Road- Abandoned Small Town)

There was something not right about this place…

Qin Lan tightly gripped the gun in her hand as she slowed moved forward while occasionally stopping when she heard a noise.

The inside of the storage room was barely illuminated, and one could only faintly see the chunks of meat that hung on hooks.

The meat had already started to rot but strangely enough there were no flies buzzing around the carcasses.

And the temperature… why was it so low?

Qin Lan could feel her body tremble slightly and goosebumps were already appearing along her arms and legs.

Eve\'s pitch-black eyes could see perfectly fine in the dark and a frown appeared on the zombie empress\' face.

The scent… it was getting stronger.

Eve sniffed the air a few times since it was hard to distinguish the smell in a room full of rotten meat.

The zombie empress stretched out her claws and ripped apart the meat that was blocking her path forward.

Qin Lan could not see very well but she was able to vaguely make out what Eve was doing and appreciated it.

The last thing she wanted was the smell of rotten meat on her clothes.

The cold metal of the gun in her palm brought some comfort to Qin Lan as she heard a faint rustling noise.

Someone… or something was down here…

Maybe it was watching their every move. Waiting for the perfect time to strike…

Qin Lan forced herself not to flinch as a faint beam of moonlight suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the cellar.

Where did that sudden beam of light come from? Qin Lan walked towards it before stopping herself.

"Eve…" Qin Lan suddenly spoke in a serious tone.

"Yes?" Eve replied as she continued to move the hanging meat to the side.

"Do you see that light?" Qin Lan asked softly as she pointed in the direction of the light.

"What light?" Eve responded with confusion evident on her face.

Qin Lan felt shivers go down her spine as she glanced in the direction of the light only to see that it had disappeared.

"I saw a beam of moonlight but then it quickly vanished… it was over there…" Qin Lan raised her voice as she spoke.

Eve frowned and sniffed the air once more.

She didn\'t smell anything from the direction where Qin Lan had seen the mysterious light, but it didn\'t hurt to be careful.

The zombie empress trusted her favourite human, so she assumed that what Qin Lan said was the truth.

The faint rustling got even louder, and Qin Lan saw something dark and slimy moving along the ground to her right.

Bang! Bang!

Without hesitation Qin Lan pulled the trigger on her gun and fired two bullets in the direction of the mysterious thing.

Qin Lan may have been feeling slightly scared before but when it came to combat, it was as though her fears immediately faded away.

All she could think about was the enemy…

The enemy that needed to be eliminated.

A horrific screech echoed through the storage room and the building itself seemed to tremble as Qin Lan fired off another shot with a cold glint in her eyes.

She was a killer…

Eve\'s skeleton-like frame rushed over to the unknown creature, and she used her claws to rip apart its fleshy exterior.

What looked like blood splattered on the floor and the creature let out a faint groan before shuddering.

The zombie empress held up the corpse so Qin Lan could see what it was. It was not an animal like she initially assumed but rather part of a plant\'s root.

The root was thick brown tendril with a mouth somehow attached to its outer surface with razor sharp teeth.

A mutated plant? Not good… not good…

Mutated plants were incredibly rare during the end times but without exception every single one of them possessed powerful abilities.

Only humans with fire-based gifts were able to deal with them and even then, the loss of life was usually not worth it for the leaders of the bases.

Several locations became forbidden zones once it was discovered that a mutated plant was living in that area.

Eve also realised that they were dealing with a mutated plant and a rare look of seriousness flashed across her face.

Rustling could be heard coming from around the cellar and soon numerous brown tendrils emerged from the walls.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qin Lan accurately shot the approaching tendrils and then placed her gun back in her holster. She took out the knife attached to her hip and rushed forward without hesitation.

I wish I had my long sword instead…

A strange thought briefly surfaced in Qin Lan\'s mind, but she immediately tossed it to the back of her mind.

The young woman ducked and weaved through the endless barrage of tendrils while slashing out with her knife.

The technique and experience in her movements belonged to a veteran who had trained and fought for a lifetime on the battlefield.

They did not belong to an office worker whose only struggles were dealing with a ten-hour work shift on a daily basis.

​ Qin Lan\'s body had been greatly enhanced after upgrading her ability, but she still felt as though she was a bit slow.

She would perform certain moves and her body would respond a half a second slower than what she expected.

Qin Lan tilted her head to the side and narrowly avoid a tendril with a mouth that unleashed a series of horrific cries and shrieks.

Eve growled fiercely and her black claws shredded any tendril that came within reach of her body.

The zombie empress\' eyes were completely hollow, and one could see wriggling veins just beneath the surface of her skin.

Her twisted form got even more monstrous as Eve was determined to destroy everything that posed a threat to her favourite human.

The fight lasted for several long minutes until the last tendril had been cut off.

Qin Lan took in a few deep breaths in order to calm down her excited mood. She looked down at all the chopped-up pieces of roots on the floor.

What she had thought was blood was actually sap that leaked out of the tendrils that had been damaged.

The sap had a sweet-smelling aroma that covered up the rotting scent of meat that was present in the cellar.

Qin Lan turned towards Eve and saw that she was holding a tiny green plant that was wriggling uncontrollably.

"Found it…" Eve darkly growled before she closed her palm on the plant\'s stem and crushed it completely.

The plant stopped moving immediately and cracks began to form along the walls of the cellar.

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