
Chapter 229 - Red Rider 2

Red rider 2

Eleventh quest

The red rider was already keeping eyes. Fake rider came to inform. Red rider did not think twice and ordered to first kill the newer riders.

Their presence in the team could disclose the scheming of the real red rider. Once the town people came to know that everyone in the twelve teams worked under the orders of the red rider then they would stop the harmless competition.

This competition was a way to keep the town people thinking about the red rider and how to capture while on the other hand red rider would be able to kill the enemies and flee..

He did not want any random competitor to ruin his plan. The man got the orders and went back to join others. There was middle path that he could take and reach other teams.

They were riding horses in the teams of four riders in each team. All of them were same. There were several paths after they crossed first water well. They divided in six sets of teams and rode the six paths.

After the orders of the boss they were going to kill the newer riders. They thought to capture the new riders first by creating some trap. Every team thought their separate methods for the new riders.

Now they were waiting how the riders would enter at the paths. The first attention was clear they wanted to know if the riders were after the secret of the real red rider. In case they were after this secret then no one would be able to find their dead bodies.

Junan and others got slower. They were not sure about the quest type and what kind of aspect of the quest they should not skip. The realistic quests have this crucial point. The teams should not neglect it. This was the hidden formula for the completion of the quest that third team was able to decode during first two levels.

"According to the announcement we are riders now however from the way other competitors behaved they seemed to be our enemies or perhaps we offended them." Albert spoke.

He did not remember if ever he did horse riding in any game. It was first ever experience and he was out of words to explain it. The experience was not bad at all.

"If the riders are enemies then I am sure they are planning something. Did you notice the way last three teams left." Clark added. The last three teams circled around team members and then left in hurry. Their intentions were unclear.

"Perhaps they wanted to threaten us. I do think they must be waiting at some place to battle." Orin commented. They sensed the actions of the riders. It was not much difficult to tell what they were doing.

"We know that this is quest area however we need to know our destiny." Junan listened others. He was trying to understand the riders and their actions.

"I will ask the book of detection." Orin clicked at the consumption option and the book of detection deducted the required amount of exp. It opened and read the first page.

"Beware of fakers. The red rider is not the red rider." The first page turned and the second page opened. "The merchant should not die. Another innocent death could deduct the quest perks of the team members." Two pages ended and the book of detection closed.

Team members turned silent. The book of detection talked about single rider who was also fake yet here they were competing with the twelve teams of the red riders.

It was most strange thing that they ever went through. "The red rider is fake however book of detection mentioned him it means he is important part of the quest. Who is the merchant? Who wanted to kill him and why? Are they really going to take the level perks?" Junan blurted.

Until now they were very confident but this new addition of the developer designed restriction brought threat again. Since when did they last face such type of threat.

The developers were bent on to bring newer laws in the portal game. It was third level and the developers introduced deduction of the perks, one could only think about the future threats during the quests.

"It seemed we can skip the competition however the merchant should not die. Instead of going behind the riders we should search the merchant." Albert added his suggestion seeing team head worried.

When it was concerned matter the team head could not release the pressure from his nerves. He was leading the team so he was responsible for most things.

Others agreed this suggestion Junan also nodded. "We are not obliged to follow behind the riders instead look for the merchant. This seemed a big town with fields at the north and city at the opposite side. If he is merchant then he might live in the big house in the city." Sashi spoke.

She was quite curious about the type of quest and wanted to solve the mystery behind it.

The team head was about to order to move toward the city when Jake interrupted. "From the looks the horse race area and the spectators are from the city. This means the merchant might be among the spectators. It is possible that we could search him in the spectators before someone could reach him and kill." Jake added his suggestion.

The task panel gave him clue about the possible threat if they followed behind the riders.

The re riders created several traps and fences to kill the new riders. They could not show leniency when it was the order of the real red rider.

From the clue Jake concluded that they could move toward the audience area however not in the present appearance.

"You are absolutely right. The teams of red riders would reach the race area however I am sure they would try to kill the merchant before leaving. It is decided then. We will enter in the race area but from different path." Junan finally concluded.

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