
Chapter 225 Hmm . . . My Perfect Host


I was in Asuka Town, located in a lush forest surrounded by towering trees and sparkling streams. The town\'s buildings were made of wood and stone, crafted with exquisite detail, and decorated with intricate carvings and murals. The streets were narrow and winding, with quaint shops and cafes nestled among the buildings.

Asuka was renowned throughout the land as a center of arts, attracting artists and performers from far and wide. The town\'s main venue, the Asuka Theater, was a grand building with a soaring roof and a stage that could accommodate large productions.

The overreaching small hill was a grand building crafted with delicate detail and adorned with elaborate carvings and frescoes. It was constructed from gleaming white marble, which shimmered in the sunlight and gave the palace an ethereal quality.

I observed as I sat in the café, sipping my coffee. Behind the thick walls of the building, I felt the energy and excitement in the air. The chatter around me was all about the upcoming ball, which everyone seemed to be hyped about.

The café itself was cozy and welcoming, with warm lighting and comfortable seating. The walls were adorned with colorful paintings, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.

The creatures around were dressed in their finest attire, with women in elegant dresses and men in crisp suits. They were all abuzz with excitement, discussing the party and their plans for the evening. Some were even practicing dance steps in anticipation of the night\'s festivities.

I overheard snippets of conversation, catching glimpses of the different personalities that made up the town. There was a group of artists discussing their latest works, a pair of young lovers planning a romantic evening, and a group of musicians tuning their instruments for the ball.

I also noticed the café\'s owner, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile and a quick wit, chatting with her regular customers and welcoming newcomers. She seemed to know everyone by name and took great pride in creating a welcoming atmosphere for all who entered.

Most of the creatures present were Elves. There were halflings and dwarves, but most were Elves, white and black.

The townsfolk here sure was creative. They would be an excellent addition to my city. I needed skilled workers on my turf.

My other self\'s aim was Blue River Town, but I had other ideas. 

House Beedsby is a bannermen to house Asuka. If I could get Ravos and Serenia to shift to my side, then that meant that all the houses that were pledged to them should be mine, right?

<It depends, Host>

On what?

<On how loyal these bannermen are to their oaths>

It\'s worth the shot.

<Is Host planning to conquer Asuka Town?>

It would be much quicker if I did. I would gain allies, troops, and blueprints in one go.

<Are you planning to kill them, Host? Kekekeke. The System would very much like that. In fact, the System would make a quest of it right now!>

No need.

They\'re more useful to me, alive than dead.

<What\'s Host going to do?>

You\'ll see.

For now, I have to find someone to kill and borrow his face to enter the mansion while everyone is partying.

Come to think of it . . . Jin should be arriving in the Free City by now. I thought when a [Ding] rang in my ears, and gold started pouring into my coffer.

The Lamps and chandeliers\' popularity couldn\'t be stopped. It quickly became a sensation. Everyone was fascinated by the soft, warm light that emanated from the Lamp and the fact that it required no magic or fire to light.

Soon, the lamps were in high demand, and people from all over the region began to flock to the merchant store to purchase them. Word of the news spread quickly, and soon I was receiving orders from the Merchant Guilds in hundreds of thousands of numbers.

As the popularity of the lamps grew, so did my wealth.

However, not everyone was pleased with these things.

I overheard a group talking in hushed tones about the lamps.

"Where do you suppose they came from?"

"The Merchant Guild wouldn\'t say."

"Those are Glowing Stones, right? No one could mine them. You need at least [Gold Tools] to extract them."

"No one ever crafted [Golden Tools]. Much less [Platinum Tools].

Without a doubt, if they knew that the stones came from my lands, I would find myself surrounded by enemies every day.

<No doubt>

But sooner or later, they would find out.

No secret was safe . . . so I had to fortify my territory and gain military forces as soon as possible.

The money I had given Jin for transport and travel expenses should be gone by now.

And right on cue, there was a message from him about landing in the Free City. He didn\'t beat around the bush and ask for money. Instead of giving him, I gave him access to the treasury, so he could get whatever he needed for him to do his job. 

This spying and war business required a lot of gil. I thought.

<Host would get them back in no time once you set up your city>

I hope so.

As soon as the Lamp\'s popularity ended, I needed to have my other source of income established.

We should get the port done so we could begin trade and start salt production and fishing business. The farmland also needed some workforce to really start operating.

For now, the sea and agriculture were what I had in mind for the majority of my source of income and get that money rolling.

I stepped out of the café and wandered around the town while waiting for the evening. I was greeted by a vibrant and lively scene. Different creatures of all shapes and sizes were selling all sorts of wares and goods, ranging from handmade crafts to exotic foods.

The streets were alive with music, as bands and musicians played on street corners, attracting crowds of onlookers who swayed and danced to the beat. I heard the sweet sounds of flutes and harps, the rhythmic beat of drums, and the enchanting melodies of singers and choirs.

I also saw many artists displaying their works on the streets, with colorful paintings, sculptures, and crafts that caught the eye and sparked the imagination. Some artists were even doing live performances, painting, and creating works of art right there on the streets.

Walking through the crowds, I was met with a sea of colorful and diverse creatures, each with their own unique style and personality. I saw elves and drow, humans and dwarves, and even some fantastical creatures that I couldn\'t quite place.

The air was filled with the aroma of different foods; vendors sold exotic and delicious dishes from all over the world. I saw stalls selling spicy curries, savory stews, sweet pastries, and refreshing drinks, each with its own unique flavor and aroma.

"This town sure is vibrant," I uttered.

<Behind the happy atmosphere lies unimaginable horrors. Kekeke. These poor things don\'t even know that their life energy is drained through these parties>

"We\'re over!"

A loud thin voice shifted my attention to a group of teenage elves not far from where I was, and based on their talk . . . I think I found my perfect Host.

As I observed the scene, it looked like the female elf, a gorgeous lady with blonde curls and emerald eyes, was breaking up with that wimpy elf. Short in height, square in the face, and weak in presence.

She was holding hands with another elven man. Tall, white, and handsome – and that was all I needed as clues to know what had happened. 

"Stop deluding yourself, Timothy. I only used you because you\'re rich. Nothing more. Stop bothering me from now on."

"W-wait . . . Yna! W-what about the ball tonight?!" Timothy went after the woman but tripped in his haste, and his face hugged the floor.

It was like watching a movie. I thought.

"I\'m going with Rael! Stop following me if you don\'t want to get hurt!"

"Y-Yna . . ." Timothy\'s snot ran to his nose. His chin crumpled like he was about to cry.

How pathetic.

"Hey, Kid," I called and squatted in front of him. "Do you want to get that lady back?"

Timothy wiped his eyes and looked at me suspiciously. "W-who are you?"

"My name\'s Cross. And I\'m here to help you."

"M-my name is Timothy . . . but . . . why do you want to help me?"

I grinned. "Let\'s just say that I want something from you after you get what you want."

"If you can get Yna back to me, I\'ll pay you whatever you want."

Ahh . . . the naivety of youth. That\'s why I like them the most. "We have a deal, then."

I stood and lent a hand to Timothy, pushing him up to his feet. "Now . . . let\'s go and get your girl."

"H-how are we going to do that?" Timothy asked, sniffing his snot back to his nose.

I pulled my hand and took a step back from him, lips curling in disgust. "Are you a noble?"

Timothy nodded. "Y-yes. Why?"

"Then act like it."

"W-what do you mean?" Timothy pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose onto it. Thick fluid slipped from his hanky, spraying snot all over the air.

I quickly took a step back. "Never mind." I gave up and pulled Timothy to a secluded area.

Let\'s just get this done and over with.

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